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Devia Eleven

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Everything posted by Devia Eleven

  1. And the reason why the game required a DL DVD to be burned is beyond me.
  2. That is the most horrendous damn plot I've ever read!
  3. Jet Grind Radio Published by: SEGA Developed by: Smilebit Genre: Action Number of Players: 1 Release Date: US: November 1, 2000 Japan: June 29, 2000 Europe: November 24, 2000 Also Available On: Game Boy Advance Features: VMU, DualShock Support, Jump Pack Media Size: 1 GD-ROM Emulators: NullDC, Chankast, Visual Boy Advance He's carrying a stereo on his shoulder, while skating. Jet Grind Radio was one the best Dreamcast exclusives. The game was like no other, and it made a mark in gaming history because of it's cell shading visuals, the unique music, and a combination of 3 genres. The majority of the game, you are basically skating around on what seems to be Jet Roller Skates. The main motive and goal in the game is graffiti. The game takes place in a Tokyo like town, where a group of skaters unite together to claim the cities as theirs. However, other gangs and clans are also spraying up turf to gain the crown as well, this is where most of the story comes through. Throughout the game a group of policeman and the army are always nearby to make sure that your graffiti antics do not see the light of day. Depending on how many times they fail to stop you, they take more drastic measures each time. For example, they will start off with gun shots, if these do no prevail, they start to advance in their arsenal. They even go to measures as extreme as getting Tanks and Helicopters to do the job. This can get annoying but can mostly be avoided by traveling to certain areas, which are basically classified as being policeman free. What is he holding? I do not exactly know how many hours are put into this game, but if I were to make a guess, I would say somewhere around 8 hours at the most. Some missions do get repetitive, but there seems to be enough variation to keep the player interested. Throughout the game on a regular basis, new members will challenge you to a skate off, and if you win, they join your crew. Each new member that wants a challenge is of course more experienced in skating, and the missions to obtain these new members gets more arduous each go round. But of course it is worth it, because your team will need some diversity. Each member of your gang is good at certain things more or less than others. There are three categories of skill, I do not remember them 100% but I would say they were Graffiti customization 1. Technique 2. Graffiti 3. Strength The memories. I think the strength determines how many spray cans the character can hold. A person that can hold the most spray cans, is basically the wisest choice of a character. Stocking up on spray cans after each tag gets annoying, and you will want to hold as much as you can. Some graffiti spots are large, and they take anywhere from around 10-15 spray cans to complete. With a person who holds about 20, you will run out quickly. When spraying graffiti, a window pops up, and in that window lies a direction. They vary from clockwise, counterclockwise, and other strokes that can only be explained with a drawing. If you fail to push the analog in the correct way, you will waste your cans, and you will have to start it all over again. Mastering the spray technique is important, and this is where the Technique attribute comes in. People with high technique, do not have to do as much squiggly or confusing strokes. This makes it easier to spray graffiti. But if you master the strokes, it doesn't matter much either way. I forget who or what this is. There are some basic controls beside the spraying. There's jump, a and button to gain speed. To grind a rail, all that it takes is to just jump on the rail. The game lacks skating depth, because it is mostly based around graffiti and tagging. Gaining speed is also important, you might be trying to escape the cops, and grind a rail that is escalating upwards. The speed boost only lasts for a certain amount of time, and you will need to wait about 3-4 seconds to boost yourself again. The more tricks or rails you grind, the faster you will move naturally. This can be taken advantage of evidentially. You can also skate up half-pipes and do tricks as well. Some graffiti spots are very petite, and you can spray them by just pressing one button. These can be sprayed by moving, jumping, or even jumping off half-pipes. You can also spray individual policemen, to make them stop moving or chasing you. This comes in handy, and is basically the only way to attack one. But it also takes away some spray cans, which can be painful at times. As you can see.. In JGR, almost no spot in the game is not assessable. With rails moving up and down, they can lead you to higher platforms and buildings. In some cases, you are supposed to do this, because sometimes graffiti spots are up here. Every time you spray, you are always spraying over someone else's graffiti. To complete every stage, you need to spray all of the graffiti spots before the time runs out. Some missions include spraying an entire graffiti team on their backs. If this is completed, you can gain street credit, and the other gangs will respect you. When doing tricks on rails, when you jump you will do a trick in mid-air, doing these over and over will help you can gain speed and as well as air. You can basically jump from rail to rail, it doesn't even matter how far away a rail is from another if your speed is up. Of course as you progress through the game, the missions get more difficult. Difficulty in this game comes in different shapes. Sometimes, there will be more graffiti spots to spray, or you will even have to travel to different areas within the stage, or the time limit will lower, which basically rushes you to complete faster. They might want consider, moving out of the way. The graphics seem to use the full potential of the Dreamcast. The cell shading looks great and look somewhat similar to Budokai 3. The effects such as the smoke, explosions, and sparks look up-to-par. The music is brilliant. The soundtrack is made up of different artists and groups. The basic genre of the soundtrack is, techno, funk, hip hop, and electronic. Some of these tracks are down right miraculous, and they mostly capture and match the atmosphere that the stages give off. Whether the stage takes place in a Japanese city at dark, or a cheery bright sunny day, each track correlates well to each area. Since the game is called Jet Grind Radio, throughout the game, each track sounds as if someone is turning the nob on a radio, you will hear basic radio static in between each track, which gives off the vibe as if someone is actually hosting a radio station. Of course there is actually a DJ in the game, and he actually narrates the storyline,and I guess he is the one that is changing the tracks on his radio station. The tracks will leave you humming afterwards, or might even have you browsing the internet the find the tracks. Great looking city There are some other features in the game that I am not quite sure of. I think that you can actually browse the internet, and download custom graffiti tags that you can use. Or you can create your own in the game, and save onto your VMU. Internet multilayer is unknown, I do not know this in particular. The bottom line is that, this game is unique, and brings a funky vibe to the Dreamcast. The game is most memorable for it's soundtrack though. Having a Dreamcast and not this game is a sin, and you should be ashamed for not having it in your possession. If haven't played this game before, download it, buy it, do anything you can to play it. A
  4. The game gets a 9.8 from gametrailers. http://www.gametrailers.com/player/33327.html
  5. I'm having trouble with a weapon and I cannot find the answer in any guide online. With the broadsword, it's much stronger than my Lamentation and when I try to use it, Soki has a hard time swinging it. Is there anything I do to change this?
