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Sybarite Paladin AxL

1Emu Veteran
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Everything posted by Sybarite Paladin AxL

  1. yes it does look like that...
  2. indeed...... fakeness disgusts me
  3. again, np....... were buds right...... no need to apologize...
  4. wrestling is over, I think the indrustry of wrestling is falling
  5. it's an expression....... i mean it didn't sound sarcastic in my head
  6. I really don't like wrestling anymore....... when I was a kid sooon after Cartoon Network ended wrestling started and i use to wrestle with my bro..... who btw is 5 years younger than me........ so he always got hurt.......
  7. my time almost up so no need thx anyway.........
  8. it didn't sound sarcastic 2 me............
  9. the US/European versions suck cuz there's no story mody also Gaoh Yumeji and Sankuro r not playable........... Sankuro is a crap of a character to me cuz he keeps calling "strikers" or such
  10. i need a radio here cuz i'm bored and my mp3 collection sucks.......
  11. more, more, more info........... also in the summer I might b going on a world-wide tour of the world so give yer addresses so i can visit u and give u a gift............
  12. yeah i do but they're in spanish........ http://groups.msn.com/kofg http://groups.msn.com/kofalmaximo http://groups.msn.com/sitiochidodekof http://groups.msn.com/riotkof
  13. as long as u feel good the rest of the world don't matter so flock nazies and commies and conservationsts..
  14. watch out for grizzlies......
  15. nope i just skippe skool completely today and decided to rasie my post count.........
  16. well not that it's too expensive 4 me....... (owns giant house+swiming pool, 2 hotels, a tennis court) it's 2 expensive 4 my dad........... he says the connection doesn't justify the price............ in other words my school results don't match the dsl connection's price...
  17. most wrestling matches suck cuz theyre fake...........
  18. actually touche is said after the fight...
  19. hehehe........... u guys r nxt!
  20. a guy with no attack variety is a lamer.............. reversals r especially 4 countering crapass flockers like them mastering reversals proves that u r a l33t w@rr!0r......
  21. I envy u guys that have dsl connections........ i wish i could have one but here in romania it's 2 expensive.........
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