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Devia Eleven

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Everything posted by Devia Eleven

  1. I can know see your reasoning. I am actually playing FF7 for the second time in three years, it wasn't as fun as the first go around but it is easier this time. I've played FF8 and FF9, but I have not yet managed to get past disc one on either of the games. I don't really enjoy the battle system of FF8, FF9 is fine, but I think I might have just got stuck somewhere in the game that made me just stop playing. I'm one of those individuals who refuse to read walkthroughs, because of this, I tend to get stuck in games, but I always feel that finding out on my own is better, and makes me wiser as a gamer. I've beaten FFX, a very ravishing experience, definitely one of the best RPGs that I've played for the PS2. It also has one of the best Final Fantasy Soundtracks of all time I think.
  2. I like how you chose him for the villain as well.
  3. Oh contrare, I love RPGs. =) And I would like to play PSX games on the go.
  4. Is PSX on PSP worth purchasing a PSP for?
  5. How well does the PSP emulate the Playstation?
  6. They might have said that, but they fixed that mistake with FF8!
  7. Very well said, this somewhat applies to me.
  8. If a remake does come about, they need to replace the deformed Lego type models with actual humans, that really annoys me about the game.
  9. I don't see why it would be released on any other platform except the PS3, the CG presented in the opening movie looked to heavy for the PS2's capabilities.
  10. Buy a PSone off of Amazon for $25, mod it, then just play backups with it.
  11. It doesn't need a remake anyways, the game got a 10/10 and is one of the best games ever released for the Playstation.
  12. http://www.gametrailers.com/player/usermov...aylist=featured
  13. Is this a good thing that the combos still work?
  14. If they include anyone other than Metal Sonic, Knuckles, and Tails, I won't be pleased.
  15. ... It will not be a racing game. And it looks a lot better in gameplay than the previous Sonic The Hedgehog titles. Not including the first three.
  16. Naruto Shippuuden is for the PS2 and not the PS3.
  17. Definition file; has various purposes. For characters defines the name, authorname and files associated with the character(below), while more specific DEF files such as SYSTEM define the outer 'skin' of the engine (commonly called screenpack or motif), and FIGHT defines the HUD (or lifebars) for the actual fights themselves. Note that SYSTEM.DEF and FIGHT.DEF are not absolute names, but those commonly used (and used by the default motif). For stages, the .def file acts as both .def (files associated with the stage) and .air file
  18. Could you use Google, instead of making threads expecting people to waste their time telling you and spoon feeding you information.
  19. Holidays are pointless. Especially the ones that make no sense whatsoever.
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