Correct me if I'm wrong, but the Wii does not have much third party support, if it does, then the games aren't turning out to be very good. The Wii's basic control scheme which consists of the Nunchuck and the Wii-Mote, clearly limits what type of games can be released for it. The Wii also isn't as powerful as the other two consoles, which is why many popular games that are being released, aren't being released on the Wii. The Wii's specs and internal hardware is considered to be of 6th generation status. Notice how some titles are being released only for the Wii and the PS2, because third party gaming companies do not consider the Wii to be at the PS3/360's level. The best Wii games, are made from Nintendo. There are rarely any third party games for the Wii that actually get scores over 8.0 Nintendo likes to over hype exclusives, like Super Smash Brothers, Galaxy, and other exclusive Nintendo titles. The only games the Wii has are made from NIntendo, the 360/PS3 both have great games, but they are shared, and the Wii gets none of that support. Although, the Wii has full backwards compatibility, unlike PS3 and 360 which can only run certain games. It also has Virtual Console, and that is also an asset on the Wii's part. But individually, the Wii has no games, isn't very powerful, and I would honestly consider getting a PS2 over a Wii.