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Everything posted by Cospefogo

  1. Superb! Thanks! Now... ...next step: scanlines feature? Oh my! Cospefogo.
  2. Phil! You need sunlight! Cos.
  3. I like no music in my emulators. All of my setups have no songs. Silence is golden.
  4. BP, so, just grab the default resolutions above. They are ready for you! () And, for Mega Drive/Genesis, I forgot to mention - just use 640x480 (the original Genesis size is 320x240). Cospefogo.
  5. I think we should focus on the main resolution for each system. There are really really really few games in different/not common screen sizes and I think it is not necessary to make a fuss on it... NES: 480i/480p: 512 x 448 720p: 768 x 672 SNES: 480i/480p: 512 x 448 720p: 768 x 672 PCE: 480i/480p: 512 x 464 720p: 768 x 696 It would be great if the emulator could be setup to 'see' what the native res is and just double/triple it, as it makes with MAME. Sweet sweet regards, Cospefogo. PS. The 720p size numbers came long time ago from the user Gilles9999.
  6. Why people keep coming here and posting about NON-CoinOPS stuff? Why? What's the purpose? What's the meaning? What's the objective? If you don't like certain food, you don't eat it, right? If you don't like a music, you don't listen to it, right? If you don't like a game, you don't play, it, right? Why in the name of SATAN you all keep coming here disturbing other peoples matters? If you don't like BP way, why you keep returning here? I F Y O U D O N ' T L I K E C O I N O P S , P L E A S E D O N O T C O M E H E R E ! It's so simple... Cospefogo.
  7. It's a FULL OF WIN situation! Long live the FULL OF WIN arcades! Cospefogo.
  8. Anytime you need me, Sir, just call.
  9. Dear BP... Sorry if I am asking about this out of place, but when do you plan to work/add the scanlines option in CoinOPS 2? As I told you, now I have a LCD 720p TV and I am ready to help you with the tests... Best regards, Cospefogo.
  10. This emulator runs only Neo Geo CD? Or does it run MAME games also? I am really interested in the scanlines filtering...
  11. It's always the same thing... People come here to complain, to complain, to complain, to insult, to be ironic, and after all, ALL OF THEM are comfortably in their houses making FULL use of the marvelous CoinOPS. "And, in the end, the love you take is equal to the love you make."" Keep the good job up, BP! Thanks! Cospefogo.
  12. I have seeded 11GB so far... During the night at 100 Kbps and during work time at 50 Kbps. We have 48 seeds right now! Incredible! (O_o) Cospefogo.
  13. 100% here, and full seeding. In the night period I can free all my upload speed for the torrent (100 kbps), but during day time (work time) I have limited it to 50% of my upload link. Cheers, guys. Please be patient too... It is 25.2GB! Thanks BP and PhilExile for this. Cospefogo, aka Spitfire.
  14. I am joining the feast right now. Hats off (to Roy Harper!)
  15. Ooops... Double post! Sorry.
  16. ...yes! Pixel perfect is THE feature! I am here to help it happens! Cospefogo.
  17. D I T T O ! Where do I sign? =)
  18. BP! Great news for you! The rotation code in FBL is an "easy fix" and I think me and some guys can help you with it. For sure! Just let me talk to the some people here... =) BigBy, Final Burn Legends keeps messing up with my each game INIs. And some other stuff regarding the gui navigation and rotation code. I don't have the free time to get into details now! Cheers, guys! Cospefogo.
  19. BP! Thank you so much for considering this! Really thanks. About the scanlines, I don't know the technical side as well, but I am reaserching and asking some info to some comrades right now. Let me explain better my idea, and if someone has a solid knowledge os this subject, please feel free to help! Any comments are VERY welcome! Regards, Cospefogo.
  20. Hey BP! I just sent you an email today, at your @hotmail account. When you have a chance, please take a look! Regards, Cospefogo.
  21. Great news indeed! I have been away for a while (and I think I will still be) but it's very good to see that the Ol'Dark Pest is not dead yet. Keep the barbecue roasting, guys! Cospefogo.
  22. THIS IS WONDERFUL. I would like very much to try this build. I need to see Double Dragon 1 ending entirely! Regards, Cospefogo.
  23. Ha! I also was thinking the topic was gone... But it is not! The topic is stickied to the very top of the page! Check there. Cospefogo.
  24. There is no fix. This is gone since the earlier CoinOPS ReIgnite version. I really loved to have splash screens (but nobody likes them!) since I used to have some custom splash images for my 4 different CoinOPS installations. I asked the developer about this and he said it is not working anymore due to the shortcut/command line launch feature. It's a pity. you should get used to live without it. Another thing I really miss is the screensaver using PICTURES. I really liked to have my arcade flyers running as screensaver. Regards, Cospefogo.
  25. I second that. I really second that. Please let's keep CoinOPS matters focused on CoinOPS. CoinOPS does not rely on Xtras. CoinOPS is a separated project. Please, let's have a clean topic to discuss only the Arcade/CoinOPS emulator matters. Thanks for your understanding, Cospefogo.
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