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devil666heart's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)



  1. whats the code for chizuru and kusunagi...
  2. whats the code for chizuru and kusunagi...
  3. hey... why is this game so damn slow... i can hardly use dm moves...
  4. the keys can be changed by pressing tab... *ash rocks...*
  5. why dont you guys use link removed instead of bit torrent...
  6. im having problem too... i dont know how to change keys for joypad...
  7. hey... i completed the download and it realy works... yaayyyyy after so long, patience is over...
  8. hey but i got rom aswell...
  9. hey forget it now... here is the rom link... link removed say thx atleast
  10. yeah plz... i need some help... i have only 5 roms... and not sure 3 of them are real or not... they are "C" roms...
  11. there are so many kof rom files in emule... and most of them fakes (well ill say all of them)... i have downloaded 8 roms and all of them were fake...
  12. well... one dude gave it to me... and i cant get into http://flash.to/theapocalypse/ plz help me
  13. wow... you guys are fast... well i seem to have these roms... 271-c1.bin (8,388,608 bytes) 271-c2.bin (8,388,608 bytes) 271-c3.bin (8,388,608 bytes) 2k3_m1.rom (131,072 bytes) 2k3_s1.rom (131,072 bytes) hey and i cant get into apoclaypse site...
  14. His forum has one member I guess he means he restricts HIMSELF to speak only about KOF2003 By the way, I never noticed any kind of "constant censoring" here. thats why he is advertising his forum...
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