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  1. This is my Signature that I use for Here Does anyone know how to animate it somehow, or know of any programmes that I can download for free to make it move ? I kinda wanted the words to slide in or fade in and out, something like that, any help would be kewl as I'am pretty naff with stuff like that.
  2. Dont worry, took ages to do this YaY
  3. I play a lot of Wulfram atm, I doubt that many here have heard of it, has a player base of about 3,000 but only about 30 or so play at anyone time on the servers, would love to see some of you there, you'd all love it, has a good community as well, and the Squad/Clan wars are great.
  4. Wulfram is a free multiplayer game I came across on google. You have to learn to control the hovertank and destroy enemy bases. Players are part of a team, and can help that team win in lots of ways. You can help build new bases, help place elements that allow spaceships to move around, help your frontline tanks by going in with a medic unit and repairing their damage on the battlefield, help the team by rushing enemy bases all alone, or be part of a large group of frontline tanks that battle it out over the territory at hand. Wulfram has a friendly community with good behavior and has trainers to help new players every step of the way... not found in many other games. You just need the patience to master the steep learning curve. One aspect of the game I really enjoy is being able to build up a clan/squad of friends and having a private server to war against other clans. Check it out: www.wulfram.com
  5. My favourite site atm... check it out: I reckon most people here would have fun with it Graphics need working on, but for a free game its ok Wulfram I fixed the link - Robert
  6. Thanks for that I'll try that site,
  7. I only have on board Graphics on my PC atm. I have recently started playing an on line game called Wulfram I think I need to upgrade to a stand alone graphics Card. Any ideas from those in the know ? Wulfram
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