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Everything posted by lethal

  1. Alright now.I am using romcenter for my roms to make sure all of them will work but I have several games for my neogeo that are missing or have unknown files.I need to find out what I can do to get those files..Do I need to just download the games from different sites till I get one that has everything or what.. Thanx
  2. Thank god..It finaly works..Ok this is what I had to do.. I made a zip folder out of those three files like you said but I used Romcenter to correct the name and ect. in that zip..It said there was files missing still but it now works.I am guessing you do not need those other 6 or so files.. Thanz alot for the help
  3. I am using kawaks for all of my arcade games but, I have found that it will not list any of my neogeo games when I select avaliable only..I have also downloaded the bios for neo geo but do not know where to put it.I have put it everywhere and it does the samething..SO I was wanting to know if anyone could help me get my neogeo games to be listed and playable.. Thanz alot..
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