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Devia Eleven

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Everything posted by Devia Eleven

  1. ID: Devia Eleven I don't have a PS3 but I have a PSP. The account was created on a PS3 that I played, and I have only played Resistance online.
  2. I hate people who do little things to rom sets that make the entire rom set hard to deal with, and more importantly inconvenient for the downloader.
  3. www.maxconsole.net presents - With a little help from the inside, we've figured out that VADER and YODA are both on the SOUL CALIBUR IV Xbox 360 retail disc. Here's a video we created as proof and we're sure PS3 owners can experience the same fun, our lips are sealed for now however!
  4. I don't even think that Vader's model and moveset is in the 360 version, anywhere.
  5. I don't know much about Fate Stay Night, but the graphics look ok. Why is Play-Asia so expensive?
  6. Here's a fatality. http://www.gametrailers.com/player/usermovies/243882.html
  7. I've already played this, and I have also reviewed it. I would love to see a hack of Mortal Kombat Trilogy for the PSX, or an Arcade UMK3 hack but I'm guessing it's much harder.
  8. Here is a preview of how it will look. http://www.vimeo.com/1479143
  9. It's awkward hitting the New Posts button and seeing a thread with this title. Rest in peace.
  10. I heard that in the Dark Knight, the actor that played Batman tried too hard to correctly make use of the legendary Batman gruff voice. I like how the person playing joker keeps looking at Batman in a questioning expression.
  11. I appreciate the viewpoint and all, but it seems like no one here bothers to give the full explanation or interpretation of the Wii or the PS3.
  12. And Mortal Kombat Project (MK Xmugen) Do you have a guide on how to put MKP on your Xbox?
  13. Man, too bad there weren't any Xbox Mortal Kombat games that contained UMK3 Arcade.
  14. That's the type of help we don't need.
  15. I thought that Resistance was a rather boring game, it felt all too familiar, and the enemies seemed uninspired and lifeless.
  16. It costs more money to produce larger harddrives with every individual console.
  17. Now I hate Sora just as much as I hate Naruto.
  18. I think that the 360 should have an internal battery, along with internal wireless support, like the PS3. The PS3 is a very large system, I'm sure everyone's aware, but in person this thing is humongous. I like the XMB more than the 360's dashboard, looks a bit more mature and creative, too bad I'm not able to access the dashboard fully while in game. Wireless support on the PS3 is convenient, I like being able to charge my controllers via USB. They seem to run out of battery quickly though, as opposed to the 360's controllers. The USB cables that come with the controllers are extremely short, and in order to both play the PS3 whilst charging the controller, you'll need to sit right in front of the television. Might I add that the PS3 is very silent, I enjoy the PSP compatibility and the ability to download demos and play online for free, the registration is simple and easy. And oh, the PS3 is very shiny and sleek, (just never touch it). Adding to that, I like the unique and unnecessary touch sensitive power, reset, and eject buttons. Blu-Ray doesn't mean much to me, until the day when Blu-Ray burners and BD-R dics become cheap, I'll use them to store data. I don't watch DVDs or Blu-Rays, the higher quality isn't really a reason for me to watch them, AVI. files on the computer are sufficient enough for me, my modded Xbox takes care of watching movies and whatnot. Not to mention, no one has actually been able to play a PS3 backup on it. Then you have your backwards compatibility, I don't remember which version of the PS3 was that I played but it was able to run all of the games I had at the time, downloadable old school games is also a plus. It has a lack of games, though. The Xbox 360, an American console, is getting a larger share of exclusives for whatever reason, if someone actually knows why the 360 is getting all of the games, and the PS3 isn't getting any love, please tell me.
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