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Sybarite Paladin AxL

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Everything posted by Sybarite Paladin AxL

  1. Same here. The new characters aren't ingenious at all so far. There had to be much fresher characters to get my attention. Even the bosses (Vegas special move, ouch) or Akuma can't bring some joy while thinking of idiots like him: If it stays like that, SNK got a new follower (> KoF XII , that's what im talkin about concerning characters and FX ) . Well, SNK has always had their characters filled with far more originality, spirit and personality. They're all awesome. But most people would rather play the latest SF2 build just because their Sonic Boom input-spamming became a bit faster. Idiots, all of 'em. The only really awesome SF games are the Alpha games and the Marvel vs games. Characters are far more vibrant and fun to play with, and the fighting vibe is good enough.
  2. Hatchbacks, lol... Seriously, those look horrible... Get yourself a real car, son.
  3. Capcom needs to get laid. And they could use some "how-to-be-mind-numbingly-cool" tips from Dee Jay. Oh, and you'll probably die in a matter of seconds once Wiz gets here and sees you dissing T-Hawk. And yeah, last I checked Abel is not an American bushin-style ninja master. edit: since you fixed it. That's wrong too. Cody is an escaped criminal, ex-street fighter. He's not as bulky as Abel, and neither is he a wrestler.
  4. Oh, and I you think I don't judge the consoles themselves? I do. I think the PSP is far superior to the NDS for example. But what I don't do is go around looking to try and sell their product to other people out of sheer mind-numbing, baseless enthusiasm like most other fanboys. I am not bragging about how many consoles I own just for the hell of it. I simply cannot be assed to go biatch at the companies to try and change their business model. If I really want a couple of games on a console, I will buy that console, regardless of what it is. I simply could care less what console it was on. Sooner or later, if I really want it, I'll have it. Sure, if a game is multi-platform, I'll buy it for the console that plays it better and has more content/support for it. You say you argue for the sake of discussion, not out of fanboyness. But at the same time, does that hold true to everyone else? I will still be laughing at those people, enjoying everything I want. @Inky: I have 2 Phat PSPs and 1 Slim one. All CFW'd. So we're even.
  5. It's not central- servers are neither owned nor run by Sony. It's not unified- every game has its own isolated online space and there are no unified friends lists. PSN is basically a shop page run by Sony, and a GUI for the games to sort out their own online business. Nice try. You win this one, but not the war.
  6. why? Because then I'd be the one who has the best of all worlds, and all your constant bickering would just amuse me over-so-much. To me, they all look like great consoles, with strong selling points. Wii's fun for everyone, 360 has the advantage with multi-platforming and greater performance now, and the PS3 will soon stop lagging behind and will get better and better. And if there's ever any game I want to play, I'll be able to play it without having to get upset for not having it's system. I did the same thing with my handhelds. Proud owner of a Crisis Core PSP Slim and an NDS Lite. Course, you'll all tell me "we don't have that kinda moneys". You think I do? The only reason I have both handhelds is because I saved cash for them. Regardless of the amount you can save, if you save up, you'll eventually get there. And the only reason I have a 360 is because I got one for free from my phone contract. There are ways to get everything you want. But then you'll tell me "but the games are expensive". So freakin pirate if you can't buy them . CFW on my PSP and a flash cart on my NDS and I have all that I'll ever need. Bow to me bitches!
  7. None of the above because I'll buy all of 'em anyway. I'd just like to correct you here, BK. You said: "-No central unified online service". It's called the PSN. Google it
  8. But they have already exhausted the entire SF2 roster. Fei Long is confirmed and Cammy is almost a given... I think the more prominent characters from the Alpha and III series are fair game for the console ports. You didn't mention T-Hawk or Dee Jay. At least Dee Jay has to be in for the console ports. He's awesome. To me, I wouldn't mind having every SF character ever in it. Would make me consider this game a must-buy tbh. Course, I wouldn't mind if they didn't add the more idiotic characters from SFIII. It has never been one of my favs.
  9. All I need now is a Wii and a PS3, and then I can kick back and laugh at all of you.
  10. All you people think girls are so hard to understand. They're not. They're quite simple-minded if you just take your time and analyze the opposite sex. The amount of psychological manipulation they can be submitted to is crazy. You guys get all worked up when they're playing mind games on ya, makes me chuckle. It's all so much fun when you control the reins, always.
