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Everything posted by JaissonShinobi

  1. I will beat him with my favorite team : megaman and warmachine or wolverine and ryu . farewell. JAISSON
  2. I compile my own, That way I can add extra games HELLO I am also preparing a compilation with cool MAME games, mainly CAPCOM and SNK plus some good rare games . I like to play games from street figther 2 up to now. Farewall. Jaisson
  3. Thank you GOOD BYE JAISSON
  4. I know about those codes, but I have never been able to do that. That is why I wanted to know if there were some cheats for MAME. I always have the doubt if time is accumulated when you play on Mame.. I mean,, these "codes" need the machine to be working for some weeks I guess.. and I surely wouldn't like to wait that... unless I save state.. but cheats are meant to make some way your life better isn't it? Farewell. JAisson
  5. I am sorry I only felt curiosity about MasterPhW comment. farewell. JAISSON
  6. Hey, I hate windows vista too. Even thought my computer is fast, this system makes my games work slow or just my favourite emulators doesn't work... grrr.... lots of problems with epsx and emurayden! damn! What about you???? GOOD BYE. JAISSON
  7. Hello I want to know if there is a cheat to unlock hidden characters. I would like to play with Feilong. I remember that I used Final Burn to load saved states. BYE. JAISSON
  8. I am going to get the latest version to play street fighter 3 series at home and defeat to my brother . JAISSON.
  9. So??? Jaisson
  10. HELLO I use MAME 32 0.110 version, and I always play X-men vs street fighter. GOOD BYE. JAISSON
  11. i WOULD like to know what are we supposed to vote for... I mean... May I chose someone or just mention a cathegory that may be applied as an award? bye JAISSON
  12. Hey,,,, have you ever read any of rubiocroft's posts? Just wondered to know if your expression meant something lol! .... Thanks everyone! JAISSON
  13. Hello! My name is Jaisson and I like playing Computer and playstation games. My favourite emulator is MaME and I always play Xmen vs Street Fighter or Marvel vs Capcom against my brother "rubiocroft". I often beat him easily ha ha ha! ... My favourite play station one games are wining eleven "copa mercosur", choosing Boca Juniors from Argentina ; I also like Tenchu 1 and 2.... Rikamaru is a cool character. Admin Note: I think we can do without huge fonts and indents in casual posts.
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