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Akuma X

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Everything posted by Akuma X

  1. I'm having the same problem as you nosterbamma. Did the exact same things as you as well. I don't know the solution yet though. I have all the games running via alternate methods but ROTD just refuses to work. I always get the Warning this game is meant to be used with NeoGeo in console mode and a black screen in arcade mode. Even when using the provided p and m files.
  2. Chitugi, holla at me on AIM when you get a chance.
  3. Xboxcavalier, are you here?
  4. Chitugi, what's up man?
  5. If someone can tell me how to post to the Xbox newsgroup I will post SVCC up there for everyone to download.
  6. Yo hammer, you here?
  7. Ok, thanks to Chitugi's help I got SVC up and running. Now I'm trying to get ROTD going. I get the game to load up but it just goes to a black screen when it's set to arcade mode and a warning screen when set to console mode. Anybody got any ideas on how to fix this?
  8. No I don't, is it easy to get? If so I'll get it.
  9. I have the regular ROTD rom but it won't take much to get ready for Kawa-X.
  10. I'll AIM it to you if you AIM me the hacked XBE file.
  11. When I open my default.xbe file in Winhex I don't have these lines: Lines of the original default.xbe : 0x0013A678 : 0000000000005000000000000A0000006C9F0D00 0x0013A68C : 0000000000001000FFFC8EFF02000000609F0D00 0x0013A6A0 : 0000100000004000DDD4DFEF0200000000000000 0x0013A9E8 : 000000000000000000005000000000000A000000 0x0013A9FC : 6C9F0D000000000000001000FFFC8EFF02000000 0x0013AA08 : 609F0D000000100000004000DDD4DFEF02000000 Lines of the modified default.xbe : 0x0013A678 : 0000000000008000000000000A0000006C9F0D00 0x0013A68C : 0000000000004000FFFC8EFF02000000609F0D00 0x0013A6A0 : 0000400000004000DDD4DFEF0200000000000000 0x0013A9E8 : 000000000000000000008000000000000A000000 0x0013A9FC : 6C9F0D000000000000004000FFFC8EFF02000000 0x0013AA08 : 609F0D000000400000004000DDD4DFEF02000000 Can someone give my some instructions on how to find these lines?
  12. Great Dave Chapelle quote.
  13. Sagatt, can you email me the hacked xbe file?
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