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Guide for all emulators for the PS2
theend757 replied to theend757's topic in PS2 Emulators [/pc/ps2]
just did some change to my webpage it back now -
Guide for all emulators for the PS2
theend757 replied to theend757's topic in PS2 Emulators [/pc/ps2]
I added more picture guides in my webpage Snes,Pgen, Neocd and Imbnes are up and running. the link is in the first thread -
Guide for all emulators for the PS2
theend757 replied to theend757's topic in PS2 Emulators [/pc/ps2]
Thanks GameCop -
Here the guides for Snes, Pgen, Neocd, Imbnes, Ps2mame,Jum's A5200, Psms,PS2-DC64, and Dreamspec. Added NeoPop/ps2 Aren't emulators ilegal?No, emulators are 100% legal so I added the link to each emulators Are roms ilegal?Yes roms are ilegal because they are copyrighted so don't request roms *Here my page if you need to see pictures of it Snes,Pgen, Neocd and Imbnes are up there some fixing I need to do http://www.jreyes.us/Guide.html Snes you can burn it to a cd-r or a dvd-+r Here the list you need to have: *Nero burning rom software *the emulator call snes v2.3(http://snes-station.gamebase.ca/ ) *Make a folder call roms and place all your snes roms into that folder and put them in A-Z click left mouse to arrange icons by name. Open the nero burning rom software and setup the setting like this on the left side choose. *CD-Rom(UDF/ISO)or DVD-Rom(UDF/ISO) *Multisession-No multiession *ISO File name length:Max of 31 chars(ISO level 2) Formant:Mode 2/XA for CD and for DVD is Mode 1 Character set: ISO9660 (standing ISO Cd-rom) *Burn make the speed at least 2x or 4x the most when your done click New ok it time to drag the files you need here the list you should have on the left side *Roms (the folder you made to place the roms in) *Install *System *Snes_Emu.elf Once you place them just burn it and use the swap magic cd ver., if you burn it on a dvd use swap magic dvd ver. or a modchip to boot Pgen v1.2 you can burn it to a cd-r or a dvd-+r Here the list you need to have: *nero burning rom *the emulator call PGEN v1.2(http://pgen.gamebase.ca/) *make a folder call roms and place your sega genesis in. second open up nero burning rom and setup the setting like this *CD-Rom(UDF/ISO) or DVD-Rom(UDF/ISO) *Multisession-No multiession *ISO File name length:Max of 31 chars(ISO level 2) Formant:Mode 2/XA for CD and for DVD is Mode 1 Character set: ISO9660 (standing ISO Cd-rom) *Burn make the speed at least 2x or 4x the most when your done click New ok it time to drag the files you need here the list you should have on the left side *Roms (the folder you made to place the roms in) *PGEN_12.elf *System Once you place them just burn it and use the swap magic cd ver., if you burn it on a dvd use swap magic dvd ver. or a modchip to boot Neocd/PS2 ver. 0.6c Here the list you need to have: *Nero burning rom *emulator call NeoCD/PS2 0.6c (http://ps2emu.dcemu.co.uk/neogeocdps2.shtml) *neocd.bin(this one your going to have to find it on your own it about 512kb good luck) this how to make a disc of it *So what you want to do is create a folder called "CD." (don't put nothing on that folder) *Now to the burning. Open Nero and select FILE -> NEW. You want Cd-Rom (Iso) and no Multisession. *On this ISO tab you want: File name: Max 31 charc Format: Mode 2 Character set:iso 9660 *Skip the Label and Dates tabs an go to MISC tab and make sure it looks like the following. cache files from disk and network (yes) cache files smaller than 64kb (yes) *burn write the speed in 4x and click new now drag the followers files *cd(the folder you made) *dummy file *install.pbt *instlist.pbt *neocd.bin(don't forget about this one you need it) *neocd.elf *remove.pbt *run.pbt *system once you have them all burn it and use the swap magic cd ver. Or a modchip to boot If you have neogeocd roms good you know you see a bunch of tracks but the one you should look at is the tracks one and it a ISO ok. open up nero buning rom and close the New Compilation *on top pick Recordes and choose Burn Image *look for the rom you want to burn and choose Trackone with an ISO file and just burn it and that's it for neogeo cd Imbnes v.1.3.2 Here the list you need to have: *Nero burning software *emulator call imbnes v.1.3.2(http://imbnes.gamebase.ca/ ) *rombank v1.6.2(the same site as imbnes v.1.3.2) For PS2 you need a modchip(check to see if your modchip can automatically detect psone format) or bootcd that allows playing PSX cds, one that just runs PS2 games won't work. Then you need to burn it using some method as the ones that can be found at ImbNES Help page ok to make it easy make a folder for the nes roms open up the rombank v1.6.2 Under Add/Remove Roms, click the first button to add all the ROMs in a given folder to your ROM list. Once you've added all your ROMs, you can manipulate the list to get it just the way you want it. At the very least, you'll probably want to sort the list alphabetically using the "AZ" button. When you're done making your ROM list, click the 'Build imbNES ISO' button in the lower left corner. Then pick the appropriate license (USA | Japan | Europe), press 'Build ISO', and choose where to save your ISO image. Once the build process if finished, you can close rombank.exe. Now you're ready to burn the CD image that was just created... Start Nero and cancel the burning wizard if it appears. Under the File menu, select "Burn Image..." and find 'nes.cue' which was created along with your ISO file. Click the 'Write' button to burn the CD. write it at 4x speed or 8x the most Ps2mame Here what programs you need *emulator