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Everything posted by Gridden

  1. Righto, thanks a lot guys!
  2. Im interested in buying a controller for arcade games, sort of like the one you find on the cabinetes (you know, with you buttons and the joystick on one panel). I dont know if these exist as an external plug in device, so i wanted to check here.
  3. Ok i'v managed to get them to work, iv taken a look at the board rules too. I have another question now, i dont know if it belongs in this section, but it is about a neo geo game. Which dip switch does what, i cant seem to find it anywhere on the web.
  4. I must have the bad roms then. as the CRC32 of my files dont match with the ones you provided (that is, if what you provided ARE CRC32 codes). Edit: Hmm, maybe i need some sort of hack to play these games? i found something called a loader hack, but doesnt work with the latest version of the winkawaks.
  5. These files: 000-lo.lo asia-s3.rom sfix.sfx sm1.sm1 sp-e.sp1 sp-j2.rom sp-s.sp1 sp-s2.sp1 sp1.jipan.1024 usa_2slt.bin vs-bios.rom And i got all the metal slug roms from ********** (sorry if its illegal to post links, im new here as i said) Thanks. Removed link - Robert
  6. Hello, im new to the forums. I recently got the latest version of WInkawaks (version 1.56) and got the roms for metal slug 1,2,x,3,4 and 5. The problem is that 3,4 and 5 dont show on the list. I have downloaded the neo geo bios, but they still dont work. I also downloaded RomCentre, but have no idea on how to make it work, it just doesnt display and games even thou i downloaded the Winkawaks data file for it. Please tell me if you know how to make both of these work, thanks.
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