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  1. I would like to know to copy PC games. I have Disckjuggler, CDRwin, ALcohol 120% and neo 5.9 Help me please with that, because i want as soon as possible begin playing DOOM 3. I think you already have fun playing it. Thnx.
  2. -Head Hunter (is one the best, you will thank me for this one) -Shenmue 2 -REZ (is very very Original concept) -Resident evil (is really s hit, you will feel the terror when gaming, is terh somethign more than that to say about) -Dino crisis -Soldier of fortune (u will enjoy it for sure)
  3. I had the same problem And the raeson was, the image was corrupt. I advise u to get other one and do not waste another CD. zouzou_rocket,
  4. Load the cue. Be sure that the underrun protection is checked. Choode DAO or SAO, why? Bcz these are the default configuration of the best burner ever of the DC games,i mean Discjuggler (and also CdrWin, also a Padus production) Succes, zouzou_rocket.
  5. What are these right Hubs. I would like to try DC++, till the moment i have used mainly mIRC. I got DC++ just after reading the posts and i would like to have the right hubs where to get DC games. Thnx
  6. Ok for all the people intrested in DC-X. I think i have found where u can get it for 14.90 dollars. Go to the link: www.lik-sang.com Hope that will make me popular, zouzou_rocket
  7. I want to make vcd form an avi (compressed). I have nero5 can someone plz help me with how can i do that with nero. steps of how to choose the correct confifurations and ya where have i to put the avi files. nero displays different segments, where have i tp put my avi files Thnx.
  8. Indeed they have very old stuff. I still have a question, yesterday while downloading i began with a stream of 100kb/s (i got 64% of the file with this speed) then i droped down to very low values until the moment, How come and is that because of the error messages? thanks,
  9. About that torrent. I've downloaded a game today ([DC] Millennium Soldier Expendible), that was the first time, but the game is not working (it was a CDI format). Are you sure that the torrent sources are reliable and good. Also while downloading i got error messages that it was not able to connect to an URL and such stuff, the download procedure goes on wwhen i cancel the message, Does these messages have effect. I should say that there was no problem in unpacking as well as burning the image.
  10. Get Ip inserters at megagames.com for the dc
  11. For the cdi cd image you need Discjuggler to burn it (it's very useful software). To make the games selfbootable you need IP inserters, go find it in the site megagames.com. Also you can just get the bootcd there and you it by the non-selfbootable games because after all there not that match.
  12. i've tried to play.avi movies on my dreamcast. i've used gypplayer, but the problem that i got the error message "not mpeg1 encoded. the.avi i'm trying to run needs a codec is that the source of the problem and how can i resolve it? Thanks
  13. I've extracted all teh forms already. what you need to do, first get winrar it's a very good software. Then, put all parts in one directory to avoid asking you every time to brrowse to a given part, then extract the first part and all the pakkage (volumes) will extraxct to one file. To get all what tyou need for other split files forms (.partxx,.rrxx or.xxx) i recommend the help file of winrar and search for the word "Volume" or "split files"
  14. another problem maybe it will be very important alia for the first question. When i open the nrg image (clicking on it) i get a dialog box and the bar the bottum of nero6 indicates a file less than 1 MB while the file has more than 700MB.
  15. I have a very bad and annoying problem and really it's a releaf to meet here poeple who knows a lot about the subject. Well, i have nero6 and everytime ehen i try to burn a nrg image (tried on different game images) iget the error message "unable to write on the right position using this recorder", the recorder i'm using is good and does support all what in need and more, besides, i don't have any problem with burning CDI images using the same recorder. Can anyone help me with that? Thanks.
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