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Devia Eleven

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Everything posted by Devia Eleven

  1. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tatsunoko_Productions
  2. Not exactly, because a default PS2 memory card's limit is 8MB, that file there is 10MB, and it's zipped.
  3. With all joking aside, could you elaborate on the reason why you dislike the game?
  4. You still need the Memor32 memory card before thinking about downloading anything.
  5. Only pure challenge lies after you master gameplay. I wouldn't consider playing this game on Hard anyhow, the game is challenging enough on Normal.
  6. I appreciate the comments on my review being good, I say all that I have to say and try to cover anything and everything in the game. To the people who have made comments about the enemies being too advanced, or the game just being too difficult. As I stated in my review, it is, although if you practice and possibly master a weapon, and can precisely measure and anticipate an enemy's movements, you should be better off.
  7. Published by: Rockstar Games Developed by: Rockstar Vancouver Genre: Action Number of Players: 1 Release Date: US: October 17, 2006 Europe: October 27, 2006 Also Available On: Xbox 360, Wii Media Size: 1 DVD Emulators: PCSX2 Story/Background Bully, is a game that was released by Rockstar Vancouver in 2005. In 2008, a special edition of the game was released for the Xbox 360 and the Wii. This game is the Scholarship edition, which introduces new features not found on the PS2 original. The game is based on a youth named Jimmy Hopkins. In the beginning Jimmy is troubled with his mother’s new husband, and he hates him with a passion. Jimmy’s behaviors in previous schools have been unsatisfactory, and his parents have enrolled him in Bullworth Academy, in hope that the school will improve his manners. Throughout the game, your goal is to take over the school, (becoming most socially popular), among all students and staff alike. The game begins with Jimmy being dropped off in the front of the school, and this is where the adventure commences. Gameplay The game is strikingly similar to the gameplay of Grand Theft Auto, and The Warriors. Considering that this game is made from the same company as the others, it is no surprise that they share similarities. This is a sandbox type action adventure game. The player can freely roam around school grounds, the city, and the inside of the school. The city is surprisingly spacious, and the school grounds can somehow be compared to the size of a college university. While roaming around the city or school property, you can see many different types of people walking around and socializing. This includes various social groups like the nerds, jocks, preppies, etc. The staff also walks around, to make sure that everyone is keeping their noses clean. You can freely attack anyone you want, but depending on who you attack, will result in a dire consequence, hitting a boy, will just have the staff running after you. If they catch you, you have one chance to escape from their grapples. They will always grab you by the ear and pressing buttons repeatedly, will make you perform a low blow, or some cheap shot so you can get away. While running away, you have many options for the staff to leave you alone. The running system is the same as GTA. If you are inside the school, you can hide in lockers or in bathroom stalls. If you are outside, you can simply run away into the city, hide in a trash can, or just go inside the school. Depending on your skills, you can even apologize to the staff, this will be explained later. Attacking a girl is an automatic detention on contact. The school has zero tolerance for female abuse. If you attack the staff, you will need to be ready to run away as quick as possible. If you are caught, you will have to serve detention. Detention comes in 2 ways, snow plowing, and lawn mowing. Depending on the current weather, you will have to mow ugly looking lots with weeds sticking out every which way (with a tractor), or snow plow lots with unbearable amounts of snow (with a shovel). When you complete these tasks, detention is over. This is the most severe punishment. You will even sometimes have to go to the principle’s office, and the principle will give you a cliche type speech, a speech that questions your wrong doings. While inside the school, you can do many things. You have the ability to break into lockers, and steal items. You can throw people into lockers or in trash cans. You can even shove a person’s face in a toilet. There are some classes you can take as well, and when you pass a class, different skills will be increased. The courses include; -Chemistry (you will have to press certain buttons when they show up in a box at the correct time to advance) -Photography (you will have to travel around the city or school, and take pictures of certain objects) -Art (you will play a mini-game that is hard to describe with text) -Shop (fixing bikes, you will have to press a button when it shows up on screen) -English (you will need to make as many words as you can out of a group of letters that are given to you) -Gym (you will either wrestle or play dogeball) Each class serves a large purpose in character development. -Chemistry (gives you different weapons and chemistry sets that will be available in your dorm room at all times) -English (will give you better skills at socializing with people, the more courses you pass, you will be able to tell off bullies, apologize to the police and school staff) -Photography (will earn you a Digital Camera, and capacity) -Art (increases skills with talking to girls and kissing them) -Shop (will gain you new bikes) -Gym (will gain you new attacks and grapples) Obviously, all of these classes are important, and when you pass a course, the next course (takes a number which means the next level), is more difficult. Passing all of these classes makes you a well rounded person. You can either choose to be an aggressive bully, become a popular jackass, or a respectful person who is most known for being powerful. Jimmy takes crap from no one, and