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  1. "Only reads real NeoGeo CD's" I'm having a problems getting real cds to boot on it. Some at least.
  2. I used this imulator and was really excited that i could sit my neoCDZ aside. Then one day I popped in Samurai Showdown 2 in and it would not work. Why is it not all of the original games work but others due. I am not talking copies here but real legit discs I have.
  3. Sorry about asking for it, I found it 30 minutes after posting and I see why. I do want to ask if any of the versions of mame on the xbox have all the shoftware and hardware/filter options that most all the other emulators have. I have a HD tv and these alow me to get the game to look flawless, but if it doesn't it can look pretty pad. Plus games like ninja warriors it would be nice to adjust this along with the screen size ect since i have a WS tv. I do have a question though about getting this to work. I took the iso and extracted the files from it and placed them on the xbox via FTPing it. I but those save folders where it said to. When i tried to start up the emulator it game me this message "The Media/Resource.xpr file is missing or damaged....... ect" I tried extracting just that file of the iso again and replacing it on the xbox but i still get the same message. Any advice on to whats happening and how to get this running?
  4. Hi, I'm new on here and also pretty new to xbox emulation. I currently have a version of mamedox on my xbox but it's old and I want to try platinum out after reading about it. I've looked around and can't find it. I don't know if it's proper on here to ask where or not, but any help on that would be great.
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