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Everything posted by Mystikos

  1. any other psx emulators on xbox besides pcsxbox???
  2. Pantel, hey there I was experiencing the same glitches with every rom tried on FBA too. I solved it by trying a different version, im not having any issues with the latest one 1.29
  3. sure does! well they fixed the pal mode anyway. So it runs at 60fps. But I find the ntsc mode runs almost twice the speed which makes Street Fighter more like "hyper fighting" im sure Elsemi will be doing another update to this great emulator. The save-state function works pretty good also, the axis wheel doesnt work yet (I dont think) and it would of been good if more CPS3 games were available, coz they sure look great on the TV screen. CPX cabinet anyone?
  4. cheers for the warning looks like some good features
  5. looks like I wont be playing in a hurry, runs mega slow for me.. game looks really good in bilinear mode! just need more ram i guess, anyone got any performance tips? SPEED UP TIP: switching to NTSC mode fixed the performance.. running 60fps on xbox 64mb ram. very playable
  6. that was nicely hidden, its not too hard to find but if anyone wants another clue (ctrla): view html source (on the cpx3 manual page @ SPK) and text search the "common format you would find files compressed inside" CPX3_v1.zip
  7. cool!! its the final countdown and thanks to freelog for the excellent translation
  8. any translators?
  9. damn CHD's
  10. very cool !! the release must be getting close
  11. CPX3 update: Icons for interface finished Able to return to interface from in-game Currently settings are adjusted through EMULATOR.INI file Optimizations made to virtual memory usage, now runs smoother than ever Option to main aspect ratio Source: Speksnk
  12. keeping you guys updated: screens from spk forum posted recently:
  13. awesm work elsemi - we look forward to the public release!
  14. very nice skin glitch! hiscores for FBAxxx - would be niiice! maybe see you guys on MARP someday DHJONG// Could you please add "sb2003" driver to the next FBA update? is that one possible or is that for Mame? Its Super Bobble 2003.
  15. thanks for the info I guess we just wait and see
  16. Yo Djohng! Please please add the CPS3 drivers to FBAXXXPro.. be awesome if you could.. as you know the roms are avail at the usual places and a few CPS3 games are supported in the latest mame build JoJo's Venture, Street Fighter III (2nd Impact), (3rd Strike), Red Earth Would the XBOX have enough power to handle the juice?
  17. hell yeah! that skin looks hadouken! good job glitch! look fwd to the next PRO rel
  18. that day will come!
  19. Do you mean you can add drivers for games not currently supported? (ie: games from .111 etc)
  20. is capcom collection 2 avail on the xbox?
  21. I ran it on the default BMameox settings, changed "VM" to yes and it loads without the "mem alloc error" and gameplay runs arcade perfect even with turbo.
  22. Merry Xmas Bendermike, thanks for bringing HSF2A to the xbox community!! Look fwd to your future mameox releases
  23. will there be a mamedox or mameox128 update in the near future?
  24. I guess there would be no boost in games like Daytona or Sega Rally 2 right?
  25. Ha good emulators always come out near Christmas time!
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