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Devia Eleven

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Everything posted by Devia Eleven

  1. Great, I don't have the channel anymore on Comcast, so this is a great opportunity to catch some things that I would have missed.
  2. I hate this as well, but with FireFox, and the Adblock Plus add-on installed, you can block any videos, ads, or pictures on a website.
  3. Which as of lately is slowly drowning in japan eh no? I hope 13Versus will jump ship too, if it doesn't that might be pretty messed up. MgS4 I still see no way of getting ported, even if production cost gets skewed and a loss is made from the game (which will....suck, konami might just say screw the series) MGS was ported to the Xbox 180 years ago.
  4. You proved me wrong, sorry for the misunderstanding.
  5. This thread sparked unexpected forum activity. Your thread has not gone in vain, GameCop.
  6. Has there ever been one good RPG that has been multi-platform? PC doesn't count.
  7. Let's just make all video games multi-platform and call it a truce.
  8. I have only subscribed to GameInformer magazine.
  9. Well considering that it has poop hardware, it isn't a surprise.
  10. No, it's not just you. The gay footage makes it perfectly clear.
  11. Don't be racist You know who else I hate? Chris Tucker. crap actor. crap comedian. Well, if his voiced wasn't high pitched...
  12. The missions in Grand Theft Auto games completely suck.
  13. I don't know about everyone else, but I didn't find the Max Payne games appealing in the slightest.
  14. Download: http://vba-m.ngemu.com/vbam/vbacompiles/ms...oyAdvance583.7z DirectX updater: http://vba-m.ngemu.com/vbam/vbacompiles/ms..._webupdater.zip
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