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Everything posted by Prican25

  1. Tekken Tag Tournament on PS2 is better then the arcade version ( as is Soul Caliber for DC better then the arcade) but my sure its for a collector to have
  2. gunstar heroes for genesis, great contra-like game
  3. yeah but not 733, 740mhz
  4. its not great on some xbox games from what i read but on emus it should be fine.
  5. i second that
  6. yes i had hexed the rom region to 16mb which is 0004 and chaging each c rom from 4mb to 8mb which 8000 but when i tried the rom it freeze dead on c1 kinda wish one of the pros release a hexing kawa-x for dummys guide those that like to learn how to do it. i've learned a lot from N3OGH0ST and Mr. X but this c rom thing is just bugging me hehe
  7. 98-2002 are encrypted set, you need to get decrypted sets. as for kof95, you got a bad set i guess cuz it works fine in mine use romcenter to help you make them full sets and to check your roms
  8. 128MB is the limit
  9. well basically, the guy killed one of the svc's for kof2003 so thats all you need to if you want to try it for ppl using kawa-hex. question for Mr. X or N3OGH0ST: if you could use samsho5 with all the fixes inculding merging the v roms, you should be able to use a smaller rom and hex it to big and save garoup for kof2003 right? i'm planning on testing it on art of fighting 2 since it has all the roms but one extra v which can be hexed out update: seems that you can only use certain roms just not any but i'm not getting any luck with roms that have 8 c roms that aren't 8mb
  10. ok i noticed that rotd loads slow with ragnagrd then with s1945pn that mr x uses on kawa-x but it does play well xboxcavalier check the bios with romcenter
  11. bah, he changed the crc's of ragnagrd. btw, 128k m1 has been used before so it works fine and its working on this kawa-xxx
  12. normal neogeo bios that kawaks uses, use romcenter on you neogeo.zip also it turns out this guys rotd uses a 128k m1 so beware of different sizes compared to kawa-hex style roms
  13. hmm intresting the info has all games there (2 svc's isn't really needed) and even the rotd listed there has the s1. i'm gonna test this update: he used ragnagrd which is Operation Ragnagard for rotd so its not using all games but a nice alternative to the kawa-hex deafault 2
  14. it should work fine on mame so long you got the extra 64MB in your xbox. as for kawa-x you need to wait for the proper p1 quick question, what rom did you use for kof2k3 on kawa-x?
  15. i think hes mixing the news up. sammy and capcom are making a versus game (gg vs capcom) on sammy's board sammy and snk/playmore as you know are making the next kof on sammy's board snk/playmore is working on a 3D kof for ps2 that should be out by winter (jpn version)
  16. no, cps3 hasn't been cracked yet
  17. Mr. X if you got a dreamcast you can find the cd floating around irc
  18. undermind him, hes know for doing things like this thats why i deleted his other posts of the same
  19. ok its already known that some dvd-roms can read cdrs. samsung dvd-roms are best known to read just about anything. phillips can read certain types of cdrs and thomson can't read cdrs but it can read any cheap dvdr you can throw at it (till it dies out like mine did). also for those who have dead xbox dvd-roms, you can always use a pc dvd-rom but you can't play retail games with it unless its a samsung 616t with the bios updated.
  20. one mayor note tho: There were some changes to memory handling in the MAME core in the last couple of releases, it's very possible more memory is required to run specific games now that sucks, i'm sticking with 72 till the vmm is added and why 72? cuz its the best version to run the mk games
  21. just like mame, it only works on the winkawaks 1.48 dev kawa-x is a port of 1.45. so if it doesn't work on 1.45/46, it won't work on kawa-x.
  22. its the same bug in the pc emus as well, it will be fixed in the next released.
  23. dunno about you but i see slowdown even in pac-man games (play pac-man jr and you'll definitely see it) small price but when vmm is added it won't be a prob
  24. man you can't just add a line to the rom was made for. trust me its been tried and it doesn't work. plain and simple, its not gonna happen unless theres a source to kawa-x which we all know won't happen cuz mr k won't release it. just use kawa-hex and be happy that you can play the games at least. just to let you know, theres no way in hell that with 1 xbe you're gonna be able to add kof2k3 when the p1 is out (if it ever comes out) as well, the game is big as kof2k2 (cut the m1 to 128k) and no other roms can replace it thats an alternate or different set.
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