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Everything posted by Prican25

  1. depending on what you use it may show up in many parts. i use grab it from www.shemes.com which is the easiest newsgroup app for leeching but you can only post text files with it. i uses xnews for posting
  2. sounds like the D0 point but not really sure. from your description it sounds like you got an x2 mod
  3. ok to all that sent me a pm with their emails, its been sent also the emu is being posted on the follwing newsgroups: alt.binaries.emulators.neogeo alt.binaries.emulators.misc alt.binaries.cd.image.xbox
  4. the emu i sent out already has all but the sengoku3 png but theres a few other fbax roms that don't have pic excluding the neogeo (that deserves a pic to me)
  5. minor note, for sengoku3 you need to use the unibios cuz with normal you'll get the snk screen of death
  6. i just made a topic on x-s about this whole bs, any willing to give any good points about this are more then welcome to answer
  7. to hex fbax is easy really, just find by the name of the rom :eg 268-m1 and then near it you should see the crc in reverse (1234 5678 = 7856 3412), change that to 0000 0000 and the rom will then boot up so long its the right size. if not the right size you can easily change it in the same manner
  8. i argee, some ass posted about a google search of kawa-hex and now the mod there knows i'm sending it out. i don't care what he thinks cuz its gonna happen one way or another.
  9. ok for those of you that want fbax with all current games running, aim/msn me if you want it now. you can pm me with your email and i'll send it out later tonight. right now i'm changing the crcs to my banned/hacked roms so i can make a nice post for ppl at newsgroup ;P
  10. not all games are there heres what it does have extra The King of Fighters 2003 bootleg (don't working) Snk Vs Capcom Plus Snk Vs Capcom Chaos King of Fighter 2001 Power insctinct matrimelee Metal Slug 5 The King of Fighters 2002
  11. well i found rom one of my old mame cds so if you want it, pm
  12. only need to rename it and make sure you use the right type of dash/underscore eg: svc_p1, svc-m1 also for mslug5, you need to use the kawaks p1 which i see you have
  13. whoa, i wake up and kof2k3 is working nice job but does this default add all the other banned/hacked games? Edit: i too did noticed the white bar when playing the game, so i'm wondering where can i get the s1 mentioned in the readme? also it does support the other games but i think it doesn't match the same rom names we got for kawa-hex eg: some svc roms are listed as 269-xx.rom and so on
  14. hmm odd i can't, all i see is report and qoute, the only time i get edit or even delete is when i make a post. anyway, have any other ideas about this site?
  15. topic moved to nextgen you need kawa-hex to play those. you can grab it from the pinned topic called get kawa-hex here
  16. well i thought i'd try netscape and see if it can give me a scroll bar and it did but none of the game links worked btw, why doesn't this part of the forum have an edit option?
  17. there was a topic already about this, zinc emu which plays those games isn't open source so the gotta wait till it is.
  18. god knows but dammit i want what the rest of this has to offer most i can get to is samsho 4
  19. hmm i still the same old info that was there before
  20. nope, the only way i can the the whole site is if i open it in word but the link buttons won't work
  21. ok i bumped into this site which has hacks for neogeo games but the damn page doesn't have a scroll bar and i can't see the whole site even with the last option my vid card gives to display at i'm using internet explorer 6 so if anyone can help plz post, thx heres the site http://www.emucn.net/host/diablo_hu/down/hack_rom/neo/
  22. try xbox-scene.com or google it
  23. no, kawa-x is old stuff and kawaks doesn't emulate any zinc type games tho i have wondered about sf: the movie since when i looked it up its a cps2 game but not 100% on that
  24. i only didn't mention him cuz i didn't want ppl to bug him while hes working on it eg: requesting for the emu and constant im's of "is it working yet?" i normally get the daily "is the p1 out yet" by many ppl and it annoys me (except for n3ogh0st) at times so didn't want him to end up in the same manner.
  25. nice i hope that helps the mod out
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