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Everything posted by Prican25

  1. well with mame it depends on you pc specs cuz its known to use up some resources where winkawks doesn't use as much resources
  2. maybe you missed the point i said in the first page; its getting harder to add more games in kawa-x as they need to replace others. thats why kawa-hex has 2 xbes so that all games can be play (well the 2 prototypes are gone for mslug5 and cthd2k3 but you got the complete versions of both working). though i would like to see if the games can be put in name order cuz i find too odd just scroll down to the kofs just to play cthd2k3
  3. first offf, you do know that mame on xbox doesn't have vmm right? without that you can run most of the roms that are big or even small yet big for memory use (sf1 for example) unless you got the extra 64mb in your xbox personaly i would wait it out since the mame ox maker just annouced that he'll start new updates as of april
  4. for ps2 i highly doubt it till the hdd comes out since ps2 is low on memory and no kof2k3 for neoragex yet
  5. thrill kill was fun to me, the wu-tang game based off it was much worse then that
  6. well plain and simple, the rom mr x and ciccor used doesn't use an s1. i'm using the same zip that i had with kawa-x se which had the s1 rom already in it in kawa-hex and it shows the health bar perfectly; with kawa-x se or ciccors it gives me the health bar prob. now mind you there was 2 kawa-x se's and the first one (it used 2 p roms) used the s1. also kawa-x plus did as well
  7. if you read about the fixes done to the game, then you shuld that it only works on that emu and not others. (just like the mame version) kawa-x is a ported version of winkawaks 1.45. so if it doesn't work on winkawaks 1.45/46 with a loader, it won't work on kawa-x
  8. ciccor's used the same rom for rotd that mr. x did in kawa-x se which doesn't use an s1 rom so it can't just simply be added. like it or not, kawa-hex is what to use if you want everything perfect untill fbax is released with all the roms working (btw fba site just announced more added support for old shooters )
  9. p1 rom is still needed plz stick to the topic. for any pc emus try checking the current affairs and the arcade section
  10. xbox is an xbox unless you get friendtech's updated xbox
  11. new link for kawa-hex, old one still works but if you get the error page use this one big thx to Hypnotica who just joined
  12. yes it will, i've been testing it with svc, mslug5, etc. for a while now, works fine but you may need to hex the crc if your roms don't match what it lists (same way as kawa-x for those that know how). just to let you know, some games you will need the original encrypted roms since fbax doesn't use the decrypted sets we use on kawa-x and kof95 for kawa-x is different for fbax.
  13. ok why add mk trilogy when the best mk is mk2
  14. its an encrypted game. if you got both roms (bangbead and bngbeadn), make it into 1 complete decrypted set and keep the decrypted name (bngbeadn).
  15. yeah its ciccor's but someone renamed it to kawa-next. i'm sorry to say but it can't be fixed unless another rom takes its place as it is with the other banned games. kawa-hex allows all games to play perfectly using 2 xbes: kawa-x v11 for a normal games and 2 banned/hacked games (mslug5 and cthd2k3) that replace the 2 prototype games (garoup and kof99p) kawa-hex for the rest of the banned games (svc's, rotd, pim, ssv, mslug4, and kof2k2) the main reason for 2 is because one rom must replace for another and most of these games are big so its getting even harder to add more to kawa-x on a brighter side (depending if it stays open source), fbax can be made for all to be in one. one of our mods here is getting ready to make one when kof2k3 p1 rom is released for all to enjoy
  16. snes dbz games were ok to me but the dragon ball gt for ps1 was total crap, nice intro but crap (some how this game get bids of $300+ in ebay)
  17. there is a screen adjust in the pause menu
  18. no no, you got my words twisted. i said the ultimate mk3 is the best version of mk3, mk2 was the best one out you can also add the sequel to rise of the robots to the list as crap i also didn't like fighting vipers and the god awful virtual fighter kids
  19. i personaly hated art of fighting 1 for neogeo. i agree with shaq-fu and double dragon 5 as being crap ultimate mk3 was the best version of mk3 which i liked for a few minutes (still own the saturn version) ki 2 is a crappy fighter to me but the one that i'll never forget is sf: the movie for all versions
  20. someone else i bumped into had a simaler prob and then he moved his kawa-x folder from e: to f: and the roms that didn't workwhile in e: worked fine in f: its weird but worth a try
  21. well i'm running both games no prob using kawa-hex. i did noticed that both of your roms crc was different then mines. feel free to go to pinned topic site where kawa-hex is at to get the rom shots to compare sizes and such
  22. umm this is old news, the guy that was suppose work on this is no where to be found nor is there any proof that he really was working on it. just keep watching current affairs and the pinned topic
  23. actually fox is lookin into the series again due to the high sales of the dvd sets and the number of ppl watching it on cartoon network so keep your fingers crossed also the maker of the series mentioned he might be making a movie!
  24. that happens a lot in neogeo games, look at king
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