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Sybarite Paladin AxL

1Emu Veteran
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Everything posted by Sybarite Paladin AxL

  1. So I currently live in my mom's office building which has an asinine internet and networking setup utilizing 4 huge allied telesyn switches and two cisco routers, one for internet and one for telephony. I've recently acquired a waffles.fm account and I need to be connectible in order to increase my ratio and not waste it, since it's relatively hard to get an account there. The problem is the previous people left a mess of the whole configuratory shizzle, leaving me with no documentation whatsoever to handle accessing the router, much less opening up ports or whatnot. Therefore I am requesting aid. Reseting the router does fuk all as the configuration remains the same, the default values for username and password are not working, presumably because the morons changed it for no apparent reason, especially considering the people that work here can barely manage to power on their workstations, much less access the bloody thing. It is by no means a standard router, therefore leaving me in the dust as I have no experience accessing said advanced devices, only standard routers specifically made to be user friendly. This is the only helpful thing I could find and I do not understand a word of it, as it exceeds my knowledge severely. Any help would be appreciated. My networking experience is relatively lacking as I can only manage to setup a network and basic printer/file-sharing using a standard router, not a networking monolith. http://www.cisco.com/en/US/docs/routers/ac....html#wp1038328 Please advise, and do keep in mind I'm a relatively mediocre user. The router in question is a Cisco 851.
  2. I live in a large house my parents built for us in a small summer resort/village. At that time we were suffering from some financial hardships and we were planning on selling it. While me and my father were talking about it one night, my mom came home and wanting to park her car in the garage, attempted to open the gates via remote control. The gates opened only slightly, stood open for around 5 seconds, then closed back. Then, they opened and closed again and again and again without stopping. Repeated button presses would do nothing. My father came out with his remote control, nothing. It's as if the house didn't want her in. Finally we opened the door manually using a special key, but only after we disabled it's electrical system. As my mom drove in, the gates closed themselves with no input from us, and, most weirdly, with no energy being fed to them. We tried opening them via remote again, but they wouldn't budge. Prior to this, we didn't have any problems at all with the garage gates. Weirdly enough, it was mom's idea to sell the house to begin with. The next day, we called the dude who installed it, he checked it thoroughly and told us it was working as intended and there were no faults in the system. We got the message and haven't attempted to sell the house since.
  3. Imho, I'd call this O'Donnel fellow if I could get ahold of him so he wouldn't be paying so many penalties.
  4. Don't dis the Vega, lesser humans. So yeah, last night was the most boring night before Easter I had. All I was doing while Jesus respawned was smoking like crazy all alone in my room trying to get Age of Empires to work over Hamachi. What a boring night... edit: clarification: you guys are doing it wrong. Easter is today.
  5. So, I guess it's time to get the pirate task force going and bust them out.
  6. Gryph loves everything. War on terrorism = a joke in it's most violent form. Y'all are fu(ked once the world runs out of oil.
  7. My laptop's video card got screwed so I'm stuck using another one that can barely run Red Alert 2 or a GBA emulator. Also I decided that my relationship with my mom will now revolve solely around me leeching cash from her for as long as I'm in uni. Once I get my own cash, I'll end any and all relations with her.
  8. What's the status on this? Where can I grabs it and is anyone still updating it?
  9. Cleaning up 14 computers inside and trying to make me one from the best parts.
  10. http://www.bubblebox.com/play/action/1337.htm
  11. Pssst, it's just as bad. No additive chemicals, but the tar levels are astronomical compared to tobacco, and despite what every pothead say's as a feel-good excuse, YES it does kill brain cells and make people "stupid". Does that mean you shouldn't do it? Not saying that, just realize that no little excuse made up, or pretending proving facts don't exist doesn't make it any better. Well, I wouldn't really argue against that. I for one feel my stupidity levels increase every time I smoke. I also act like a retarded raving monkey under the influence. But at least. in my opinion, it's a lot more fun than just smoking. Combined with the fact that most people I know who smoke both, smoke a lot more cigs than weed, the difference alone in quantity is enough of an excuse for me to recommend it over cigs. You'll never really smoke 20 joints like you'd smoke twenty cigs or even 10 for that matter. I found that over a 4 year period I've been smoking weed, the frequency or quantity didn't increase by much at all, I still get pretty stoned after having just one joint and even though I can smoke more if I want to in a sequence, the increase in effect is marginal and not really worth wasting more weed for at least 2 hours. Also, I feel completely fine without smoking weed for any given period of time, whereas if I don't smoke cigs each day, I get really tense, fidgety and stressed out, and am much more likely to act like an asshole if I don't get my cig fix.
