It's a messege they're sending. Don't enter someone else's war. In retrospect, the U.S. has done more bad things next to Stalin and his secert police, the KGB. America is not teh suck. I respect the people that said that this whole war in the first place was wrong. But I won't respect when people say this war is for a cause. WHAT CAUSE IS THAT? The man (Saddam) had nothing to do with 9/11. He wasn't in a pack with terrorists. Saddam wanted Iraq to be another super power nation like North Korea, China, France (they have nukes too)> He wanted to make his country advance in the technological weaponary field, other then being nukes like the other countries, it was biochemical. Why should he go attack Iraq, when theres another dictator who is worse then Saddam. Guess what, Castro has a nuke pile too and IS IN FIRING RANGE OF THE UNITED STATES! We don't want another Cuban Missle Crisis do we? We're fighting terrorism in "gereneral" not just 9/11, and saddam has been known for paying people to become suicide bombers agaisnt the iranians. He's a bad bad man, he gased his own people, he tried to kill my i mean president bushes dad. I dont know dude, either joing the cause or be part of the solution. Stop being a spectator.