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Everything posted by Cospefogo
Hej hej! Just to pay homage to +T+, iq_132 and all others behind this great emulator, and also to cheer with all our great friends here at the forum, I am about to drink a marvelous Caracu. It is a brazilian great STOUT/DARK beer. The soundtrack? Herbie Hancock, of course. Cheer with me, guys! Cospefogo.
+T+, Sire! Superb addition. Spectacular result! Thank you soooo much for adding this. Right on the spot! Bullseye! Regards, =<^c^>=
I will shit right now! Oops, I mean, I will test right now. I just need to set up the router and all cables to the living room. +C+
Well, Out of Memory problem solved here at my side. The solution? I need to keep the emulator under 480p! If I set it to 720p, Metal Slug 3 and few others does not run. Case solved! Let's stick to 480p! Also, I have made a video showing my process of finding the pixel perfect settings + scanlines in a game. Please note that my camera is not a very modern one, so the video is in low resolution. I just made it to satisfy the curiosity of some friends. Phil, here I show also the darker and brighter scanlines, however I just noticed this is possible only under 720p! In 480p this weird feature does not exist. Ah, sorry for my poor English! Cospefogo.
Phil, I am on 720p. I have not found any advantages to stick in 480p. I will make a video of this weird "feature"and share with you guys. =C=
Bad English on my previous post. Just to be clear: - The scanlines filter is working flawlessly on both 1.3 and 1.4 - The only problem until now is the migration of INIs, but once I open a game in FBL 1.4 and set the pixel perfect + scanlines, that's it. Super OK and nice, good as gold. And what I was trying to explain on above was: - When I set up a scanline filter, with the screen pixe perfect, if I move the whole screen around in tini-tiny minimum touch of the left thumbstick, the scanlines, all together, change it's intensity, giving me a very nice method to choose from the darker lines, to medium, and to lighter lines. 3 options of scanlines, all perfect fit in the image, no problems at all! Well! I did discover a new feature! =) +C+
Yes! I use to pay attention on this stuff while on vertical NON rotated games. Also, on all games you can get darker or lighter scanlines (if you have the filter ON, of course) when you move the screen around on a MININUM INTEGER at time. I have noticed 3 different scanlines, let's say, "bright models". =) C.
It's possible, but you need 2 sticks to resize the screen and you only have one d-pad so how would that work? The other thing with FBL's screen sizing system, as you may or may not have discovered yet, is that once you have a pixel perfect screen size set, if you even move the screen (without resizing) you will still introduce slight distortion and will have to resize again. So you would need the same precision on both the move and resize controls. Hej hoj! Suggestion: D-Pad alone, increases and decreases screen size. Hold A, or X, or Y, or both triggers + D-Pad, moves the offset X and Y. And yes yes yes... We areaware of the slight ditortion/blur that could happen when you move around a screen in pixel perfect set. I even benefit of it sometimes (on non rotated vertical games) to find the best sharp spot! Thanks, +T+! +C+ EDIT: I dropped a mug of coffee+milk in my apple aluminun keyboard few weeks ago... Now the space bar is not registering correctly. Sorry for my "glued on each other" words sometimes.
Well, my roms came from 1.3 romset created by BigBy, I think. I will talk to him about this. Outrun came in the same package as well. Demon's World presented the glitch while capturing screenshot all times I tried. NOTE: For FBL 1.4 I am pointing, in the INI, to the FBL 1.3 ARTWORK folder... Using a full E:/xxxxxxx path, instead of D:/.I will try to change this. Yes, it could be. I will check. Well, I am running 720p, I will try to check the games under 480p. And yes, I am using a super clean install. I even avoided to import the INIs due to the problem of weird screensize we are discussing in other topic. I will try with other roms, or even some RomCenter work using FBL dat. Well, thanks guys for your reply. Iwill post my results later. C.
Guys, more questions! 1 - Some games are not running, FBL acuses "OUT OF MEMORY" error. I tried them in both FBL 1.3 and FBL 1.4. Metal Slug 3 has this problem. Also, all KoF 2K, 2K1, 2K2, 2K3, Garou, SVC, and some other fat ones. It just happens on NeoGeo games. No CPS2 or other mame gave me this error. Is this a emulator issue or it could be a ROM issue? Is someone able to test those games in FBL 1.4 for me? 2 - Out Run 1 has a glitch in the SFX sounds. 3 - I had a problem to capture a screenshot for Demon's World (Toaplan). I don't know if it is related to the slash (/) in the rom name or what. Every time I try to capture a screenshot FBL tells me, gently, "FBL ENCOUNTERED A ERROR, PLEASE SCRATCH YOUR HEAD TO EXIT". I did take note of more things (most ideas and suggestions) but it was late in the night and I forgot to get the note this morning when I left for work. Regards, C.
