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Everything posted by Soundboz

  1. Here's my sight on what's foing to probably going to happen: 1.) Kid's won't be able to get their parents to buy them a psp when their parents see the price tag (Estimated: 250-ish) 2.) Hardcore PS2 junkies will join the bandwaggon 3.) Little kids will stick to GBA It really comes down to the price tag, and if sony is going to push the "mature gamer" approach on the item (Like Nokia did).
  2. or maybe king. I'd put her up to a lie detector test on if she was a lesbian or ash~
  3. am I the only one that notices that athena has either been a.) seriously downgraded b.) had a style tweak a lot of her really good combos from 97-2002 no longer work on 2003, and her pheonix arrow has gotten worse and worse, to the point that you can't abuse it against the computer her pheonix arrow super has also changed it's properties, namely it's combination
  4. Space Channel 5 Jet Grind Radio Jet Set Radio Future Project Justice Pop'n Music Virtual On Screw it, THE DREAMCAST is the best underground system
  5. Am I the only one that consistently misses Ash's Charge<+>+P? It pisses me off so much that to do his basic projectile you have to charge D: It makes me feel like I'm blocking the entire time...
  6. Metal Slug 5 - Most dissapointing besides Metal Slug 2. This was WAAAY too short Samurai Showdown 5 - No. SNK vs. Capcom Chaos - Really fun, but wasn't into neogeo emulation when it was released as much as CPS2... KoF 2003 - Hell yeah.
  7. The arcades that I go to seem to have gotten popular recently, I wouldn't say the arcade buisness is dead.
  8. don't you have to beat kusanagi with a special attack?
  9. Pochi and Nya... Now there's an extra stage for the rom hoarders to hold over our heads... any info on it?
  10. Whoever gets this to work in NRX will be my eternal father who art in heaven hallow be thy name, thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven, give us this day our daily bread and forgive us for our treaspasses as we forgive those who tresspass against us, and lead us not to tempation, but deliver us from evil, for thyne is the kingdom, the power, and the glory, forever and ever, amen. :> This is really exciting, I had to think back to my stupid confirmation to type up the lord's prayer
  11. GBA: Sonic Advace games GBC: Metal Gear Solid Neo-Geo: King of Fighters, Samurai Showdown, Metal Slug, this one isn't hard CPS2: Darkstalkers: Vampire Savior
  12. please mark the topic with a
  13. THANKS FOR RUINGING IT D: no, but the cowboy bebop ending is really good~
  14. this is coming along 10x faster than I had thought it would
  15. If I vote al sharpton I get a comedic result vote =D
  16. I have a website I'll host it on until it's widely available~ :>
  17. I agree [<3's music]
  18. direct connect is the only way (I know of) to get dc iso's efficiently... Dreamcast plays pretty much all games you put in it (There's really no need for a modchip, just burn a copy of utopia from www.gamecopyworld.com) good purchase
  19. Am I the only one that thinks it's funny that a game by japanese people uses "dudes" 2-3 times in the ending for the hero team As soon as the p1 rom comes out will it be a big step in the emulation?
  20. now I think this is going too far. Putting someone's real life information is a bit much to put on a PUBLIC WEBSITE, including his IP, real name, and many emails. I'm not saying he doesn't deserve this, but at least remove the really personal info... just to be nice if anything :\
  21. I wasn't trying to start a fire in the thread (was edited by neoghost), just pointing out something about david bowie, (or that I heard)
  22. "Yes the legendary sexy beast" Dont start fires here please.
  23. thank you but I already got utopia v1.1 from www.gamecopyworld.com
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