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  1. thank you so much guys! goodnight I ll try this tomorow. bye!
  2. ok, thank you for your answers. but I don't know where the "Windows Media Encoder" is. can you help me or says me if I need to install something? thank you
  3. HI, I have a little problem to convert avi to wmv files with "AVI to WMV Converter (TG-16)" it doesn't work! I have open the batch file called "WMVXMV.bat" to see how it is work. I saw this : "@REM wmedir = The directory Windows Media Encoder is installed (omit the trailing "\") @REM idir = The directory containing the input avi files @REM odir = The directory the resulting output files will be copied to set wmedir=C:\Program Files\Windows Media Components set idir=C:\WME\Raw set odir=C:\WME\Converted for /f "tokens=*" %%a IN ('dir /b "%idir%\*.avi"') do cscript.exe "%wmedir%\Encoder\wmcmd.vbs" -input "%idir%\%%a" -output "%odir%\%%~na.wmv" -loadprofile "C:\WME\App\WMVXMV.prx" but I don't have in my "program files" the directory "Windows Media Components" is this the problem? thank you for your answers
  4. thank a lot and sorry but I haven't see this yet on the board. thank you bye mikty
  5. Hi and sorry to insist but I just would like to know if it's possible to change the path of the roms? or create a "ini" file because their isn't one to configure. no file "ini" in the folder "ini" My roms are on the partition F and I can't access to them in the options. thank you for this great work !
  6. Hi and thank you for this great work ! I just would like to know if it's possible to change the path of the roms? or create a ini file because their isn't one to configure. My roms are on the partition F and I can't access to them in the options. thank you
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