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  1. alright i got the whole thing working with that kung fu guy. i tried to add a new character and i read the readme.txt file but i get confused on the part that says "Then open up data/select.def with a text editor and add the following line to the [Characters] group: kfm". any suggestions.
  2. alright thanks man. ill definitely try it out.
  3. im not reading but im watching and its pretty interesting enough for me to watch more. who is the bad guy.
  4. wow naruto.
  5. hi im new to this whole mugen thing. ive been watching some videos on youtube and i thought it was pretty cool so i downloaded mugen but i couldnt play it. i think its because i dont have the file formats for playing it. could someone pleasssssssse give me a link to get these file formats so i could play it.
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