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Everything posted by Prican25

  1. nice thx for the support :$$$:
  2. its basicly adding the bosses along with other gfx hacks like blue flames and such
  3. whoa thx i got most but couldn't see anything below svc
  4. can't post those through the forum since they're bigger then 300k but i'll be on aim/msn if you want them
  5. just choose the debug bios alone (no mvs/aes option) and it works just like it did with mame bios
  6. that prob is already fixed if you got the latest bios X2 4981 jejej check the link on the pinned topic for gh0st's fbax b4 compile
  7. ok, I'm making a post of the emu + banned roms to the following newgroups: alt.binaries.cd.image.xbox alt.binaries.emulators.neogeo alt.binaries.emulators.misc enjoy btw for anyone just wanting the emu, check out the pinned topic: get kawa-hex and fbax b4 here
  8. sorry its cuz i'm running the pics with my ftp but that doesn't seem to work too well hehe
  9. thats answered in the FAQ made
  10. thought I'd change the topic name to be more catchy
  11. big thx to Vagabond you can get N3OGH0ST's compile of fbax here, enjoy
  12. oh man, this is gonna be fun rom sets are sets of roms which now goes to the next part of your question; a rom is an image taken from the the cart/board itself. where to get roms well theres plenty of place by doing a simple search (google anyone ) but the best place i found great set of roms is retroroms site which is you must register in order to access the bulk rom download section as for banned roms thats a lil more harder but filemirrors.com helps a lot
  13. ok i got the mozilla and it does allow me to scroll the site but none of the game links work just like it was with netscape any settings i should tweak around?
  14. hmm well I have it running in winkawaks dev and ammo is not at 999 nor is the bombs at 999 so i think you got something else mixed up with plus.
  15. ok theres a new post about kof2k3 by another dumbass but we know him here as well by almost the same name Sammaz. now if i had the power i would just ban him from here, but the truth of the matter is that he hasn't done anything wrong here yet so it won't happen. everyone plz read and remember this: if you like it, enjoy it but if others don't like what you're doing then STFU and keep it to yourself! thx for understanding
  16. you should read the fbax topic as it clearly says you may need to hex the crc for other roms. instructions on how to do it are there, topic closed
  17. hmm it might be a bad gnd (ground) cuz the mod is meant to be stuck on the side where the dvd-rom is at. also check the connector where you attach the wire harness
  18. the latest mame supports it but again too big to run on xbox
  19. kawa-x does support them so long you had the nd set with the original set. EG: mslug3.zip and mslug3nd.zip another method for kawa-x was to make a fully decrypted set but you can't use it with fbax. hopefully there will be a way to use fully decrypted sets cuz its less space to use and less time loading for fbax. topic name changed and pinned
  20. well I've been told by a good friend that mslug 5 plus is out. I still can't find any info on what was added but the rom is working on winkawaks 1.48 dev and mame. try it on an older kawaks or fba gives you blocks just like when mslug5 first came out which means we got another p1 protected but it could be p2 and/or p3
  21. he can use help in any section of the forum, its his forum after all
  22. i suggest you get romcenter and get the dat for mame you're using
  23. f@bio i already sent it to you at that email, sammaz sent
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