call ps2mame (http://ps2emu.dcemu.co.uk/ps2mame.shtml) *cdgenps2 *Nero burning rom *make a folder call Roms and place all mame roms files inside. you can only put 30 roms. if the roms are zip leave them like that *edit the gamelist.txt file with notepad and list, one after the other, the names of your ROM files minus the extension. Make sure to use CAPS *install and load CDGenPS2. Drag the contents of your PS2Mame folder into the right-hand window of CDGenPS2 *Right click on the file system.cnf you just copied into CDGenPS2. Select (edit) and a dialog box will pop up *Tick the "Set LBA" box and enter "12231" as the LBA *CDGenPS2 automatically sets the LBA on the other files for you *Click the "IMG" button in CDGenPS2. Select a filename and location to save the CD image file to open up Nero burning rom *a wizard will pop up and say new compilation close it *under Recorder on top select Burn Image *look for the file call imagen *once you find it burn it on a cd-r that it use your swap magic cd ver. or modchip to load it Jum52 Here the list you need to have: *Nero burning rom *Emulator call jum52_ps2 (http://www.geocities.com/james7780/ ) *Rename your roms to DOS 8.3 format (example pitfall to PITFALL.bin) *Open up FILES.TXT to edit to match your roms and directories (look at the files.txt for example) *If you don’t know how to edit it just look at the files.txt and put each rom to it folder. There should be only three folder Romgoods, Roms, Roms2, and Protos. Open up Nero burning rom *CD-Rom(UDF/ISO) *ISO File name length:Max. of 11=8+3 chars(level 1) Formant:Mode 2/XA Character set: ISO9660 (standing ISO Cd-rom) *Burn make the speed at least 4x or 8x the most when your done click New ok it time to drag the files you need here the list you should have on the left side *Romsgood *Rom *Rom2 *Protos *Big *Dummy *Files.txt *J52_auto.elf *J52_Ntsc.elf *J52_pal.elf *Jum52.elf *sjpcm.irx *system Psms 1.2 Here the list you need to have: *Emulator call psms 1.2(http://psms.gamebase.ca/ ) *Simple PEFU you can find it at the same site with psms 1.2 *Nero burning Rom *To Make it easy make a folder and place your roms in *Rename your roms to DOS 8.3 format (example ALEXKIDD.SMS or SONIC.GG are valid 8.3 filenames. You may not have more than 30 files per directory, so if you have more than 30 roms you must span them accross several directories (ie, ROMS1\ ROMS2\ ROMS3\ - each of these dirs can hold up to 30 roms). If it too much for you don’t worry simple pefu well did it for you *Open up Simple Pefu on the left side it say (Source Roms) so look for the folder you made once you find it look at the bottom (Destination Output) pick desktop and save files.txt and there your done making the files .txt and you should have folders call Rom0, Rom1 etc… Open up Nero burning rom *CD-Rom(UDF/ISO) *ISO File name length:Max. of 11=8+3 chars(level 1) Formant:Mode 2/XA Character set: ISO9660 (standing ISO Cd-rom) *Burn make the speed at least 4x or 8x the most when your done click New ok it time to drag the files you need here the list you should have on the left side *Rom0 *Rom1 etc… * PSMS.ELF *SJPCM.IRX *FILES.TXT *SYSTEM.CNF Once you place them just burn it and use the swap magic CD Ver.. or a modchip to boot Ps2dc64 here the list you need to have: *Nero burning rom software *the emulator call ps2dc64 (http://classicgaming.dcemulation.com/ ) *Make a folder call GAMES and place all your roms into that folder and put them in A-Z click left mouse to arrange icons by name. *Edit GAMES.txt file (look at the file for example) *once you edit GAMES.txt save it open the nero burning rom software and setup the setting like this on the left side choose. *CD-Rom(UDF/ISO) *ISO File name length: max. of 11= 8+3 chars (level one) Formant:Mode 2/XA Character set: ISO9660 (standing ISO Cd-rom) *Burn make the speed at least 4x or 8x the most when your done click New ok it time to drag the files you need here the list you should have on the left side *GAMES (the folder you made to place the roms in) *games.txt *cdvd.irx *System *ps2dc64.elf *sjpcm.irx *fe. bitmap image once you place them just burn it and use the sm 3.6 cd ver. or modchip to boot up DreamSPEC Nero Burning Guide This emulator works as a Sinclair Spectrum (Zx) emulator for your PS2. It comes with 180+ games, a skinnable frontend, full PAL/NTSC support, and full framerate! First download DREAMSPECNERO V0.3 . Unzip using WINZIP. Double click the Nero DREAMSPEC image It will load up NERO with all the required settings. Click WRITE then after its finished use swap magic cd ver. or modchip to boot Neo Geo Pocket here the list you need to have: *Nero burning rom software *the emulator call neopop v0.10(http://ps2emu.dcemu.co.uk/neogeopocket.shtml) *First place all your roms into the Pdroms make sure there are .npc and .ngp *Edit Romlist look at how they type it. *To make it easy for you open up Pdroms and also Romlist. From the Pdroms right click on a rom and click rename and copy and paste it at the romlist don’t forget to add Pdroms\ first and ; at the end and you do this for each rom easy huh *once you edit romlist save it Open up Nero burning rom *CD-Rom(UDF/ISO) *ISO File name length: Max of 31 chars(ISO level 2) Formant:Mode 2/XA Character set: ISO9660 (standing ISO Cd-rom) *Burn make the speed at least 4x or 8x the most when your done click New ok it time to drag the files you need here the list you should have on the left side *Pdroms *romlist *Instlist.pbt *neopop.elf *install.pbt *remove.pbt *run.pbt *system Once you place them just burn it and use the sm 3.6 cd ver. or modchip to boot up