  11. Thanks, gorgeous. I only found crappy SD ones on youtube.
  12. I've already laid out a plan for my next university which I will be signing up for in the near future. We drive on the right side of the road with a the steering wheel on the left. We're normal people I wouldn't exactly know how to answer the traffic laws question seeing as I don't know yours, and much less mine All I could probably say is, same as everywhere else, I suppose. Picture of her: Yup, life is grand. Alls I need now is a spliff.
  13. OMG! OMG! OMG! THat video was too darn sexy!!!!! El fuerte and bison's super looks tooo DARN SEXY!!!! I NOW truly want this game! GIef.... I may put u down.... HEY! I think that's the same announcer from mvc2! The announcer is hella annoying! However, this trailer actually made me look forward to this game!
  14. They've actually cut down on hacked receivers about 8 years ago when a bill was passed to block sales of grey market recivers and dishes. But in the last 5 years, RCMP doesn't bother to catch and find both users and dealers of grey market items like those. Illegal, but not as much that everyone does, because apparently there are still alot of customers who buy into Bell's offerings while 5-6% of the market use FTA boxes and hacked recievers. Bell does have a way to fight back though, they've been trying to up their encryption methods in the last 2 years. Their still on the old NAGRA 2 system, which is still easily hackable. You guys still watch TV? How... archaic.
  15. Well life is going great for me. I just dropped out of university and I'm back home where I belong. I've met my old friends again and I'm going steady with an awesome girl who I just love having sex with. She's very smart and ambitions and is a great motivational factor for me. I just enjoy her company so much. Did I mention how smoking hot she is? I think this relationship is gonna go places. Also, my brother has grown up this year while I've been away. He's becoming a fine young dude that I'm proud of. My parents are giving me a hard time though, but it's all good. I'm also the proud owner of one these babies: http://www.nicholsonrestoration.com/71%20M...des%20280SE.jpg Now if I could just get my driver's license Almost 20 and haven't got one yet. (bear in mind, we're not crazy like you americans and people get their license at 18 here) I'm slowly losing weight, although painfully slow. My music collection totals over 300 gigs but it's never enough. My iPod just can't fit all of it. I wish they'd get a new generation out already, 160 gigs is just not enough... I've put my troubles behind me and I've grown a bit. I'm smiling more nowadays. I'm following my path of the Paladin steadily. Oh, and I love you all.
  16. Could someone post links to the HD versions?
  17. Filled with wisdom as always. Here's a man worth admiring. Rock on.
  18. Or you could just buy a PSP and use emulators to play those consoles... *yawn*
  19. Go die. It's win either way. Sorry but if I die, the world loses its reason to exist. Whereas if Chibi-style dies, a great many tards die along with it. So yeah, lose-lose for first option, win-win for second.
  20. Trailer sucked ass... in all respects...
  21. And it didn't kill the PSX, PS2 and X360? In fact, piracy DID kill the N64 because you can't PIRATE it. That's the only console killed by piracy. Difference here is, Dreamcast was the only system of the bunch that didnt need any sort of Modding to play Pirated games. THey figured GD-ROMS were enough protection. SO everyone was burning games left and right. Barely any profit for Sega or the developers. People say that, but piracy was not what killed the Dreamcast. Hell, people weren't even sure which machines could boot backups until long after the system was dead. I was under the impression that only DC machines made prior to 2000 could boot backups, amirite?
  22. That wasn't the topic, that's still talking about the PSP. I'll go on topic here a moment. Final Fantasy IV was bad even as Final Fantasy goes, and the third or fourth remake isn't going to be any better than the other ones. Wrong, Final Fantasy 4 is a gem of an underrated game. The GBA version especially, makes it shine. It's just too bad that they chose to do a FF3DS-style remake, which I really don't like. Chibi-style can go die, and 3D gfx = PSP. But I like the fact that they added more of the original scraped storyline and some more background for the characters. I don't get why they added "Cecil's Journey" to it, considering the Jap version doesn't have that useless subtitle... And the american voices blow as usual. I hope we can select the jap ones in the eu version. Oh, I own both handhelds, and play each of them regularly, and I can honestly say that I prefer the PSP in terms of almost everything. Especially when it comes to battery life, my DS Lite tires out faster than my phat PSP, let alone my Slim one... They even made a freakin DS emulator on the PSP
  23. Distributed Denial of Service -- Basically sending thousands of requests to a website to flood it to the point of collapsing - Some do it out of anger, jealousy, or just plain fun. Was it just my internet, or was the site temporarily unavailable today? Don't ask me at what time because I couldn't possibly remember it in regards to my location, let alone where you guys are. Also I can't really say how long it lasted since I didn't bother to check the forum up until about now. I think it was around 6-7 hours ago anyway.
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