it shows in the various cut scenes. You cannot do the same things you do at school in the city. You cannot beat up a grown woman or man in a city without the police chasing after you. This is much more serious than a school crime. If you are caught by the police, you will automatically be escorted back to school. There are many things that you can get punished for off and on school grounds. -Physical violence -Weapon violence -Verbally attacking authority -Verbally attacking a person -Going out past curfew -Skipping class (truancy) -Dress code If you roam around too much past curfew, you will pass out. Passing out means that you have gotten so sleepy, that your body has no choice but the pass out where you are. When you pass out, you will always wake up in the same spot you passed out at. Sometimes you will even oversleep and you will miss classes. There are reasonable means of transportation in this game. You can swim, ride a bike, a mini motorbike, walk, run, or take the bus. To take the bus, you will need to go to any type of bus stop in the city, and the bus automatically takes you back to school without pay. This is probably the best method of getting back to school when you need to make a class without being late. The city is very attractive, but you cannot steal cars. There are different walk-in type stores, you can buy clothes, items, bikes, or get hair cuts. You can talk to adults, beat up people, and run errands for people. Jimmy can climb latters, and that is basically the only aspect of platforming elements present. Errands are requested by kids and adults. These errands can get you quick cash. Another way to get cash other than completing errands or missions is to do tasks. You can run a paper route, or mow lawns. When mowing lawns, you will be required to complete a certain percentage of the lawn. If you run over objects in the lawn you will lose points. When doing a paper route, you will be required to throw out different newspapers right into mail boxes. In real life, this would be too difficult to pull off. And most of the time, the same blasted dog will always chase after you while you are on your route, and it becomes very annoying. Sometimes when you are trying to aim at mail boxes, you will accidentally hit a person, and they will run after you as well. You can’t really take the time to eliminate them physically because if you get off of the bike, you will fail the paper route mission. Speaking of eliminating people, you cannot kill in this game. You can only knock someone unconscious. There are many weapons that accessible in this game, all of them contain some minor comic relief type violence. You have the; Bottle Rocket Beakers full of acid Slingshot (touche) Bat Eggs Firecrackers (thrown) Cans to throw Etc. The inside of the school is very realistic. You can start fights by verbally attacking a person, and often times these insults are amusing. You can greet people kindly, or rudely wail on a person. Sometimes bullies will try to attack you from nowhere. Depending on your social statues and English skills, they will leave you alone, or you can push them and they will run away. There is a boy’s dorm, and a girl’s dorm. The girl’s dorm is much larger than the boy’s dorm for some odd reason. The boy’s dorm doesn’t even have a bathroom or shower, and there is only one floor. The girl’s dorm however, has two floors, an entire bathroom with a shower, and an attic. The girls are basically living large in this game. There is a football field, a gym, and a basketball court as well. You can even throw freebies around. There are many places to sleep other than the boy’s dorm. Each social group has their own hideout, and by completing a special mission, you can claim their spot as yours. In these pads, you will have a save point, arcade games, and a bed. Some other things can be found there as well. Even the townies, (people who rule the city), have their own hideout, and there’s can be taken from you as well. Behind the school, lies the nerd’s headquarters, and an asylum for troubled people. Missions in the game take place wherever, and mostly every mission is being completed to gain respect of a certain social group. Sometimes completing missions even makes you lose respect from a certain group, and you will always gain money from completing them. By the end of the game, you will have loads of money. Most of the clothes are cheap, and your money can only be spent much by buying drinks and clothes etc. Sound: The soundtrack for this game is broad. There is a unique type of music that you would never think would be in this type of game. The game’s theme song is played throughout the game, in different variations using different instruments, even when you start riding a bike, the music in the background changes. The music for the detention missions are great. I have yet to actually find that single track used for those missions. Music plays when you are in certain situations, when you are getting chased by staff, the music changes. When you are getting chased by certain social groups, a different track plays for each. Each track that is played suit’s the social groups attitude. The voice overing is great as well, and the cut scenes can be hilarious at times. Jimmy Hopkin’s voice actor really digs the character, and he has a snobby (you cannot mess with me) attitude in his voice and movements. For a PS2 game, the game is decent lip syncing. All of the other sound effects are to be expected. Graphics: Considering that this is a Sandbox type game, you cannot really focus on the graphics much. One thing I can say is that, they look better than the crappy GTA game graphics. I don’t think they could have made the graphics any better without sacrificing the performance in frame rate. Presentation: Pretty much sticking with what I stated above. You can’t look for more in a game where it has to load background constantly. Conclusion: Bully isn’t a game that you should buy, but I do recommend renting it. Once completed, there are things to do, but they aren’t fun. Most of them are just time consuming and nothing more. - Graphics - 8 - Presentation – 8 - Sound – 9 - Gameplay - 10 Overall – 8.75 (B+)
