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Devia Eleven

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Everything posted by Devia Eleven

  1. http://www.gametrailers.com/player/32965.html
  2. I think that was intentionally done, it was funny.
  3. Only if they trash the Deception engine. This game will never be able to reach the prestige of MK II.
  4. You aren't going to be able to change someone's entitled opinion, but it also isn't necessary to post in all Mortal Kombat threads reminding us that you don't like the game. =)
  5. Currently playing Final Fantasy IV, on Super Nintendo.
  6. I agree up only to the point of where you decided to add in things from other games. And mapping the block button the back, and re-mapping the run button. I never had a problem with they way they were originally, because I know how to use them correctly.
  7. A remake of Mortal Kombat 2, in HD to be on XBL and PSN, would be splendid.
  8. Please don't tell me the television is in your bedroom. I'm getting an image from the movie: "The 40-Year Old Virgin" (not that I'm saying you are). I have television in my room, however, I don't feel like hauling an Xbox upstairs over and over. So I leave it on the main floor, which is where the family room is located. The television is literally 3 feet away from this computer. So the next question is, are your parents aware that you're using the family room television for hormonal celebrations? If not, how do you make sure they don't catch you? Well, if you must know, first off, I live with my mother and my older brother, who are both home about 45% of the time. I don't watch it on TV frequently, but if I do watch while my mother is in the house, I can just press the "B" button the controller if I hear a door noise. It's simple, I've never gotten caught, to my surprise that is.
  9. Please don't tell me the television is in your bedroom. I'm getting an image from the movie: "The 40-Year Old Virgin" (not that I'm saying you are). I have television in my room, however, I don't feel like hauling an Xbox upstairs over and over. So I leave it on the main floor, which is where the family room is located. The television is literally 3 feet away from this computer.
  10. The computer chair puts me in an uncomfortable position.
  11. My television doesn't exactly have surround sound, and the volume is mostly lowered because I want to hear out for door sounds.
  12. I'm surprised your garage hasn't been taken over by the lords of the Netherrealm yet.
  13. I don't know how you guys manage to watch porn on a big screen television (or any size TV for that matter). Why?
  14. Wow, the PSP is sounding like Gold to me now, I really need to get one.
  15. Not to mention the playing of PSP games from the Memory Stick.
  16. I meant, a separate section, "do use the blog feature"?
  17. The Playstation 3 is the best and only alternative to an Xbox 360. You might miss out on some stellar 360 exclusives, but you actually have games, and you don't have to worry about a RRoD or anything of that matter.
  18. That reminds me of the horrible time last night of me accidentally deleting 5.3 GBs of porn from my Xbox last night.
  19. You should have asked us about the blogs.
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