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Devia Eleven

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Everything posted by Devia Eleven

  1. Oh definitely, I'm just going slowly, because I'm filling each emulator with the maximum number of roms.
  2. From what I understand running extracted ISOs from a USB harddrive will most likely lag. Also adding the fact that Slimlines and Fats have USB 1.1 ports so they aren't as fast. Although there is another Slimline planned for release it is unknown if the USB ports have been updated.
  3. Looking forward to it, better be good..
  4. Def Jam Icon sucked, and I never played it. The fighting was completely destroyed.
  5. Each character is given to each system according to light saber color.
  6. Well I guess since Spawn made it into the second, it's not really surprising here. I do think that the characters do not fit in whatsoever, where Link and Spawn actually used weapons that were in the time frame of when Soul Calibur took place. How would futuristic beam sword swinging swordsmen fit anywhere in Soul Calibur. Anyways, that just me.
  7. I underestimated Bob aswell as NAMCO, I expected him to be another Jack, but he's pretty fast.
  8. I can't believe that he actually attempted to apologize, or..supposedly apologize.
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