  6. Is there any type of emulator that can emulate Xbox Arcade Live Games? Like the re-made games such as UMK3?
  7. I actually have a backup of Arcana Heart, I've only played it for roughly 2 minutes, didn't get much out of it.
  8. I suppose that I just grew tired of having a Display name that contained two words. I also had trouble coming up with that name, I tried to make my Display Name like no other I've ever heard before.
  9. Anyway, I'm glad I didn't lose my friend Umm, yeah..
  10. Wow, Uhm, where do I start? Nobou Uemastu, brilliant composer! Final Fantasy VIII Final Fantasy VII Final Fantasy 10, 10-2 Chrono Trigger Super Metroid Super Mario RPG Onimusha - Dawn of Dreams Kingdom Hearts 1, 2 Gunstar Heroes Sonic The Hedgehog Sonic Advance 3 Jet Grind Radio I could go on and on.
  11. Mortal Kombat IV Published by: Midway Games Developed by: Eurocom Genre: Fighting Number of Players: 1-2 Release Date: US: June 24, 1998 Japan: April 1, 1998 Europe: April 1, 1998 Australia: Released Emulators: Project 64, NullDC, pSX fin, SSF You can easily point out some new characters, along with some returning veterans. Since some new MK titles have been mentioned in the last couple of weeks, I decided to go ahead and review the best 3D MK title in existence. MK 4 was Midway's first attempt at making a 3D MK game. They tried their best to stick to the traditional formula, but the 3D transition make it arduous to do so. All of the other 3D MK titles have spectacular graphics, but the gameplay is phlegmatic, but that's another story. This game was first released for the Arcade, just like every other MK title before it. It was then ported to the PS1, N64, and the Dreamcast. However, the Dreamcast version had superior graphics, along with more story content, characters, and stages. This game was called MK Gold, which was actually a port of the original with a few new things added. The game is still virtually the same as the original, and Midway did nothing to improve the gameplay, but anyways, moving on. Oooooh, 3D Ice Blast! Sense this was the first 3D MK title, Midway decided that they needed to meet the bar that Dead or Alive and Tekken set, by putting in Full Motion Video movies at the end of the game when it was completed. The visuals for the FMVs are decent for the PS1 port, but for the Dreamcast port, they looked like rat terds. There was no excuse, since Miday had a superior console to deal with, they did not use the full potential of it. The in-game graphics look great though, but the blood could have used some improvements. They've also added some new characters in this installment, some include Shinnok, Quanchi, and Kai. Some of these new characters were actually first introduced in Sub Zero - MK Mythologies, so they actually do have relevance to the main storyline. In this game, it will be the second time for Shao Kahn to be excluded from the game. This time they brought back Goro, and sinse they aren't using pre-rendered models anymore, his size has decreased, but he does look more taller and with less girth. Every hit on this boss takes little, and repetitive combos get the job done, but to my surprise, he actually is not the final boss, Shinnok is. Shinnok is still considered an equal to all of the other characters. It doesn't make sense to put Goro before this man. Hmph Along with the new 3D graphics and characters, the combo system was revamped, and weapons were thrown in without warning. This addition is a small plus, and does really take much skill to use. Although, along with the new weapons for each character, they put in objects in each stage that can be thrown at the opponent. If these objects make impact, it takes nearly a quarter of your life away, and these objects can be thrown without a limit. This can be spammed very easily, but of course there are ways to doge them. The side step can be used to dodge these, as well as ducking. The side step was implemented for the simple purpose of moving around 3D wise. The weapons can be thrown as well, but you can actually pick up another person's weapon and use it against them. There are button combinations, that can trigger a weapon unsheathe, The weapons vary from each character, and they mostly suit the characters personallity and as well as attire. Of course the only character that does not have one is Goro, (not that he would actually need a weapon). The combo system has been changed so that, everyone has the same combo. They can be initiated about the same speed as the older games' combos'. Each combo can vary, in some of them, you can do 3 punches, then after the third punch you are free to do what you want. Some combos can be very long, and some also include using weapons, and using special attacks. To put it in simpler terms, the combos can be made completely by yourself. You can basically press different buttons each time to make a combo longer, and have variation. The more experienced you get, the better your combos will become. I do not think that scrapping the old combo system was wise, but it seemed to be an equal trade out, each has it's ups and downs. Practice Mode Menu The music for this game is unsurprisingly superb. Midway is known well for creating