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Everything posted by someboddy

  1. Just finished New Vegas. Man, what a game...
  2. Just finished Just Cause 2(the story, that is. Don't have time to get 100% - too much other games to play).
  3. Typo LOL... could be a cool game though...
  4. LG R590 U38, with Intel Core i5 CPU, 4GB RAM, and GeForce GT 355M. Oh, and it has a 15.6 widescreen. I'm gonna use it to play Fameville!
  5. Gamecop doesn't join Facebook. Facebook joins 1Emulation!
  6. While I usually approve hijacking threads with Dudu Zar, this thread is dedicated to hot chicks, and therefore should be off limit. If you want, you can start a new Dudu Zar thread, or hijack on of Fatal Rose's threads, but this is the hot chicks thread and the hot chicks thread it shall remain!
  7. Now, if this was a fan-made joke, it was awesome... like Street Fighter Legacy...
  8. Unrelated story? Ruined character backgrounds? Any resemblance to the actual franchise is purely coincidental? Yup, sounds legit to me. And no, I'm not sarcastic - sadly that's the way video games based movies are made nowdays...
  9. OK, then Avast it is! thanks!
  10. I got A free one year Kaspersky license from my ISP, and it's about to expire. Since my ass is not tight enough to actually pay for an anti virus, I was wondering what free software you guys recommend? I used Avast before I got my free Kaspersky, but I know the AV market is very fluid so something that was good a year ago isn't necessarily good now...
  11. You, sir, are a douche. Keep up the good work!
  12. So... you have time-control powers... that let you control bullets and use telekinesis?
  13. I just watched Clash of the Titans yesterday, and it was a fun movie, but I got disappointed by the fact it did not contain a single titan!
  15. The first thing you should do is switch the brand of condoms you use.
  16. You think 1Pornonation was the worst?! I think it was the best! I mean, there was that guy who used the forums for a school presentation about his emulator, so he presented a "porn" site at his school... how can you top that?
  17. Dammit... download servers are down. Well, I can't really say that was unexpected...
  18. http://www.taleworlds.com/main.aspx
  19. Mount and Blade: Warband! Too bad It's gonna take me two weeks getting my international credit card(Well, it kind of my fault for ordering the wrong one in the first place...), so I can only play the trial until then... Oh well, at least I get an excuse to start 500+ characters!
  20. That smile creeps me out... and I'm known as The King of Creepy Face Expressions...
  21. Do you at least have someone to stay with?
  22. I feel your pain, man...
  23. Usually the problem is that you think about doing things instead of just going ahead and doing them. When you spend your time thinking instead of doing, not only you waste time - you also find many problems and use them as excuses not to do the thing you want, or delay it. Most of those problems are pretty easy to solve by crossing the bridge when you reach it - which you won't unless you stop thinking and start doing. Now, I don't say you shouldn't plan - doing stuff without planning is not always wise - but you should limit your planning to the preparations, not to the actual acts. Remember - instead of thinking about what you want to do - just do it. If that advice sounds stupid and cliche - that's because you are thinking about it, instead of doing it!
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