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Everything posted by emuedict

  1. i watch only gennuine stuff like wwe once in a while and i used to like steve irwins show on animal planetand i like history so i watch the history channel once in a whileand i dont miss any f1 race and yes there are a lot of adds in between and especcially abt pads for girls (u know what i mean) during prime time btw i like my computer more than my tv
  2. lol looks like an honeymoon end for the new england coach
  3. lloks like no one is exicted over this
  4. vlc media player can play allformats includindg .dat(winamp cant play) and .mov and uses the least memory possible and eats a lot less ram than otheres
  5. rammsteins- liks 1234 very cool song tho i dont understand german i like his music
  6. well wrestling is more than 50 percent fake all matches are fixed and only some moves are real and rest of them are fake ((wikipedia says this)) go search for a article abt wrestling,wwe,tna in wikipedia and u will know that wwe has been rated as medium real wrestling so that wont bother kurt angle much i think
  7. well read this news in anewspaer about 2 days ago,posted it in ngemu.com and thought its worth posting here also btw i dont know how to aatach files instead i copied the text of the document and posted it like that only(this is the reason for the awfull alignment) Anand Parthasarathy SAN FRANCISCO: It was a fact of life explained to Alice by the Red Queen in Lewis Carroll’s Through the Looking Glass: “It takes all the running you can do,to keep in the same place. If you want to get somewhere else, you must run at least twice as fast as that!” Now the world’s biggest computer chip maker has to prove it all over again. Only months after it launched the Core 2 Duo processor family for the desk top personal computer in India and elsewhere, it is having to say: “Two processors on a chip? That’s so yesterday. It is time to talk four-in-one PC chips.” At the semi-annual Intel Developer Forum held here earlier in the week, President and Chief Executive Paul Otellini, announced the release in November this year of the world’s first-ever chip with four processor cores on board. The Core 2 Extreme quad processor is targeted at gamers and game developers — an interesting priority that shows how computation-intensive today’s 2-D and 3-D video games have become. Later in the year, Intel will go the four-in-one way for its Xeon line of chips for servers, the corporate end of computing and by early 2007, the Core2 Quad chip will fuel the consumer home-office PC, Mr. Otellini said, adding that they will offer a dramatic 70 per cent improvement in performance over their dual core equivalents. Also next year, the company will migrate from today’s 65 nanometre technology to 45 nanometres for its chip manufacturing, Intel used the San Francisco forum to unveil the prototype of a large chapattisized silicon wafer containing 80 units of the world’s first teraflop chip, a processor capable of crunching data at one teraflop — that is, one trillion operations a second. This single-chip supercomputer is however still a few years away from commercial realisation, but when it comes it will straight away make the TOP500 listing of the world’s most powerful computers — which today are assembled from 100s of separate chips working in parallel. source:"the hindu" newspaper cool news is'nt it ps:ignore gramatical errors
  8. he told in an interview that he is gonna quit wrestling coz of his neck injuries but i cant beleive he has signed for tna but anyways may he have a good future there
  9. well i am 16 year old and going to turn 17 on november da third
  10. none of them both of them are hard on pocket in india beleive me i am going to buy ps2 next month and i will but ps3 when ps4 comes out so that i get full games at a low price till then emulators work
  11. well thanx for da link for ngemu i am at second level i am mostly found at open discussions forum folder
  12. yeah croc hunter steve irvin he was very good in handling crocs yeah stingray killed him but i am too good to be killed by a stingray
  13. well i beleive it ornot during my first computer repair job which was at one of my class's girl she was reallycute while taking to her i didnt notice that i spilled coke all over her motherboard too bad i had to buy a new motherboard for her incident 2: i touched a super hot cpu while taking to my friends got second degreee burns on my palm it was painfull
  14. wat is all this attack and hp ?? i have been to ngemu but never saw anything like this and y i am dead
  15. well iwould like to ridet on a stingray
  16. well people frm ngemu here??? they would be my friends
  17. well free wii that offer is a scam they ask for our credit card number and then u know what happens dont u
  18. wat we dont have protection for da sites/servers well one fine way to bash hackers is to record their ips, hack their computers,send viruses and trojans in them((couple of people know hacking i beleive))break their data and kick their butt
  19. hello friends i am emuedict i am from india . i am 16 years old and i have a gr8 knowledge abt computers i know 98%of the hardware part and a gud deal of software part also. currently iam in 11 grade and i study math,physics and chemistry i hope of one day becoming an engineer. when i will have free time frm my studies ((after two years)) i will be going to learn computer languages like c and all and then one day i plan to write emulators and patches. iam a member of ngemu and frm there i followed da link to become a member of 1emulation as far as ngemu i had a nice experience there hope so here also ps ignore spell mistakes
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