music for their MK games. The sound effects are also hysterical these time around, and the battle cries and groans are all too amusing. Especially when Midway maps all cries and groans to one person's voice, and everyone has the same cry except Liu Kang. The animations are mostly fluid, and along with some animations of people getting various bones broken by grab moves. A grab move automatically grabs the person, and brutally just breaks one of their bones. This is just out of the norm and hilarious. Nothing like these has been seen in previous installments. Stage fatalities make yet another appearance, and this time they are a bit more brutal than before. I can't remember any of them, but I do remember the end of each where the character's face just hits the screen. Also, when hitting a person with a weapon, you can knock them against the camera, and they'll just slide down slowly onto the ground. You can tell that Midway actually had fun creating this game. There has also been a combo breaker, if too many combos are made, the game will automatically cancel them so you cannot spam them over and over. This does well to balance the game, and basically gives the opponent somewhat slack. I wonder what he's about to do? The models basically have the same colors as the characters back on the 2D games. Although, there is no more palette swapping. Each character has their own unique design. Reptile actually looks like a humanoid snake being, and Scorpion's outfit actually has some design, which distinguishes itself from Sub Zero's costume. Sub Zero also has a new effect, of cloudy ice fog surrounding him, which gives the indication of just how cold he is. You can also input some combination of buttons at the character select screen, to unlock secret costumes. They have carried over, Tag Team mode from Trilogy into this game, so just about nothing was missed. You can also save your newly unlocked FMV sequences on a memory card, and also save your settings. A new practice mode has been put in, but unfortunately, you cannot practice fatalities here. Speaking of which, the fatalities are still here, but aren't as memorable or bad ass. The 2D fatalities were badass for what they were and how they looked. Translating those fatalities into 3D, stole away their individual spark, but I must say MK 4's fatalities are more humor based, and theirs not much wrong with that is there? Lots of moves there. Coming to a brief close with this overview, Midway did well to make the first 3D MK fighting game ever. Some things are lost because of this creation, but in the end it was a good attempt. It was actually going in a decent direction, then Deadly Alliance was released, then everything suddenly went down hill. Sense I am a very dedicated and hardcore MK fan, let's all join in a prayer. Let's pray that Midway can actually make a splendid MK fighter, after a decade they have yet to make one good one. And we aren't including Shaolin Monks, which was an Action Adventure game that was MK II based and deserves a sequel. Let's hope that Midway actually quits the crack cocaine addiction, and thinks of something fun and original, that will please all rejoicing MK fans across the planet. Getting eaten by a skull, how quaint. I give this game a B. Graphics - 8 Presentation - 7 Gameplay - 7.5 Sound - 9
  12. Are Wizard and BK somehow related? They seriously are alike.
  13. When I name a title, it does include any sequels. Sonic The Hedgehog Alien Soldier Gunstar Heroes Altered Beast Toejam & Earl Golden Axe Streets of Rage Shining Force Mortal Kombat Ristar Phantasy Star Vectorman Comix Zone Ecco The Dolphin
  14. You would prefer a Wii over the others which virtually has less games than the other two?
  15. A 10 does not necessarily mean a perfect game. But when a game like GTA IV is (allegedly) so good, that it completely overshadows its flaws with its pros, and sets the bar so high that future developers should look to it for what makes a great game, it is deserving of a 10/10
  16. The game just got the first 10/10 from IGN in 10 years. http://ps3.ign.com/articles/869/869541p2.html
  17. Unfortunately I've already completed the Xbox port of Fable along with Lost Chapters.
  18. 7th Saga, The Actraiser Breath of Fire II Chrono Trigger Donkey Kong Country Final Fantasy III Illusion of Gaia Killer Instinct Lufia II Mario Paint Megaman X Secret of Mana Shadowrun (SWE) Street Fighter II Turbo Super Castlevania IV Super Mario World Super Metroid Super Punch Out!! Super Probotector Super Turrican Terranigma The Legend of Zelda: A Link To The Past U.N. Squadron Seiken Densetsu 3 Rudora No Hihou Tales of Phantasia Ninja Gaiden Trilogy
  19. I've been playing some Onimusha titles for the PS2, but I am getting fed up with running games from discs, and memory running out on my card when there is nothing that I can delete from it. I have Gemna Onimusha from the Xbox, I would play it but I cannot get used to only using the D-Pad for movement, it's a horrendous control scheme that cannot be changed. So does anyone know any games for the Xbox that are similar to Onimusha? I mean as in, a Hack and Slash sword adventure game.
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