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Everything posted by Soundboz

  1. had spine card and back image [the image behind the cd I guess] with it, so maybe, but I hope not
  2. *athena's un-midi voice rings clear over rag* what, I couldn't hear you they had a few AES carts also... flocking eleeet~
  3. open the original (cvs) file in win ace, then click on the.exe program it'll ask you where the other.0X files are, unless they're in the same directory... now... where do the new files go to~~~
  4. they had every dc kof! I was going to get 2002, but someone had gotten it earlier, so I got 2001, and it beats the crap out of the neo geo version~ I'm really happy I got it instead of the shiny project justice though
  5. I lost my old one, and I just need a link to download one (if possible) thank you for any help
  6. I have quite a few old computers laying around, so I have an idea: create a neo geo system when all the neo geo roms are out. I'm thinking of reformatting my hardrive, and case modding it into a really small case. I'll then set it so that neorage boots automatically, and set the directory for roms to the cd drive. So: Turn on "console", put in cd, neorage loads up, gets rom from cd drive, and you select to run it. I'm going to find a way to hook an aes controller to it, and I'll be set
  7. xiao xiao came about half a year before kill bill... it's reallly old :\
  8. This is the stupidest rom release I've ever seeen~~~ by the time it's released people will have such high expectations that they'll forget this is KOF we're talking about... It's like 2002, plus 4 or 5 new characters, plus switching. Don't get your hopes up as much as some of you are.
  9. broken link.
  10. "3) Nintendo XP (And you can have a Home and Professional)" there also has to be nerds that use nintendux only because they think of it as "underground", and makes stupid jokes like [OMG LET'S MAKE A PSYTOMIC OXIMORON! NINTENDO WORKS OMGLOLWTF?!] and there has to be an elitist group opposing nintendo (let's just call it... sony) that makes everything from overrated mp3 players to toasters that are all white (so if it's stained your screwed). and don't forget those annoying BEMS people and their xboxes
  11. I don't get it :<
  12. edit - bleh.
  13. Neogeo - NeorageX hacked
  14. but in X everyone is GAY how would the world live? no reproduction
  15. The file that I posted was cthd2003 after all, and doesn't it say if the post was edited at the bottom?
  16. flarghlejgsoejgs :<
  17. iono, but it's done now... you can download it if you want :\
  18. OMG LOL :D:D:D:D Ash is so cool anyways :< *wants to play this game on emulator instead of megalo II cabinet*
  19. Chugga chugga chugga chugga LATE TRAIN <3 shink for ruthlessly stealing his material
  20. I'm gonna go upload a rom I found, it looked fairly authentic, but I highly doubt it... funny what wading through 140+ pages of google can find though edit - link
  21. If you make me a character~~~ I'll kill you~~~ =D
  22. where is it :< I just found a doshin and fzero rom and I wanna play it~ :<
  23. it works... just not without them graphic problems :OOOO
  24. It's just another king of fighters. Really don't get your hopes up, although the new characters are soooo much fun :<... and athena has a faster psychic teleport :mischief:
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