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Everything posted by antaresprime

  1. Does Winkawaks 1.56 have something similar to ASR.DAT by default like the Kwawaks loader? I wish to know whether I can edit the kawaks equivalent of ASR.DAT to make it recognize my version of the SS5 rom.
  2. No, I haven't tried the dip switches with the universe BIOS. I have version 2.2 (if that actually means something) of the BIOS, but I don't know how to get kawaks 1.55 to use it instead of neogeo.zip.
  3. I am trying to get the debug object (the character in the middle) to appear in Samurai Showdown 4 and 5 Special for sprite-ripping using the 1-1 dip switch, but that never works properly. In Samurai Showdown 4, dip swtiches (when enabled) always turn the characters red (their skin at least). In fact, none of the dip switches seem to work the way they are supposed to. Has anyone else got the same problems?
  4. Thanks CrashDown Champion! It seems that I had a working rom from the beginning. I just didn't have the correct DAT file for the loader to recognize it.
  5. I wish to post some of the problems that I am having with kawaks and Samurai Showdown 5 special, but I am having trouble generating the necessary images (screenshots of the zip archive) and the DAT files that are needed to diagnose my problems. First off, how do I actually post an image that originates from my hard drive? I tried using the IMG tag, but that gave me an error. Second, how do I generate a DAT file of my SS5 rom using RomCenter? What are DAT files anyway? And is there a difference between the a DAT file such as "asr.dat" for the loader and a DAT file that is specific to one rom?
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