  8. Bully (PS2) [Completed] But cannot be posted because of a forum error.
  9. Published by: Tecmo Developed by: Team Ninja Genre: Third-Person Action Number of Players: 1 Release Date: US: September 20, 2005 Japan: September 29, 2005 Features: Memory Unit Media Size: 1 DVD Emulators: None Story Ninja Gaiden Black is a game that was released by Team Ninja, and Temco back in 2005. This game is a special edition of the original. The plot basically revolves around Ryu Hayabusa, an extraordinary ninja, who seeks to destroy the Lord of all Fiends Doku. Doku is a dark samurai that has destroyed Ryu's village and has also taken the Dark Dragon Blade with him. The Dark Dragon Blade contains stupendous power, which wants to be obtained by the sources of evil. Ryu's main motive is to kill Doku, an act of making him pay for his debts, and seeking and destroying the Dark Dragon Blade, so it cannot be obtained by the beings of evil. As the story progresses, Ryu encounters enemies and allies alike, and a female ninja named Ayane, guides Ryu through his adventure. The plot's ending is spectacular and will basically be an ending that will be unexpected. Gameplay This game's gameplay will be respectfully and elaborately explained by me. In the game, you play as a very nimble and highly skilled ninja, and with this ninja being playable, there comes weapons. There is one main weapon, an accessory weapon, and Ninpo Scrolls. Ninpo Scrolls are magical scrolls that allow Ryu to use elemental attacks. These elemental attacks range from Fire, Ice, and Lightening. Each Ninpo Scroll can be upgraded. With each upgrade, comes a larger radius of the attack, and higher damage. These do come in handy when fighting multiple enemies, and are needed to solve various puzzles. The accessory weapons mainly contain the Shuriken, and the Bow. The Shuriken has three forms, the Windmill Shuriken which acts as a boomerang, the Incendiary Shuriken, which is an explosive shuriken, and the basic shuriken. Each shuriken has its own uses. There is only one Bow, with a variation of different types of arrows that can be used. There is the explosive bow, and more technological advanced bows which have the same power as tank rounds. The bow itself can be upgraded, so the arrows can make a stronger impact. Throughout the game, many core weapons will be encountered by the player. They range from swords, and nunchucks. Every sword is small or large, and there are two types of nunchucks, nunchucks with blades, and regular nunchucks. Every one of these weapons can be upgraded to a considerable amount of levels. Some smaller weapons can actually become stronger than larger weapons if they are upgraded enough. You will want to upgrade a weapon with any chance you get, because you will want to inflict as much damage as possible on an enemy or a boss. It makes the process of killing much faster and it saves time. Each weapon's combos are unrivaled in depth. Each weapon handles differently from the other, and you will become attached to at least one of the weapons you have by the end of the game. Ryu has the ability to jump off walls, run up walls, wall jump, and run across walls. While he does this, he can attack, if you attack while you are one a wall, Ryu will unleash a very quick attack, that can sometimes slice through multiple enemies in one single go around. The combo sheets for each weapon go on and on, and can be scrolled through for days. Learning the entire move sets, is only one step in mastering the game's gameplay side. This will need to be done, because this game can be arduous 99.9% of the time. Once you master the way of the Ninja, (as they call it in the game), the game becomes somewhat easier. There is a rather large learning curve in this game. Even though your character is fast and lethal, the enemies are as well. This game basically forces you to gain the ability to persevere. That is a priority in this game, and impatience will get you killed, bottom line. If you cannot sustain yourself during a battle, you will slip up and die. Making one mistake will you leave you defenseless, and the enemies take advantage of any opportunity they have to kill you. During boss battles, you will catch yourself sweating bullets mostly. A verge to complete a boss quickly will also get you killed, so beware of making any mistakes. Throughout the game, there are many items that can be obtained. These include health potions, Ninpo potions, equipment, and even weapons. The equipment can either increase your defense or increase your damage. Every core weapon has the ability to charge except the Wooden Sword. When you charge a weapon, it is covered with a blue aura, and sucks in anything that can help it charge quicker. When an enemy is killed, they drop different colored orbs. The yellow orbs is money, blue is health, and red fills up a Ninpo slot. These can either be sucked in by yourself or by your weapon. If you suck in these orbs in with your weapon, it gives it marvelous power, and from there when you release the charge, Ryu will unleash an automatic devastating attack that takes about 3-4 seconds to complete. The devastating attack ranges from whichever weapon you are using. The only real downside to weapon charging is that, when you are charging, you are left completely defenseless. Enemies will always attack you if you stand still, so equipping yourself with bracelets that can shorten the time your weapon has to charge is a must do. Other items that can be collected, include Scarabs, these Scarabs are collected to obtain rare items. A Blacksmith will give you an item called "The Life of Gods", which will increase your maximum health capacity and finding all of these an essential factor to completing the game. Health is something that you will need always. Because the game does not automatically replenish your health when you save, having