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Everything posted by Prican25

  1. heh i asked that in another forum, no responce yet
  2. zinc isn't open source yet so nope
  3. kawa-x like kawaks plays only zipped games. if you need more help about kawa-x, go here
  4. also don't mention anything about any hexed version of kawa-x, you will be banned for it so keep that talk here
  5. yeah i familar with ciccors but this guy is claiming its totally different from kawa-x se, even said that kawa-x se didn't allow all games (except kof2k3 of course) also not too long ago, so group called masters made a release with kawa-x plus renamed to something and roms and not giving any credit to N3OGH0ST EDIT: it turns out it is ciccors version the guy is claiming it as kawa-next
  6. due to some guy being dumb or something, I'm gonna do a post on newsgroups of Kawa-HeX + Banned/Hacked roms some guy around newsgroup is claiming kawa-x se for himself by calling it Kawa-Next. how i know this is easy; someone kept asking for a rotd with the heatlh bar not screwed up for kawa-next on newsgroups. everyone by now knows that it was Kawa-x SE that had the prob with the health bars i'm posting in the following groups: alt.binaries.cd.image.xbox alt.binaries.emulators.misc alt.binaries.emulators.neogeo also all my roms are updated with the latest fixes except for samsho5's v roms being merged (i did that for personal use really so i can get the hang of hexing) so enjoy the post
  7. ok it sounds like you got bad dumps of both roms or possibly just one of them. i suggest you try decrypting the original rom and make a fully decrypted set. see the pinned topic about that.
  8. head on over to www.xbox-scene.com plenty of n00b advise if thats what you're lookin for
  9. yes its just that since kawa-x was released, p3 wasn't needed i tried the same one on both winkawaks (pc) and fbax (xbox) and it works fine. weird thing but oh well
  10. Ok, i was in the mood for some classic fighting games since i'm on my ass for this whole week due to some knee surgery, well when i tried to play fatal fury special it asked for a p3 rom well i've done some searching and none of the sets i found has the p3 for it i also tried to just hexed out the p3 and just keep the p1 and p2 (thx to N3OGH0ST for the help) and loads but to a scrambled screen that locks up the box so I'm asking if anyone has the set witn the p3 that they can plz email me the p3 rom from that set just to note, i tried the same romset in fbax and even winkawaks and it works no prob 058-P3.BIN 512K CRC:9F0C1E1A
  11. man, Read the nfo, it explians it all there, topic closed
  12. kawa-x and igr never gave me a prob since my x2 bios has igr built in (Start+Back or Black+L+R). i suggest if you are using evox igr that you turn them off and use the bios's igr (x2 bios of course)
  13. the dev version has all the games tho
  14. yeah, normal version supports the mame rule on new games
  15. fba uses the same type of drivers as kawaks last i checked and got the same error winkawaks 1.48 offically out http://cps2shock.retrogames.com/
  16. janet's boob
  17. i didn't like it much either but at least its better then 2k2 tho for some reason it seems very short but i guess thats a growing trend (mslug5)
  18. he posted the same stuff in a different toipc which is now moved to the neogeo section
  19. not a fix but a work in progress
  20. you might want to take the hint that you got 72 yet the files you got are meant for 79. mameox 76 is the last one and that won't help you
  21. i deleted the post with the mame driver cuz this topic is for kawa-x so lets be on topic for now on game info is fine to post tho
  22. I did on Kawa-HeX which is what everyone should be using by now
  23. just a small update on my site, kawa-hex xbe now has kouryu instead of sf2yyc. go to the site to find out how its done using both kouryu.zip and sf2ce.zip
  24. what would be the point of releasing a p1 that doesn't allow to even beat the game? i could understand if it was released for beta testing but theres no point in that now that its damn near complete, just wait for the proper p1
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