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Everything posted by Soundboz

  1. Screenshot Beatmania IIDX is the coolerist game... EVER. edit by IJTF_Cinder: Use a link instead with such huge pictures. They complete screw the forum up and force dialup users to wait on huge images.
  2. staying at home instead of with my valentine becasue we have snow blocking the door of our house and covering the roads
  3. Is that some ugly rendetion of John Holmes or am I porn illiterate ;_;
  4. Sa-Ku-Rahhhhh Jump attacks hard-core~
  5. You said it brother. The professionals will kill you 6 times before you hit the ground. (Figure of Speech) Roman Cancels and False Roman Cancel bring whole new depth to that game... I saw a video of a guy beating his opponent with one continous combo. (He had infinite Tension gauge.) Ha, I got so close to doing that with some chump at the arcade who thought he was badass. He didn't block for anything so all I had to do was set up a nice air combo
  6. Launch Date Gamecube Dreamcast Xbox (got it for 40 from a friend online ) PS2 V7 (Modded and the solder broke, my new chip is shipping) Launch Date Genesis and a 32X that I got for 14 last year~ My N64 broke 2 months ago :<
  7. Tomoyo42's Ultraviolence <3 Sexy Losers [WARNING: Not for Kids!]
  8. What about project justice? it's a 2d game at heart [My vote: Guilty Gear X2]
  9. wo-wo-wo-waiiiiit there has to be a part where kof2004 is released and noobs attack the group :phe4r:
  10. How could you guys forget "The Legend of Success Joe"? More of a beat-em-up, but still god-awful
  11. Because this is more of an "opinion" thread, I thought it would go here, sorry
  12. Good enough, you likey?
  13. I <3 this game. It's so awesome
  14. The only thing I see this as usefull for is an upgraded gameboy advance sp... Think of having 2 people plugging in their gamepacks and being able to walk around seperately and see each other walking around on an rpg... It could work if they don't make it COMPLETELY different then the gameboy... Which they probably will
  15. I feel sad about buying anime, because when I buy one dvd, I feel like I have to complete the series Which is why the only dvds I have are Animatrix, Love Hina, Tenchi, FLCL, and Outlaw Star edit- There are about 2 ways that the hand-girl anime can go. GUESS THEM BOTH AND YOU GET A COOKIE
  16. 1.) Athena [KoF 2002 Version] 2.) Sakura [Capcom vs. SNK 2 Version] 3.) Jill [MvC2 Version (Although RE3 is okay too )] 4.) Ash [KoF 2003 Version] 5.) Kula [KoF 2001 or KoF 2002 Version] Damn you Kula for having awesome normals in 2001 and a way upgraded Super in 2002
  17. Two of my best friends are girl gamers... One of them completely owns me in soul calibur and most final fantasies, and the other beats me at sonic games Although I still gots the fighting gamessss~
  18. the only thing that I didn't like in sonic 3 was that the sprites were REALLY washed out it was so perfect~
  19. I made a long ass one in math today [we were being rehashed on area of a circle] that had malin and ash that got about 34 hits, and it luckily worked *tests it out with kailerra*
  20. unfortunately it's not out yet
  21. why have a tornado punch... when you could have green flames and a snazy red and black costume
  22. Ash is a total beast against the computer once you learn to abuse his double projectile. So is malin if you learn some nice complex combos with her jumping HK
  23. who needs a DRAWING. when you have a DRAWING, and a HAND.
  24. I could see it now... [sVC if benimaru and king were in it] Benimaru: Oh, so now the lesbian want's to fight me? King: Hey look, the closet-case is talking.
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