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  1. what is VMS browser? what does it do?
  2. ok...i got the follwing things for sega dreamcast games. 1.emulator:Chankast alpha 0.25, Demu 2.bios:dc+flash 3.iso:downloading what is plugin for dc? do i need to dl them too? and am i missing something in the list?
  3. so i should check out those emulators first. well it will take a long time because i use dial up. huh... why did they had to make those games this way... i mean marvel vs capcom 1 is really very good isnt it? Also my "Dream Fighting Colliseum Of KQOSF" will take a long time to fulfill....no luck with MUGEN characters...Holy Hell well guys thanks for ur help
  4. as far as i'm concerned using the iso will mess up the sound sometimes. suppose someone has an amusement arcade machine. he wants to run a neo geo kof(94-030 and a ps kof(XI) in the same machine. Is it possible? what different tools will he need? 2 different cartridges? Then what is the price ratio of Neogeo:Playstaion:Dreamcast cartridge. What is PSX? Is it playstation 1 or something like that also what is "RPG of sorts for playstation"? I didnt understand.
  5. can anyone tell me what are the things needed to play the following games in computer: 1.Capcom vs Snk 2.Capcom vs Snk 2 3.Marvel vs Capcom 2 4.Capcom Fighting Evolution/Jam (i dont know the difference) 5.Neo Geo Battle Colliseum 6.KOF Eleventh 7.KOF Maximum Impact 8.KOF Maximum Impact 2 9.KOF Kyo Please enlist the things. I know that these games are neither easily emulated games nor NeoGeo Games but is there a way to play them in computer? and also.... Can nebody tell me the Subtitle of "KOF:Another Day" in english. p.s.:Robert, this time i'm not asking for links but for information about those games.
  6. May be u have found it but in case u didnt the address for kof 2002 player 1 character 1 is 10a805 so the first line of the macro should be [Player1] Character=10a805,00,01,02,03,04,05,06,07,...............like this to the end if u havent found it then tell and i will fill the others if it is not personal what does "bd" mean? dont bother, it is personal. dont answer it is rulebreaking
  7. May be u have found it but in case u didnt the address for kof 2002 player 1 character 1 is 10a805 so the first line of the macro should be [Player1] Character=10a805,00,01,02,03,04,05,06,07,...............like this to the end if u havent found it then tell and i will fill the others if it is not personal what does "bd" mean?
  8. i cannot dl the p1 rom from that site. it is down. can ne1 upload it again. using this romdata makes the game run but the grafics is scrwed again. dont ask why i'm playing this game so late.
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