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Kyo Kusanagi

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  1. does it work on neoragex? if so, can i know where can i download it. thanks.
  2. I use kawaks 1.46. it includes the loader for svcplus, the only problem i encounter is the svc-m1.rom. there's a link of kawaks 1.46 in this thread. i think it's in between page 30-45. sorry i can't remember the exact page. yup, i also use svcplus.
  3. i think i know the problem.. unzip the rom file with winzip or winrar.. then check the svc_m1.rom because it should be svc-m1.rom ok. just rename it.
  4. you're absolutely right. that's why i keep on looking for a fix version of SVC. my current rom has a problem on the dialogue screen (it hangs) neoragex emulates it better than kawaks and mame. i just haven't tried it in nebula. i hope they fix it already, it seems to me that the only error is in the opening dialogue.
  5. i guess your right. seems like we still have to wait for the fixed neoragex. anyway, it'll be worth it.
  6. the exe needs a key password to be used . and the download was slow yes . hey James, do you know the password for the neorage exe? I don't know what to do. help please..
  7. Yeah, same here. I am much more comfortable with NeoRage, but I can't find any SVC rom for NeoRage... But i remember someone posted that he has a version of neoragex that runs SVC. i hope he's finish uploading the file. well, i'll be waiting.
  8. need help, I'm playing SVC with kawaks emulator but i still want to play it with neorage.. i know neorage is a crap emu but i'm more comfortable with the performance of neoragex is there a way to fix the current rom for neoragex or am I have to wait for a new version of the rom? I recall someone here has a neoragex version that plays SVC, where did he got? is there someone who knows the link? Thanks in advance!
  9. got the same problem. downloaded the rom 3 times but it's always corrupted. why? need help! is there a rom for neorage? when will it be released?
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