Yes yes, Phil, right on the spot. This is exactly my problem. Absolutely the same results as me. I will be away for a couple of days now. I have a lot of work to do. But in the end, if the problem could not be found/fixed, I will try to manually export and correct all my INI somehow. I have one idea already... PS. Phil --- Please remember that NeoGeo has TWO distinct INIs! One for 320x224 and other for 304x224! Not all have same width! Example: 304 pixels in width: http://maws.mameworld.info/img/ps/snap/mslug.png 320 pixels in width: http://maws.mameworld.info/img/ps/snap/samsho.png I hate this issue... Cospefogo.
I am completely lost on this... Tried again to import INIs and the screen gets messed up. I did pick my DINO.INI from FBL 1.3 and added the line "AspectCorrect=0" and the game screen was imported 100% perfect inside FBL 1.4. But I tried same trick with Alex Kidd and Mutation Nation (NeoGeo) and got no results. Ouch... I don't know what more to do. =/
Dear +T+, Some comments apart of PixPerfect subjects... 1 - It could be nice to have a option to present simple game name in the rom list. I really don't care if the game is "Bootleg EURO Version ABC". I know it is important for collectors and purists, but for people who just want to play the rom list gets very "crowded" sometimes. 2 - One very silly request by my part, mostly because I had acquired a "phobia" from something that used to happen a lot in the very earlier versions of this emulator. When you get a error message, most of the time opening a defective rom, the emulator says "Press A to exit". And in the past, sometime the A did get registered more than one time, I think, and the defective game used to start again, over and over. It was a really bad bug. Let's change to "You got a error! Press "Y" to exit!"? :D 3 - I don't know how the drive thing works and how complex is to add new games, but I have a small list here of some classics that really could be a great addition to FBL! » City Connection » Circus Charlie » Bad Dudes Vs Dragon Ninja » Robocop 1 » R-Type » R-Type Leo » Sidepocket » EDF Oh my oh » Moon Patrol » Contra » Super Contra » Spartan X / Kung Fu » Astyanax » Calliber 50 » Klax » Thunder Fox Great great classics... Best regards! Cospefogo. AH! One important suggestion! When the emulator reaches it's final version, let's change its name to FINAL BURN LOVE? \m/ \m/
Going back to INI importing: My FBL 1.4 imports each game INI as it should be, but at least here in my end, the games start up with a very very very small distortion, breaking the pixel perfect from 1.3. We can even change the subject --- the problem is not pixel perfect, the problem, at least for me, is that FBL 1.4 is not reading the screen size values correclty. Dear +T+, did you tried to run my DINO.INI in a FBL 1.3, and then in FBL 1.4 to make the comparison? You can get any other INIs for CPS1 and CPS2 games from the ZIP I shared yesterday to make more comparisons. I am curious if you could get the same result as mine. One thing that could help the pixel perfect purists in their insane screen adjustments, could be to set up the directional digital pad to also move/stretch/squeeze the screen. Why I could ask for that? Simple... I use solely a HORI Arcade Stick and a oficial Sega Saturn pad in my Xbox. Any time I need to mess up with screen configs, I need to go to the basement, open a old rusty chest full of abandoned gadgets, and take the dust from my Xbox S-Controller. Maybe we could have some stuff like: - Directional pad alone resizes the screen, to up, down, left, right. - And if you hold A and press the directional pad, you move the screen on the offset X and Y. ....................wonderful for arcade cabinet owner and haters of the most infamous controller in the face of the third planet from the solar solar system, the Xbox MS S-Controller. * * * PhilCo my man, Definetely I am not having good moments with 480p. Some INIs I tried from you zip gave me images too wide, with a lot of overscan, like for example Armored Warriors and Alex Kidd. Then, still under 480p, I tried to re-adjust them, and there is no way to find the perfect width spot in a CPS game. When I reach a size/screen usage similar to the values I found out in 720p the screen gets ALMOST perfect. Almost almost... But not AS IN 720p, clear crystal and sharp like the edge of the sword of Agenor, the blind Ninja from Nigeria. So, I did return to 720p... PS. I have not tried all your INIs. I went right after the CPS1/CPS2 ones, the most important for me due to their wide native aspect ratio. And you, did you tried to open DINO.INI in your FBL 1.3? The link is on the previous page. And I am decided, at least by now, to keep both versions. In FBL 1.3 I will play most of the games, since they are already Pixel Perfect here. And in FBL 1.4 I will play all rotated vertical games (Now the ghostly bug is gone) and I will play newer games/drivers that +T+ and his Band of Brothers could add eventually. Hej! GunSmoke is PERFECT now! Vendetta too! But I can't run Osmann... My roms id bad. Cospefogo.