a large maximum health capacity is important. Health replenishing items are limited in this game, and sometimes you will fall short of money. You will be left between a choice to either upgrade your weapon, or buy health replenishing items. The thing about health replenishing items is that when you are attacked only one single time, which you leave you defenseless. If you are attacking, the enemies take advantage of your mere slip in performance, and they will attack you, which lead into a chain reaction, which lowers your health even more. There is also a item that revives you when you die, but this item is rare, and expensive. So when you die you go right back to the Save Point, and even though Save Points are conveniently placed around the map, you sometimes cannot go back to save before fighting a boss. The thing that will save your arse in this game is, skill, calmness, and defense. Blocking is basically your best friend in this game, without blocking the game will be impossible to complete. The dodging in this game is fluid and nimble, but dodging alone will not be efficient enough for wanted progression. This is where Ninpo comes in. During Ninpo performance, your enemies cannot attack you because the energy around you will automatically attack them. Ninpo helps when you are in a tight squeeze. Along with every adventure game, comes puzzles, and these puzzles are initially nothing to take lightly. The game will have you numerously checking gamefaqs for answers to puzzles. An impatient person might not have the patience or the intelligence to solve puzzles. They are great for thinking games, and they really play with your mind. Even the Ninpo magic sometimes plays a part in puzzles. The game is based around one large and spacious map. An area that is not accessible in the beginning of the game will be later in the game. Unlocking one single door in this game, unlocks so many different pathways and tangents unfathomable. The loading times are relatively short in between transitions in areas. There is so much backtracking in this game, because doors that are locked in the beginning will be able to be unlocked in the future, and you will be catching yourself saying, (I always wondered how I was supposed to open this door). Presentation This game is probably the best looking Xbox game in existence. It contains extravagant lighting, textures, and colors. The enemy detailing is very intricate. You will be unable to spot any jagged edges on landscape whatsoever. The cut scenes look unbelievably brilliant, and display how powerful the Xbox is. I have never seen anything of this prestige in any other Xbox game to date. The effects are dead on. The water looks great, especially while in water. The sword slashes look authentic; there is a great sense of speed. The Ninpo arts look great; the fire looks ravishing along with the other elements. Just about every graphical aspect in the game looks marvelous. Sound The sound is unfathomable. Along with the great graphics, the sound is spectacular. The sound effects in the cut scenes are unspeakable. The grunts and yells of the enemies suit the enemies' look. The roars of the bosses are sometimes freighting, and you can sense an enemy around the corner by the sounds they make. The game has a feature that allows you to choose between Japanese and English speaking. In the cut scenes, the speaking cannot be changed, however. I would say that both languages do an equal job of voice veering. The music in the background enhances and as well compliments the atmosphere of the stages. The bosses' music is fitting, and the music in the cut scenes will always be remembered. Difficulty There has been a slight form of controversy over the game's difficulty level. Some say that the games arduousness caused it not to get a 10/10. Some say that the game is just too hard to complete. Team Ninja has responded with an unsympathetic comment, basically telling the fans to suck it up and master the game itself. The game is so difficult at times, that you will find yourself staring at the screen in disappointment, or even yelling in the room and throwing objects abroad with extreme force. Mastering the game is very important. In this game, there was an Easy mode put in, to solve the problem of the fans complaining. Even though this mode is realistically easier than the Normal Mode, IT IS STILL DIFFICULT. Team Ninja refuses to give fans any real slack, but at least they have showed some concern with this problem. Features Ninja Gaiden Black has many things that the original installment does not. Conclusion Ninja Gaiden Black is a game that should only be played by hardcore gamers. If you lack the patience, integrity, and containment required to complete the game, you might as well call it quits. This is not impossible but at sometimes it can seem that way. This is by far one the best games for the Xbox, and if you do not have the game now, I suggest that you just go ahead and pick it up. You should be able to find it at a book store for under $20.00 at this time. - Presentation - 10 - Graphics - 10 - Sound - 10 - Gameplay - 9 Overall - 9.8 (A+) Remarkable
  10. I really wonder if these systems will last longer than the 6th generation systems did. Gamecube 2001-2007 Xbox 2001-2007 Playstation 2 2000-Present
  11. The confirmed name of the game is: Banjo Kazooie: Nuts & Bolts
  12. I do not have any nostalgic memories to share with my fellow members because I joined in 2006.
  13. I have about 50 GB worth of Xbox games, and I just completed Ninja Gaiden Black last night.
  14. I would have mentioned the 360 but currently no one has actually made an emulator for it.
  15. We need to be able to put emulators on the PS3. The PS3 is very powerful, and it's the next step for emulation machines from the PSP and the XBOX.
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