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Devia Eleven

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Everything posted by Devia Eleven

  1. http://www.gametrailers.com/player/31828.html
  2. You could search around the internet and find how in a matter of minutes, I hope you enjoy wasting your money.
  3. I have never been fully understood by any person in real life, due to my random ADHD type outbursts and random shyness.
  4. I bring my determination to become stronger. I bring my intelligence, and my respect to whoever inhabits this forum. I am a teenager coming to bring something different, a person who matters, a person who will make a lasting impression on the forum members and the forum itself as well.
  5. Somewhere around November of this year.
  6. There is only one mugen engine, go read wikipedia on the topic of M.U.G.E.N.
  7. I heard that the SSBB online play feature was really weak, is this true?
  8. I don't know what version you are using and specs your computer has, but the emulator runs just fine with music on.
  9. I'm sorry, but I'm angry that this game wasn't released for the PS2, and even more angry that Tekken 5 wasn't made to be online, what were they thinking?
  10. She's hot in the video, but there was a lack of Mariah high pitch notes.
  11. Don't disagree with me. PSP graphics, look like Dreamcast graphics on a high quality screen.
  12. I would also like to know if possible.
  13. And I was sitting here thinking that it was a GoW II port.
  14. It's about 9:30, been playing Kingdom Hearts Final Mix all weekend.
  15. It is not a suprise that you failed to view the sticky threads. http://www.1emulation.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=23978
  16. NO$GBA by far, even though the name of the emulator contradicts itself by having NO$=No Cash, meaning that it's free, when ironically it costs about $2. It runs a majority of roms stably, does well with 3D games, has great plugins. It runs the most popular roms 80% perfectly.
  17. What do you need pictures for?
  18. Hell it got me for 12 posts.. and you feel sad. I wasn't emotionally concerned, it was just a notification.
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