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Devia Eleven

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Everything posted by Devia Eleven

  1. I'm going to read this, all of it.
  2. I would try not to take anything personal, taking these things as personal attacks is a waste of time. People in this forum prefer 360 over PS3, and? So what? It doesn't mean that you should stop liking PS3, if you like it then fine, that's just fine. Just make sure that your arguments are valid, and if people seem like they are grouping up together to find a flaw in your PS3 like reasoning, just back up your statements and make sure that your arguments are valid. One thing you shouldn't do is become a fanboy, if you like the PS3 know why you like it, and don't stick to bias fanboy like opinions.
  3. Good. I haven't completed it yet though, so I will either have to complete the game or understand the story completely. I cannot make a review without knowing the story, and I don't want to copy and paste the story line.
  4. The Apprentice has been added. http://www.gametrailers.com/player/34898.html
  5. In no particular order or time frame. Sonic The Hedgehog 2 Onimusha - Dawn of Dreams Sonic Advance 3 Kingdom Hearts II Killer Instinct Gunstar Heroes Crash Bandicoot NFL Blitz
  6. Just simply click the Add Reply button after your post is complete.
  7. Well that's good for you, I still have classes to make up over the summer, and this is my last summer before my Senior year, where real life takes the place of summer.
  8. Tatsuyuki Maeda, Kenichi Tokoi, Hideaki Kobayashi, Masaru Setsumaru, Fumie Kumatani, Tomoya Ohtani - Twinkle Park Map
  9. Well judging by the corny humorous theatrics in wrestling, I would think not.
  10. Today we are announcing that Qore: Presented by the PLAYSTATION Network, a highly interactive, monthly lifestyle gaming program covering the world inside PLAYSTATION is on its way to PS3. Qore has been developed to give PS3 users early access to game related content at a level of quality, interactivity and depth. Everything is filmed in HD. Qore will feature exclusive news, developer interviews, in-depth game previews and behind-the-scenes looks at PlayStation games and special access to game demos, special beta invitations, game add-ons and other downloadable game-related content. ............ The introductory price for Qore is $2.99 for a single episode and $24.99 for an annual subscription of 13 episodes, using your PLAYSTATION Network wallet. http://blog.us.playstation.com/2008/06/03/...th-playstation/
  11. If the ideas of movies are legible to make a large profit, then yes.
  12. Currently, God of War II, second run. (Normal) My memory card got corrupted through Action Replay, I had to reformat it with Memory Card Killer, it's a spiffy program indeed.
  13. It wouldn't have happened to be a video of the regular SMW, hacked to play by itself, would it? Yes, it would.
  14. None. Although I do have 11GB worth of Beyblade episodes on my harddrive, Season 1 to be exact. I am not playing any games on my Xbox at the moment, the games I have on my harddrive I've already completed. There about seven of them, and those seven are basically considered as the best 7 Xbox games ever. I'm not playing emulators either, at this moment I am trying to find full rom sets of N64, GBA, SGEN, and 32X, and I'm planning on backing them up on a DVD-R so they will always be assessable.
  15. I've witnessed something similar to this, the difference was that it was on a different stage and there was different music.
  16. And it didn't kill the PSX, PS2 and X360? In fact, piracy DID kill the N64 because you can't PIRATE it. That's the only console killed by piracy. Difference here is, Dreamcast was the only system of the bunch that didnt need any sort of Modding to play Pirated games. THey figured GD-ROMS were enough protection. SO everyone was burning games left and right. Barely any profit for Sega or the developers. People say that, but piracy was not what killed the Dreamcast. Hell, people weren't even sure which machines could boot backups until long after the system was dead. I was under the impression that only DC machines made prior to 2000 could boot backups, amirite? No, mine was manufactured in January of 2000, it runs backups just fine.
  17. I really do hope that Street Fighter 4 will not have three-four different versions like the last two installments.
  18. Too bad PSP games cannot be played on the PS2 or the PS3.
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