Phil, I did try the 480p setup in my LCD 720p and got just bad results. The scanlines itself look exactly as in 720p mode, however I was not able to find the pixel perfect width settings for a CPS1 game, for example. I did reach "the correct width" point only if the image is very very very very wide, with SO MUCH overscan, or with the image very very very very narrow, completely wrong regarding the correct CPS native screen. * * * Darknior, I just arrived back home from a dinner in a friends house and I am too sleepy (to not say drunk) at the moment to play things on the Xbox. I need to setup a hub to be able to connect via FTP, since I moved the console to the living room. Tomorrow morning I will send you the DD stuff. Regards! C.
Thanks Phil! And yes, I will test it in 480p mode. See you later! C.
Thanks +T+! If you find out somehting, please let me know. At the moment I will keep running FBL 1.3... I really don't have time to start adjusting all game screens back again. End of discussion. FBL plays Double Dragon exactly as the original arcade machine plays it. If you want to play the game at an artificially enhanced speed, use CoinOPS. Mine is slower than your video ... when there are more than 4 caracters on screen it is impossible to play I have use the Gilou9999 INI files ... maybe they slow the game ? And i use the bigby rom I will delete the ini and try again Yes yes! This is what I am trying to say --- The game without any hacks is unplayable, definetely. It runs slower that the original machine, at least comparing with the video. Because, after all, I blieve that people from 80's where able to finish the game on the real hardware. But, no problem. I suggest we should keep a version fo FBL 1.3 installed just to play Double Dragon 1 and 2. Darknior, did you try Double Dragon 1 and 2 in FBL 1.3? If not, you SHOULD DO THAT. It's wonderful. Smooth, like for example, Final Fight and Streets of Rage! Ah, and FBL 1.3 says the Double Dragon rom I am using is --- "Double Dragon Bootleg (with HDXXXXXX)", where X is a number I don't recall right now. I need to re-check this info. ...or keep a parallel version of FBL 1.3 to have great moments of fast play with Double Dragon 1 and 2! Hej Phil! I will check the 480p mode. But maybe my TV does not have a good upscaling, since the hardware SLG3000 scanlines became messed up in my television (as I did show in the Smhups Forum.) Darknior! As soon as I get home, I can send you my Double Dragons and my INIs. So, please, test it in FBL 1.3. Please drop me a PM with your email address! Rejoice, guys! Cospefogo.
Hej hej! The pixel guy is back from the crypt! I have some news! First of it all: +T+, please grab my dino.ini here: http://famicominvisivel.org/xtras/dino.ini I am sure you will be curoius to perform some operations I do explain below... News: Number One: I don't know why it did not work yesterday, but finally I was able to import a INI from FBL 1.3 into FBL 1.4. I did choose to make the process using a single game to be sure that everything was going smooth. I did pick Cadillacs & Dinossaurs. It worked! My INI was read by FBL 1.4!! ...and this generated a bug found! Number Two: After importing my pixel perfect scanlined screen from Cadillacs into FBL 1.4 I noticed it was "almost perfect"... strangely the screen was not absolutely AS IT WAS in FBL 1.3. I did took pictures, real shots, with my camera. It is easy to spot the differences. Dear +T+, please give me your opinion on this... Let me explain in detail each image. In the pic 1, we have a screen from dino.ini in perfect aspect ratio. Since I use scanlines filtering it is simple to notice that there is no distortion at all. It is FBL 1.3. The second screen shows the same game just opened in FBL 1.4 with the emulator default clean install screensize. Check the green area. A lot of ditortions! It's super easy to see that when using scanlines filter. And the third image is the same game opened in FBL 1.4 BUT using the imported INI right from FBL 1.3. Ok, it is not as bad as the previous picture, but it is not correct/perfect as the first one! But wait... It is the very same INI! Something must be going on under the bridge... Pay attention to 2 green distortions... One in the bottom of Capcom logo and one in the bottom of the C letter from the Cadillacs. Pic 1 Pic 2 Pic 3 And Number Three: Here is my INIs for all people interested! I suggest to run it under FBL 1.3. And they are 720p! http://famicominvisivel.org/xtras/fbl_pixel_perfect.zip Best regards! Cospefogo.
I think we are suffering from the very same disease, Gilou!
As soon as I arrive back home, I will share some INIs. I am still at work at the moment. Regards, C.
