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Devia Eleven

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Everything posted by Devia Eleven

  1. The Linux's RSX is restricted.
  2. 3.62 is outdated anyways. It isn't like finding a torrent is anymore difficult.
  3. transformers isn't a comic or superhero movie..... its a toy movie. everything transformers related, comics, cartoon, movie, ect is directly made to sell toys So? It was still a good movie, what does that have to do with what I said about the movie?
  4. You don't need a full version of WinRAR, if you download the trial it lasts forever.
  5. Nobody said anything about it being better than the Transformers movie.
  6. Ninja Gaiden, the best gaming experience of my life.
  7. Today, after I came home from Martial Arts training, I decided to take out the trash. When I got to one of the neighborhood's dumpsters, I unveiled about 5 boxes of what seemed to be untouched computer hardware and software. There was a rather large Half-Life 2 box, but unfortunately the game was not in it. This is what I found in those boxes. Computer Speakers x2 Logitech, and HP Scanner x1 - Broken Printer x1 Cord Phone x2 Palm Pilot - Broken Lite-On DVD Burner x1 - ACTUALLY WORKS DC Power Cords x5 Cell Phone x2 (2 old broken nokias) Keyboard Mouse x3 (none were better than my current) Gameboy Color (split in half, no joke, does not work of course) Routers x2 (Linksys) Ethernet cords, phone lines, various other wires I don't understand why a person would just come and take a huge hardware sh!t by the dumpster, it doesn't really matter either, I got the boxes, and starting messing with things.
  8. Great way to take full advantage of the opportunity, I hope you have wonders of fun with your soon to be 360.
  9. Your brother must have really weak bones.
  10. Returning characters like Bison and Vega. http://www.gametrailers.com/player/33431.html
  11. There's a thread in this very section that will explain everything that you need to know, regarding M.U.G.E.N. Try looking around more next time. http://www.1emulation.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=23978
  12. I agree, and until this day, I never noticed that Shang Tsung wasn't in this game.
  13. The undeniable fact is that Wii has a large consumer base, I just don't see myself buying one. And to address the Xbox Live comment, I do agree on it being free. Microsoft makes enough money with their PCs, at that point their being greedy, damn you Mr. Gates.
  14. Correct me if I'm wrong, but the Wii does not have much third party support, if it does, then the games aren't turning out to be very good. The Wii's basic control scheme which consists of the Nunchuck and the Wii-Mote, clearly limits what type of games can be released for it. The Wii also isn't as powerful as the other two consoles, which is why many popular games that are being released, aren't being released on the Wii. The Wii's specs and internal hardware is considered to be of 6th generation status. Notice how some titles are being released only for the Wii and the PS2, because third party gaming companies do not consider the Wii to be at the PS3/360's level. The best Wii games, are made from Nintendo. There are rarely any third party games for the Wii that actually get scores over 8.0 Nintendo likes to over hype exclusives, like Super Smash Brothers, Galaxy, and other exclusive Nintendo titles. The only games the Wii has are made from NIntendo, the 360/PS3 both have great games, but they are shared, and the Wii gets none of that support. Although, the Wii has full backwards compatibility, unlike PS3 and 360 which can only run certain games. It also has Virtual Console, and that is also an asset on the Wii's part. But individually, the Wii has no games, isn't very powerful, and I would honestly consider getting a PS2 over a Wii.
  15. I'm still in the process of completing Onimusha - Dawn of Dreams. I'm close to Disc 2.
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