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Everything posted by Cominus

  1. Correction. Almost every style in Soul Calibur is a real weapon art. Ninjitsu, Taijisu, Crab, Half/Full Moon, Double Sword, Iai etc. SC is very unrealistic compared to VF. SC is more fantasy than anything. But yes SC does have some real martial arts weapon based moves in it. WTF? Realistic? That stupid wrestler guy tosses you more around than gold burg. Hell he can probably go up agaisnt the hulk. The game feels like tony hawk, too much damn air time. It feel like DBZ except without the kio-ken and fire balls. The game is is nowhere fantasy, except the actual characters, but who doesnt was to see whats her name in a thong? If you want realistic play Fight Night 2004, or was it 2003, or maybe even the UFC or pride. Save me the flame, stop your bitching and get off the rag...the regualr rag not that guy in the fourms.
  2. What does that mean? WT Flock was that thing in SC then? Doesnt that train you for something? Is fighting with a staff and fighting with a sword the same style? At least in SC2 you weren't air juggled, well not forever anyways(ring outs).
  3. That was retarded, dont even remind me, the damn flame war even carried on to some other fourm.
  4. Err..don't you mean:- FPS - PC Anything Else - PS2 Emulation - Xbox Well not really becuase this thread is about "ps2 vs. xbox" not "pc vs. ps2. vs. xbox" I would say FPS on PC but not all console games come out on PC like medal of honor, well certain versions and not everybody can afford a $2000 compuer so that's like saying whcih should i buy a "corvett, a Porsch(sp?), or an F-16 Jet Fighter?" You see what im saying here?
  5. I thought there were supposed to be 3 volumes. Why would they make "vol.1" and "vol.2" it's 2 flocking parts, why call it a volume.
  6. There's already a kill bill thread you moron ( gryph) stop spaming.
  7. It's like this FPS Xbox hands down, anything else ps2, case closed.
  8. Here's Mine, there's a couple missing in the DC section.
  9. Whoa, when was a nuke in Ocean's Eleven? I think you might be talking about Broken Arrow. There were no nukes in broken arrow. They here Nate(sp?) bombs, or hydrogen bombs.
  10. Maybe i should put a disclaimer on here for people who havent seen small soldiers or ocean's eleven. WATCH THE DAMN MOVIES!!! Or mamybe play comand and conquer tiberian sun. They have an emp thing. Other things have emp blasts too, not just nukes. If they had set off a giant picnh they they could have taken out the machines slowly and recovered more humans and just moved along but mo, they had to fight the damn robots like it was some computer game which it kinda was but thats what you get when you spend all your time at home with millions of dollars in your bank account.
  11. Of course radiation had no effect....THEY'RE MACHINES! The only living thing that can servive radiation is a damn cockroach, those filthy bastards, and if they didnt try a nuke then how could they have not used an emp? When a nuke goes off it sets off an EMP. Did you guys not watch Oceans Eleven or Small Soldiers?
  12. They must since they're multi regional. They play domestic and imports, and mp3 cds and other stuff, it says so on the web site.
  13. Well i learned something today. "Humans did not decend from apes. Humans and apes have a common ancestor."<---That was so gangster
  14. What the hell are you talking about? Sorry but your post makes no sense to me. You're dumb arent you, or maybe you havent seen the movies "small soldiers or oceans eleven" Well let me save you the time and trouble*cough* *speaks with a brittish accent* When a atomic bomb goes off it emits an EMP(Electro magnetic pulse) which turns off anything electrical within it's blast radius. Now a bimp(forgot name) causes that same EMP except with the big destruction and caos *cough* Yeah it's kinda like that, sierra mist...uh. i mean the EMP thing.
  15. I was watching the animatrix on toonami when is occurd to me that they were fighting robots(duh) but then i got to even more wondering. Couldnt they have juct launched some sort of emp device to stop the machines? Couldnt they have just started throwing a bunch of atomic bombs or something, if they didnt have any im sure Iraq could have spared some. Maybe i missed something cuz i've only seen part one the first matrix.
  16. I didnt really like part 1. It has nice "things" and stuff but the story doesnt tie well together. It looks like a comedy but it's serious. It's like a fancy model airplane that looks nice on the cover but when you open up the box it's all in pieces.
  17. Fine i'll comment, i dont like the name saraph, becuase it sounds like shariff.(reach for the sky) The BG looks ok but the girl looks like she recovering from heroine. Get a nicer girl and i'll think about.
  18. What about it? It's probably the xbox version.
  19. Spamming? What is this? All I know is that Project Justice kicks all 3D fighter's A$$!!! () Anon. LOL! You flocking spammer, WE KNOW! It kicks azz!
  20. It looks like they were just sprites and backgrounds ripped and pasted together cuz 2 of the back grounds were from SA3, the Adon stage and blanka.
  21. Damn fatal do you ever stop spamming about this game? The game is too unlrealistic becuase you can do air juggles, end of story. Air juggles = unrealistic, unrealistic = flock it lets go with something fun since it's unrealistic like a 2d fighter or unreal tournament.
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