  12. Luxor: Amun Rising. Yeah, I know...
  13. Don't start smoking, there's no real reason you should, they're nigh tasteless cancer sticks. I smoke, I'm trying to quit, can't. If you really want to, smoke weed, that at least gives you a bang for your buck and isn't nearly as dangerous. Trust me, you don't want to be wheezing and coughing when you wake up mornings, and it will totally kill any and all athletic endeavors you might undertake. Stay away from cigs. A friend of mine used to smoke hella lot and guess what he got (he's a year younger than me): http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pneumothorax . Granted he wasn't nearly as stout as I am and this crap happens more or less if you're predisposed to it, however I doubt you'd want tubes sticking out through your ribs outside your torso. And the worst part is, this crap can relapse at any given moment even if you do stop smoking altogether.
  14. The roster is lackluster however it's good to see most of the old schoolers in. Day One download for me.
  15. I pay approx 4$ (in romanian monies) for a pack of Dunhill Blacks here in Backwater Land.
  16. Don't you want to be cool like the rest of us?
  17. cut your balls off and become a monk. Indeed . Seriously, no. That wasn't what I was trying to say. Look, if you wanna talk more, find me on MSN or AIM, I'm sure I can help.
  18. I just happened on this thread by chance. I have a stable relationship and we have sex twice a day usually on weekdays due to uni. I'm really addicted to having sex and the more I have, the more I want. When I'm away from my girl I find I masturbate much more often then when I'm not in a relationship. I'm 20 now, 21 this November. When I was younger (15-16) whenever I jerked it and blew my load, I always felt that I didn't want to have anything to do with it for at least 6-7 hours. Not because of misplaced feelings of guilt or other culturally imprinted falsehoods, but because at that time, I considered it too much effort. I also found that growing up increased my frequency of masturbation little by little. My carnal desires increase dramatically when I have a girl as well. When I'm single I usually smoke more weed so I can soothe the beast within. You are missing out by not having sex really, a lot. For me at least it's dangerously addictive. My girls usually complain and want me to relax but I just keep wanting more and more. I don't really back down because I've found out that if you do them long and often enough, they start wanting it more too. Just my 2c. As Chaotica said, don't change your habit, change your mindset. And try to find a girl and get sexin'. But always be a gentleman
  19. I smoke, been smoking since 14, am 20 now, a pack and a half a day now, I enjoy it, I know most people don't, I don't care, it wasn't peer pressure, I know it's fuqking me up, I'll live.
  20. Stormrage EU. But I'll be stopping WoW for good. The recent plagued and black proto-drake change was the final nail in the coffin for me.
  21. Playing WoW, new girlfriend, playing wow, new uni, playing wow, playing wow, playing wow.... you get the idea...
  22. Why? Because a good number of people with a borderline mentally challenged IQ level, take a turd of a game so seriously it's like real life for them? I tried a trial of this game, not only was the gameplay ass, so were the N64 palette colors and piss-poor models. There are better FREE MMO's than this unpolished turd. I'm tired of it myself. Lately they've been making some crappy updates and ideas and now I really feel like I want to quit. I want my old gaming life back. KoFing until the break of dawn with Magnis and the crew, those were the days.
  23. 1. Gryph gets banned 2. Members go crazy 3. ???? 4. Profit! Sucky I missed it but still, damn WoW got me again.
  24. I guess the people who made the article GC posted forgot to include how Jackie also admitted that if it wasn't for CFWs, PSP sales would have long reached rock bottom. But hey, pirates are evil and fund terrorism, amirite?
  25. Personally I'm looking for a way to completely remove the check as if it was never part of the system to begin with and also check just fine with M$.
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