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Sybarite Paladin AxL

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Everything posted by Sybarite Paladin AxL

  1. What I meant by more virtual memory was directed at the internet browser. When I try to load heavy-duty sites like www.worldofwarcraft.com I always get the not enough memory error. they should add support for these kinda sites and flash applications for the internet really
  2. I think we all aggree that "Made by Sony" is the worst thing about it. But I'm not sure about you guys, I prefere the long extended gameplay RPGs with good stories that keep me glued to it.
  3. which emulator doesn't actively hack into or modify the rom sets?
  4. Man, I need more info on this stuff. How exactly are neo geo roms composed? Why are there different versions for different emulators? Why can't they be dumped like CPS1/2 games? Where would I find the truest dump, for MAME or w/e, that would work on any MAME version and Kawaks at the same time, since I know Kawaks adopted MAME sets since vesion 1.50... recently I discovered that my nge psp emulator has this converter that creates an archived cache file of about 30 megs (for garou and kof2k2 anyway) which is needed if I wanna run the game... wtf?! jesus christ that's like adding 20% more dead weight memory so it can run a game PC emulators have no trouble running... wtf is this...
  5. Makes me really feel sorry for those old poor farts at the White House. They must have really lost a couple of screws up there. Seriously, the world is coming to an end and all we do is complain... Not that I care, I live in Romania so I'll just quote the K'man and go "sucks to be you"...
  6. For me, it goes like this: 1. Really small battery life 2. Needs more buttons 3. Needs more virtual memory 4. Needs a louder and better sound speaker 5. Needs to be developed by a company who doesn't have their head up their asses.
  7. Until they get branded as enemy combatants anyway...
  8. /thanks God he doesn't live Craperica.... no seriously, you americans are flocked now get off your fat asses and protest or something. or move to Canada. as for me, I'm happy I live in a backwater country where I can infrige copyright any day of the week and my president doesn't plan on becoming a despot any time soon
  9. Would help alot more if those emulators had english readmes ... thanks btw and no CPS1 does not need a bios file
  10. How the flock does UK law still apply to Hong Kong any way?
  11. Well if you look at the big picture, some EA games are good. Not the ones they made themselves, not the sports spam crap we get every year, not need for speed. I mean those games that were produced by small companies before being eaten by EA. I can't name any off the bat but it's not like I'm totally wrong. Personally I'd start a pirating group that only pirates EA games. Why? So I can eat their profitzzzz and contribute to screwing them overzzzz...
  12. I've been interested in this game for a bit of time now. Gonna get it and let's hope for the best.
  13. This is absolutely flocked up... I was gonna order a goddamn Dreamcast from Lik-sang this year... this can't be happening... flock you Sony...
  14. So they're actually closing down for good? Just because of law suits? Can people do that?
  15. Please post your exact emulator settings for each emulator you use (1.50 version) and compatibility. Recently I've installed some emulators which are supposed to be awesome but I've been constantly tweaking and slowdowns are still happening. What I wanna know is how can I get emulators to run games at 60 fps constantly with the best video/audio settings:) I have slowdowns even with CPS1 emulators. any emulator counts. so if you guys are into it, please post a shout?
  16. For some time now I've noticed how most neo geo roms found out there seem to be imperfect in some way. Like how some roms run with an emulator and give errors with others. (kawaks and MAME for instance)... It's become retardely annoying... I can't make a neo geo rom collection because I'm always doubting my roms will work or not in the future. This has never been the case with CPS1/2 games for instance. It's so flocked up and tiresome... Recently I downloaded a kof that works fine with kawaks and doesn't run on my PSP emulator... god... wtf... Anyone have any idea if there's "perfect"ish roms out there that will work with any emulators, like CPS1/2 roms work? And if so how do I identify them? How do I create a perfectish rom that will work with any and all emulators (like both neoragex and kawaks and mame and nebula and ngepsp). No, I'm not asking for rom links... just clarifications.
