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Devia Eleven

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Everything posted by Devia Eleven

  1. There is no such thing as a background being to big for your desktop, you could easily apply to the background and your computer will automatically re-size it to fit your monitor resolution.
  2. My opinion still stands, and it is now confirmed that money can completely alter ones mind enough to make them insane.
  3. I only recognized 20% of the characters drawn.
  4. I spent my entire last night trying to install an 80 GB Maxtor ATA HDD onto my Xbox that I just got from one of my buddies. It was a long tedious process but I managed to pull it off. Yesterday morning I was stuck sitting in a chair for 5 hours because I had to take the SAT Reasoning Course.
  5. about:blank There isn't anything more superior than a blank screen waiting to be eradicated by another website of your choosing.
  6. You certainly did a nice job at coloring the picture.
  7. I believe that Sega has completely subjected itself to Nintendo, the Sega Master System is a classic game console that does not need to be corrupted by Nintendo's Virtual Console feature.
  8. I am so excited that I actually managed to mod my first Xbox using no other method except reading every single tutorial and guide on the internet. I feel that my hard work has paid off, and my awesome reward is a 80BG softmodded Xbox.
  9. How can I run EvoX from my Harddrive? Do I just download the Dashboard and put in into a folder?
  10. What other dashboard should I really be considering, other than evox, avalaunch, and XBMC there isn't much else to choose from. Later on I'm planning on replacing the Harddrive with an 80 GB, which will be a difficult procedure due to the fact that this Xbox was not TSOP Flashed.
  11. I just finished modding an Xbox using the Splinter Cell Exploit, and it has 4 GB on the E Drive and it says that the F Drive isn't formatted. I put in the Format Menu into the Config.xml file, this is the way it looks. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <UnleashX> <Settings> <MSDashBoard>C:\Xboxdash.xbe</MSDashBoard> <Password MaxTries="3"></Password> <Network Enable="Yes" Type="DHCP"> <IP></IP> <Subnet></Subnet> <Gateway></Gateway> <DNS1></DNS1> <DNS2></DNS2> </Network> <FTP Enable="Yes"> <User>xbox</User> <Password>xbox</Password> <Port>21</Port> <MaxUsers>2</MaxUsers> <AllowAnon>No</AllowAnon> <Greeting>Welcome to XBOX FTP Server</Greeting> </FTP> <Newsfeed Enable="False" Interval="30"> <URL>www.xbox-scene.com/xbox1data/xbox-scene.xml</URL> <URL>www.xbins.org/xbins.xml</URL> </Newsfeed> <Preference> <Games AutoLaunch="no"></Games> <DVD AutoLaunch="no">e:\Apps\DVDX2\default.xbe</DVD> <AudioCD AutoLaunch="no">C:\xboxdash.xbe</AudioCD> <Data AutoLaunch="Yes"></Data> <SNTP Synchronize="No"></SNTP> <FanSpeed>1</FanSpeed> <ScreenSaver Wait="60"> <Text>UnleashX V0.38</Text> </ScreenSaver> <AutoTurnOff>0</AutoTurnOff> <EnableDriveF>True</EnableDriveF> <EnableDriveG>False</EnableDriveG> <Skin>OrangeShapes - By Kthulu</Skin> <ContextMenu AllowItemEdit="Yes"></ContextMenu> </Preference> <LED> <Default>Green-Orange</Default> </LED> </Settings> <Menu> <Item Action="LaunchDVD">Launch DVD</Item> <List Text="Games" Sort="On" Auto="On"> <Path>E:\Games</Path> <Path>F:\Games</Path> <Path>G:\Games</Path> <Path>E:\HDDLoader</Path> <Path>F:\HDDLoader</Path> <Path>G:\HDDLoader</Path> </List> <List Text="Applications" Sort="On" Auto="On"> <Path>E:\Apps</Path> <Path>F:\Apps</Path> <Path>G:\Apps</Path> <Item Action="TextEditor">Text Editor</Item> </List> <List Text="Emulators" Sort="On" Auto="On"> <Path>E:\emulators</Path> <Path>F:\emulators</Path> <Path>G:\emulators</Path> </List> <List Text="System" Sort="Off" Auto="On"> <Item Action="Settings">Settings</Item> <Item Action="SavesManager">Game Saves Manager</Item> <List Text="Misc" Sort="Off" Auto="On"> <Item Action="FTPStop">Stop FTP</Item> <Item Action="FTPStart">Start FTP</Item> <Item Action="FTPReset">Reset FTP</Item> <Item Action="NETReset">Restart Network</Item> <Item Action="TrayClose">Close DVD Tray</Item> <Item Action="TrayOpen">Open DVD Tray</Item> <Item Action="CopyDVD">Copy Game Disc</Item> </List> <List Text="Format Menu" Sort="Off" Auto="On"> <Item Action="Format" Arg1="X">Format X Drive</Item> <Item Action="Format" Arg1="Y">Format Y Drive</Item> <Item Action="Format" Arg1="Z">Format Z Drive</Item> <List Text="Format F Drive" Sort="Off" Batch="True"> <Item Action="AskUser" Arg1="Format">Are you sure you want to format Drive F?</Item> <Item Action="MessageBox" Arg1="Format">Press OK to proceed with the format operation.</Item> <Item Action="Format" Arg1="F">Format F Drive</Item> </List> <List Text="Format G Drive" Sort="Off" Batch="True"> <Item Action="AskUser" Arg1="Format">Are you sure you want to format Drive G?</Item> <Item Action="MessageBox" Arg1="Format">Press OK to proceed with the format operation.</Item> <Item Action="Format" Arg1="G">Format G Drive</Item> </List> <List Text="Format E Drive" Sort="Off" Batch="True"> <Item Action="AskUser" Arg1="Format">Are you sure you want to format Drive E?</Item> <Item Action="MessageBox" Arg1="Format">Press OK to proceed with the format operation.</Item> <Item Action="Format" Arg1="E">Format E Drive</Item> </List> </List> <Item Action="Skins">Skins</Item> </List> <Item Action="FileManager">File Explorer</Item> <Item Action="C:\xboxdash.xbe">MS Dashboard</Item> <Item Action="Restart">Reboot</Item> <Item Action="Shutdown">Shutdown</Item> </Menu> </UnleashX> When I tell it to Format the F Drive, I press OK, then nothing happens.
  12. I wasn't ever really for Half-Life/Counterstrike, mostly because I was not good at the games. They just seemed like two ordinary First Person shooter to me. I think that people over hype Guitar Hero far too much, I suck at that game as well, but people make it seem like Guitar Hero is the only reason for living, and that anything else in life is not important except that game. WoW, this game was not that good. City of Heroes was much better, I don't understand how this game could take custody over a person's life, the game wasn't amazing, it was just another MMORPG to me.
  13. Maybe this game will get leaked like the Beta version of Half-Life for the Dreamcast.
  14. I already knew that he was Flash, it was just a sense of being surprised. True, only time I saw Flash was in Jusitce League, and all of the super heroes were happy-go-lucky. http://www.hyperborea.org/flash/images/flash-animated.gif
  15. That's Flash? Man, I've never seen him look so bad ass.
  16. No, it makes you an Angry Video Game Nerd clone.
  17. That's some great work, better than what I can do.
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