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Devia Eleven

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Everything posted by Devia Eleven

  1. The only thing I can tell you about that particular predicament is to read the readme or the movelist for the character of whatever. If you cannot find it out there, you can always contact the author of the character and ask him.
  2. The only game I see to my liking in that list is Ninja Gaiden II, it's arrival is going to be an epidemic.
  3. This is one method of expressing hate for Microsoft's wealth.
  4. I partially agree, it only sets you up for an air juggle.
  5. Can't this be edited in the options menu? Can't this be edited in the options menu? Not every 3D fighting game has Ring Out KO. Not every 3D fighting game has this problem. Then don't jump?
  6. Seriously, purchase a Dreamcast. http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_ss_gw?url=s...amp;x=0&y=0
  7. I agree as well, and I still humbly present Mortal Kombat Vs. Killer Instinct.
  8. The games for the Wii that were developed by Nintendo, have been getting scores over 8, and have been selling well. The Wii has no other games but exclusives, but yet they are gaining money from the Virtual Console, including the most cherished Sega games that Sega fans live to hate about the Wii.
  9. Well, steering the derailed thread back on topic, here is some Yoda gameplay. http://www.gametrailers.com/player/34530.html His movements seem pretty fluid and agile, although he reminds me of that cretin Gon from Tekken 3, where he was nearly impossible to hit due to his height. Vader http://www.gametrailers.com/player/34526.html He broke Hilde's armor!
  10. They are putting in much more characters than I expected.
  11. None announced, but there will probably be one 6 months afterward. It's a news thread, punk. And if a little slowdown could be fixed in a few weeks, we wouldn't have had the PS3 Orange Box a month late and still terrible. And what do you mean limited time? 360 has Yoda, PS3 has Vader. Live with it and stop being an xbot. I mean those exclusive characters and more 'guest characters' will come as DLC to both systems down the track. Why getting so touchy? Feeling that without Vader you're going to have a tougher time justifying that massive brick of a purchase? PS3 will have MGS4 and little else. Live with that. This wasn't a fanboy thread, but you PS3 campers sure get upset easily. That hurts Agozer I enjoyed reading that.
  12. Does anyone think that some companies in the 7th generation of gaming shouldn't be participating? (Not rightfully representing the company name, losing consumer and popularity wise). If so, what company would you rather have in the generation? Post the name of the console, (ex. Wii, PS3, 360) and replace that console with whatever company that you think can do better, (ex. Sega, Atari, etc.)
  13. Pretty much what I think on the PS3. I know I defend the 360 from time to time and hate on the PS3, because let's face it, the PS3 has the worst PR in the world. I love to hate the PS3, because it's pretty much terrible. I'm not going to right now, though, I'm just going to laugh at it for being worse than the 360, even if only in Beta. It can't be any worse than the Wii.
  14. Mortal Kombat Vs. Street Fighter isn't any better, more like Mortal Kombat Vs. Killer Instinct.
  15. Maybe this is the time where Midway actually creates a decent MK game, we haven't gotten one ever since MK4 was released, Deadly Alliance, Deception, and Armageddon were complete dog crap, flock those games sucked. They said they were giving the fighting engine an overhaul, I really do not know what type of fighting engine they could implement without stealing from other fighting games. Personally I would rather have either the MK3 or MK2 formula mixed in with whatever formula they are creating, the MK4 engine wasn't half bad but it made everyone play the same, and the animations were a bit clunky. I strongly doubt that this game will be good, but I still hope it will be good, I still haven't seen any footage so I am still roughly skeptical about it.
  16. I had the re-post them because my post started a brand new page.
  17. Yes, the Bruce Lee homage character makes a return.
  18. That's a pretty difficult question, Death Note is essentially one in it's prime. I don't know of other animes like it, considering that the only animes I really watch involve fighting, this anime does well to keep me interested without it. I would also like to know what others would recommend, some animes similar to Death Note. But I would personally recommend Samurai Champloo or Rurouni Kenshin .
  19. Would you mind giving me the link to that article please?
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