  17. I'm having some really annoying issues with the neo geo emulator and I'd really like if you could help me with it. Every time I try to boot a game I get 'ERROR: File not found. "CPU1 (prom)" WTF is this I never get it with kawaks or mame... I'm so confused with neo geo right now. Another issue I have is with the corrupted icons for each emulator.
  18. yeah but what I really want is emulators that work with devhook running in 2.71 but I'm not sure about the compatibility tho. the reason is because I'm too lazy to switch back and forth. and also the neogeo emu is great and all, just one problem. won't run my rom I downloaded. and kawaks runs it just fine. and also for my neo geo emulator and my snes emulator I get another option called "corrupted" date (for each emulator) in the memory card programs screen. and they don't run or anything. hope you're on more. I'll get my PC back tomorrow and maybe catch you later on. I'd also dragonkeeper and L.S.D.'s MSNs or AIMs so if you guys read this send me a PM or get my IDs from my profile I'm still a PSP noob.
  19. Great, but I just have one problem. No instructions in english whatsoever for the Neo Geo emulator. God I wish someone had taken the time... can anyone help me with that? edit: great, NES emu is the same...
  20. Thanks to you guys, Dragonkeeper and especially Mooney for guiding me on MSN, I'm the official owner of a 1.50 PSP . /dance many, many thanks
  21. Which way would you guys recommend? I'd like the one with the best compatibility but also I hope it's the safest method. I'm really paranoid about security and failures and errors and I don't wanna wake up one day and find that my PSP has become a brick. I also wouldn't wanna run emulated games and backups at 10 fps tho... also I'd like the most noob friendly way hehe. Sorry for all the stupid, possibly re-asked questions, I've made but I'm really at a stand still and thanks for bareing with me edit: is there a way I can upgrade without getting a game , like some online service?
  22. Well, it's more or less fixed. He replaced my seagate (was a seagate not a maxtor ) with a samsung, same specs. All my data was saved apparently. I most certainly hope it's not a RAM error. Because if it is, my new HDD is gonna suffer the same crap and I can't stand to pay for another HDD and RAM... This time, no waranty saved me from paying the bill, although I did manage to sent it over on my dad's PC bills, so I'm not actually paying anything. Now the thing is I did hear some nasty noises coming from my PC the last time I tried to boot it and it really sounded like the hdd was breathing way too hard for its own good, so I stopped there with my messing and took it to the doctors. Now, the thing is, I only did get the "memory buffer overflow" error once. All the other times my PC wouldn't boot was because it was simply giving those kinda "failure to boot, press ctrl+alt+del" errors. And the first time it did happen I got an error saying I was missing a file from my system32 folder. Then I left it alone for a bit, then it suddenly magically fixed itself . So then I booted, entered Windows, then after 20 seconds of functioning it froze completely. Had to reset, the windows freezing repeated itself for about 7 times, then again PC was working fine. Resumed my WoW playing and after 3 days I get another freeze and then, for the first time, I get a memory buffer overflow error, then some more "failure to boot, press ctrl+alt+del", then sounds started coming out of my case so I left it alone for good and took it to the techies. Now, here's a question. I wanna change my RAM from 512 to 2 gigies. What's the best combination of RAM chips you guys would recommend me to buy? edit: note on ghosty's comment, I've been using DT for 2 years now, but not with the same HDD. This HDD was a fairly recent aquizition, like 3 months ago or so.
  23. Perhaps I should mention that my PSP was also bought in a GIGA pack thingie (same as value pack but with a 1gb mem stick) I've also checked it and there's no code whatsoever showing where it's supposed to be. I assume it's not TA-082. I'll check again today. I can manage to get Tekken DR from a class mate of my brothers and upgrade it to 2.71. But if I downgrade to 1.50 will I lose my web browser and every other function only available to 2.50? Also is there another way of playing backups and emulators without downgrading? Permit me to guess, if I use that eLoader thingie I can emulate 1.50 firmware without actually downgrading? Also, I have this game that needs 2.60 FW. If I downgrade to 1.50 will I be able to run it?
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