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Everything posted by Renzor

  1. does anyone here on te forums play dibalo 2 EXP online in US east it woud be cool to play with people on the forumzz
  2. do i need to get a ram upgrade if i wanna use a N64 emulator on xbox
  3. i thought you got best results burning at lowest speed when i make dreamcast homebrews it burns at 4x using bootdream but my regular burner for ps1 games is 12x
  4. i have the dig lucas game 509 MB its the talkie but i only have the intro cutscene and thats it, i looked in the scummvm website and they dont have them i think they have the broken sword ones but i coudent find the dig cut scenes does anyone know whre i can get thet dig cut scenes . i just beat it 2 days ago and at the end where he clicks on the globe he just comes back and im pretty shure its a cut scene but its a great game i recomended for anyone that like sthe lucas games i posted in Free For All > Computer Speak because i coudent find a better section
  5. ok thanks ill probably try and find a game genie at a good will store i heard they have snes games there and good ones too
  6. the other day i saw some one runnin seiken denetsu 3 on a ntsc snes and the cartrige was jap and it said that you can do something to your snes to make it run games like that has anyone ever confirmed this? i have tales of phantasia in jap cartrige for collection purpuses and i woud like to try it out
  7. Street Light manifesto - the big sleep
  8. im pretty shure its my ram because i have runs games that require 2.20ghz i have 3.20ghz, 512 MB of ram and my video card is compatible with that game and it still laggs .
  9. divineo is a store that sells mod chips flash cards and lot of stuff for systems and emulation i think its based in UK the site is http://www.divineo.com/cgi-bin/div-us/index.html its the usa site
  10. i have a modded playstation and when i use my ORIGINAL game back ups on my psx i use alcohol 120% i have a dvd burner too, alcohol has an iso burning app and you can selec what kind of cd you are triying to burn playstation plastation 2 but i use normal cd scince i had trouble with star ocean 2 usind psx burning but with normal cd it runs perfectly
  11. F.E.A.R is awsome specialy online i have the full version and i started playing online when i beat it its a very good game but maple story eh i dont think ill like it that mutch .
  12. well my friend has a hacked xbox and he has a snes emulator and he wants to know how to put more roms on it first i thought that you just burn it on a cd with some exploits and its read off it but then i thought that you have to connect your xbox to your pc to acces the storage, well what i want to know is how you can put the games in the xbox HDD
  13. divineo is selling 2.71 white psp for like 200 dollars i think but i still have my black one and for gaming reason i rather have this one, im playing and scince its white it will be kind of hard to concentrate on the game scince its shiny but it looks great.
  14. ok cool thanks MKII woud be pretty cool right now
  15. does killera allow SNES gamplay aswell
  16. Renzor

    Flash Card

    yea my friend lend me a flash cart for GBA it has 256mbits and i put it in my ds and i selected GBa game and it loded it up flawlessly
  17. it looks like an empty shell but great job it looks real good.
  18. anyways happy new year take care.
  19. can you show me a good mother board help me find one
  20. my processor is a intel pentium 4 so i have to get a new motherboard and a new processor? thanks for helping me out guys. like take out the cpu cooling fan take off the little lever and remove the thermal grease of the processor and its as good as new? but it has to be compatible with my new mobo
  21. no i mean that once you place a processor on a mother board you cant remove it o use it on another mobo
  22. can i use my processor on a different mobo i thought once you lock it you can take it out anymore.
  23. coud it be my motherboard what i think is that its bad ram probably slow or old ram i really dont think it coud be my motherboard
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