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Devia Eleven

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Everything posted by Devia Eleven

  1. I don't like the idea of hard rugged paints rubbing against my genital area.
  2. Other means anything other than the other choices.
  3. Personally I prefer Boxer Briefs, because Boxers cover a little bit of your thighs, and it also provides you with a tight wrapping around the area so it is secure. I don't like wearing Boxers because they feel loose and I don't feel as protected in certain areas.
  4. School for me is actually on the 8th and not the 7th. The 7th is a student holiday.
  5. No, not at all, I couldn't care less about someone's gender especially in a forum. ALTHOUGH, if someone lies about their gender, that's pretty idiotic, now it's different if a member DOES NOT DESIRE to reveal his/her gender, there is nothing wrong with that.
  6. That wasn't my point, he should have gotten banned either way, but what I meant was that females get more attention than males on the internet simply because there are a huge lack of them, if that member's name was Dark-X or something of that sort, Reaper probably wouldn't even have talked about/to the member. I'm just thinking just because of the members name he became curious.
  7. I don't understand why females are often judged upon on the internet period, a female is human just like males and should be treated fairly. Females are such large deals on forums for some reason.
  8. That really must be some hard work though, I am really wondering how much all of the equipment costs in that project.
  9. What is your account username, I would like to take a look see.
  10. Thank you, this one works fine enough for me, I appreciate it. I am just planning to upload some gameplay footage on youtube.
  11. I'm looking for a screen recorder that records at a high frame rate, because when I record my desktop with Bulliten's Screen Recorder the video ends up being very choppy.
  12. PM me and I'll provide you with links, as far as burning goes: .CDI - Use discjuggler, if you are burning a file over 700 MB it will ask you to fix a problem, click NO .NRG - Use Nero .MDF - Use Alcohol IMG/BIN/ISO - Nero/Alchohol
  13. I'm looking for some info on what would be the best Game Gear emulator to use.
  14. CD1 - 10 - Hideki Naganuma - Like It Like This Like That
  15. Wtf is a life? And where can I download it?
  16. The guy in the first video reminds me of a boss from Streets of Rage II.
  17. Too bad there isn't some website which allows a person to create his/her own self in a cartoonish kiddy looking way.
  18. Playstation 2 Final Fantasy VII - Dirge of Cerberus The game seems fine, although the controls are somewhat broken I've tried to tolerate it to get further in the game, because I like the leveling system aswell as having the ability to upgrade your guns. God of War II A good game, currently stuck in ANOTHER puzzle. Devil May Cry III - Special Edition A bit hard, I'll resume playing this game later, just finished defeating Jester on Gold mode Normal. Phantasy Star Universe: Ambition of the Illuminus Stuck on a mission, they get repetitive too. Shadow Hearts II Currently at the part where I need to travel through the Subway, I am trying to level up my party because apparently the Subway enemies are a bit too strong for me right now. Megaman X - Command Mission A bit boring, good enough for me to keep playing, just got Massimo in my party, and now I'm stuck in a maze.
  19. Even though I agree with some of your points, I still don't think the game is considered as garbage. I guess I had a larger acceptance level because I didn't buy the game. I've played many RPGs before and this is one that is better the some I've played, I think it's decent. Although the numerous random battles get annoying, the voice acting is fine, and the mazes are annoying aswell. The game can also get repetitive but I still think it's decent.
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