Hey Sparda! I can share my INIs of course. But a warning --- all of them are set up to SIMPLE2X, 720p and using SCANLINES, oh my oh my wonderful SCANLINES filter. Just let me play a bit more with my settings and I will share them. But at the moment I need to find a way to migrate from 1.3 to 1.4 correctly! I am having trouble to perform that (check my previous posts). And yes, FBL does not have a pixel perfect setting. It always open the game based on the game own INI, or based in the screen.ini settings (new in FBL 1.4). But in FBL 1.3, when a game does not have its own INI, FBL uses the screen settings from the last game played/open. Regards, Cospefogo.
Question: FBL 1.3 and 1.4 does not rely on E:/TDATA and E:/UDATA for saving anything, like CoinOPS, correct? I have not touched anything on those places for my clean install... Cospefogo.
Hey guys! Let's go: About screensizes: It is very strange indeed. I just copied all the FBL 1.4 downloaded folder to a place completely apart of FBL 1.3. I have not changed anything, specially in the new screen.ini file, which, on a overall vision, is a blessing. Then, I did copy all my game INIs to the d:/ini/emulation/ But no matter what, all games I open keep getting as screensize the default value registered in Screen.ini. Later, I did erase all files from the d:/ini/emulation/ and tried with just a single game, a title that I was sure that was pixel perfect in FBL 1.3. No results. FBL 1.4 just ignores my game INI information... But now I wonder... I did not check if this ini was updated once the game was started or not. I will take a look. The only way I found to open and create correct pixel aspect ratio inis for CPS1 and CPS2, for example, was to keep the d:/ini/emulation/ empty, and, in the Screen.ini file ---- did insert the screen values copied from a CPS1/CPS2 game from FBL 1.3. Then, I was needing to open game by game to create its new ini, or then create the ini files in windows, one by one. Oh no... too painful. I will try to migrate again and narrow down all my steps in the weekend to see what happens. About Double Dragon: I don't have the very last release of CoinOPS. I think it is not necessary since all improvement that I saw so far was the home console game insertion, which really does not interest me. Maybe on the latest version Double Dragon is perfect, one of these days maybe I will check. Back to FBL 1.3 --- I don't have here the name of the rom, but it was downloaded from *snip*. I will make a movie this weekend comparing both versions. I know some of you guys prefer the emulation as accurate as possible, and I agree with it --- but double Dragon 1 with slowdowns is really unplayable. Go to the top of the first elevator in the second level, the game becomes really really really slow. Ah, and Double Dragon 2, in FBL 1.3 is awesome too! Super fast! Absolutely no slowdowns. In FBL 1.4 i have not tested yet. But, no problem, it is a matter of personal taste, I think. +T+, I will send you my INIs and I will make some pictures and videos of the situation... About rotated vertical games +T+, is there a way to have directional controls rotated as well when we did rotate a game? Just like... er... CoinOPS... See you later, guys! Cospefogo.
Thanks so much, +T+, I just tried to migrate to 1.4 and got some problems. 1 - I did copy the entire new FBL 1.4 folder to my HDD 2 - I did move all my roms from FBL 1.3 to FBL 1.4 3 - I did move all my /INI/EMULATION/ game specific ini files from FBL 1.3 to FBL 1.4 ...and there is no way for FBL 1.4 to "read/import" my game inis --- regarding specifically the game screensizes. I have all my FBL 1.3 games set up in pixel perfect screen sizes, CPS1 and CPS2, NeoGeo ad many many other various games in perfect pixel aspect ratio. But unfortunately I am not able to import these screensizes into FBL 1.4. Also, the readme says the Double Dragon 1 was fixed... but in my vision Double Dragon 1 was broken! In FBL 1.3 Double Dragon 1 was fully playable, super fast, smooth, no slowdows when the screen is crowded, perfectly playable! I never saw Double Dragon 1 running so nice in all my life. But now in FBL 1.4 Double Dragon 1 is back to its old slow and problematic frame rate, just like in CoinOps. The game becomes completely unplayable when we have many sprites in the screen. I know this reflects the real/original hardware, but it is really a pity. Dear +T+, this was intentional? Am I missing something here? Best regards, Cospefogo.
Pixel Perfect is a bless that enlightens even those who need more sunlight. Why do we need day light when we have CoinOPS with Pixel Perfect? And dreaming about the day when CoinOPS will be canonized and added to the most marvelous wonders of the universe with the unbelievable and atonoshing SCANLINES FEATURE. You will see when this day become true. You will rejoice and drink wine and share you bread over the awesome results of a classic arcade game running like a old CRT screen on a huge modern hi-def television. Believe, pray, have faith on it. Scanlines will save us all. Cospefogo, the Pixel Preacher. Church of the Invisible Famicom - The Temple