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Devia Eleven

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Everything posted by Devia Eleven

  1. NO$GBA has come very far, it can run games very well and doesn't have problems when it comes to running games that are 3-D. I would have to say that I'm fairly impressed by the progress of NO$GBA. Here's a video of me running New Super Mario Bros. with NO$GBA 2.6A.
  2. This is guide, that will show you how you can burn an XBOX ISO using MXM. Media X Menu is a menu that shows up after you insert your backup into a modded Xbox, it is basically a menu that allows you to put multiple games on one DVD/CD, and it lets you choose which one you want to play. MXM is one way to play backups on a modded Xbox. Programs you will need: ZXBTools - Which can be downloaded here. DVD Decrypter - Which can be downloaded here. 1.) Open up ZXBTools. 2.) Click the "MenuX' bullet, and add your directory, the ISO has to be extracted into a folder. 3.) Click 'Next' 4.) Download a screenshot of the game from someplace, and select it. 5.) Click 'Next' 6.) Make sure your window has the same things selected as mine does. 7.) If you want music to play when the Menu appears, click and browse for music of your choosing, and it has to be a wma file. 8.) Browse and locate were you want your ISO to be created. I would suggest you click Preview to make sure you followed all of the steps correctly. 9.) Please wait while ZXBTools creates your ISO. 10.) Make sure you know where your ISO is, now open up DVD Decrypter. Make sure it is set to write, choose your burner, and your speed. (recommended to choose half the speed that it says on your blank DVD/CD.) 11.) Choose the xISO that you wish to burn. 12.) Click 'Write' 13.) After you are finished burning, insert the backup in the Xbox to see if it worked, (it will). Note: YOUR XBOX HAS TO BE MODDED OR THIS WILL NOT WORK! If you have any problems please let me know.
  3. This guide is made to explain to you, how you can create and extract Xbox ISO(s) only. Programs you will need: ZXBTools - Which can be downloaded here. I. Creating an ISO 1.) Open up ZXBTools 2.) Go to: ISO > Create 3.) Browse for the files that you want to create your ISO, by clicking Add Dir, it has to be in a folder. Find your folder. 4.) After this you will need to select a destination for the ISO, name it whatever you want of course. 5.) Click Create ISO 6.) Wait for it finish. II. Extracting an ISO 1.) Open up ZXBTools 2.) Go to: ISO > Extract 3.) Add the ISO you want to extract by clicking: Add xISO 4.) Choose your destination of where you want the ISO to be extracted. 5.) Click: Extract ISO(s) 6.) Wait for the process to finish. 7.) Check and make sure your ISO extracted where you wanted it to.
  4. Well the Dreamcast contains a very weak laser, so it is to be expected for it to have a hard time reading backups. Using the best media is the way to go, and make sure you are always burning self boots, it will save you the time. Also, try to expiriment in burning backups at different speeds and see what speed your Dreamcast is comfortable with.
  5. Low quality media can be the case, also the burn speed can be the case.
  6. How would the X360 or PS3 have any level of probability of it not being able to run this game?
  7. I think that the latest Swap Magic is compatible with all PS2 versions.
  8. Was their any confirmation of some sort that said that this game would be ported to a console?
  9. If you aren't already, use NO$GBA 2.6a, you will get outstanding results.
  10. Note: I will update this thread on every release. Do not post any questions ONLY screenshots and compatibility posts. Some games that run good on some pc's may not run that good on slower pc's Example Final Fantasy III. Post it in this form: Game Name Save type: Status: Speed: Graphical errors: Sound: Note: PC Specs: I'll edit the first Post whit all the screenshots and Compatibility posts of myself and other members Final fantasy Chocobo Tales (U) Save type: EEPROM 64k Status: Fully Playable Speed: Game works on fullspeed Graphical errors: None yet Sound: the sound is fine a bit crackling though Note: Best on realtime PC Specs: Amd Athlon ™ Processor 1.33GHZ Geforce2 mx 100/200 New Super Mario Bros (U) Save type: EEPROM 64K Status: Fully Playable Speed: Full speed every where except cut scenes Graphical errors: None, because transparency has been fixed Sound: Good sound only complain is that it crackles Note: Game runs Great on my OLD PC:D PC Specs: Amd Athlon ™ Processor 1.33GHZ Geforce2 mx 100/200 Mario Kart DS (U) Save type: Flash 512 KB Status: Fully Playable Speed: 80% average Graphical errors: None Sound: Really bad sound turn it off to gain 15% speed Note: It runs at 80% on realtime with sound off, 65% with sound on but is really choppy. On Unlimited 50% it's 30% but really smooth i actually prefer playing on that. PC Specs: Amd Athlon ™ Processor 1.33GHZ Geforce2 mx 100/200 Yu-Gi-Oh World Championship 2008 (U) Save type: Flash 512 KB Status: Fully Playable Speed: 65% average on Duels, on the Overworld 10% Graphical errors: None Sound: Really bad sound turn it off to gain speed Note: Really slow Overworld!! PC Specs: Amd Athlon ™ Processor 1.33GHZ Geforce2 mx 100/200 Megaman Starforce Dragon (U) Save type: Flash 512 KB Status: Fully Playable Speed: Game runs on full speed everywhere, included the battles Graphical errors: in battle the enemies look weird Sound: Perfect Note: Ditch the 2d Overworld PC Specs: Amd Athlon ™ Processor 1.33GHZ Geforce2 mx 100/200 Trace Memory (U) Save type: Flash 512 KB Status: fully Playable Speed: Game runs 50% on some dialoges and on other on 90% Graphical errors: None found yet Sound: crackling ue the low speed Note: none PC Specs: Amd Athlon ™ Processor 1.33GHZ Geforce2 mx 100/200 Pokemon Diamond (U) Save type: Flash 512 KB Status: fully Playable Speed: average speed is about 75% outside and 95% inside perfect while in battle Graphical errors: the houses look weird a bit cell-shaded due the new update Sound: Good sound especially inside and in battle Note: Read the stickes of this section if you have questions regarding this game PC Specs: Amd Athlon ™ Processor 1.33GHZ Geforce2 mx 100/200
  11. Until we see those pics, you're lying.
  12. I think that DMC 3 Special Edition is challenging, but not difficult, if that makes any sense.
  13. Vega Claws or Vega Bison?
  14. Well I've downloaded a large bundle of MAME roms to put on my Xbox, I'll check out these recommended games when I'm bored.
  15. Ninja Gaiden for the Xbox is terribly difficult, even though it is a great game, it's way too difficult for me even on normal.
  16. I wouldn't bet on it, Swap Magic, was made especially for the PS2 and the PS2 only. It's made to byspass the coding that PS2 games need to be recognized by an unmodded PS2. The PS3, however, even has trouble running a majority of PS2 games, PS3's backwards compatibility capabilities are trash.
  17. I think that Xbox 360 has all of the games, really. Wii has good exclusives. PS3 has games, but not enough.
  18. The link to the Higher Quality video does not load.
  19. WoW sucks, I've played it.
  20. No, there isn't.
  21. This is a method for a Mugen user to add characters into Mugen that are zipped with WinZip. THIS DOES NOT WORK WITH WINRAR. Note: This is 100% compatible with winmugen-hires, tested by myself. Download: http://shinchoujin.50webs.com/mugen/zlib.dll
  23. Is it just me?, or do those videos never load?
  24. Looks like 2008 is that year.
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