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Everything posted by BobRedthorp

  1. as I said above, no commercial emulators are available yet
  2. And you can sill buy brand new sealed games, VMU's and controllers on Ebay, even the original grey VMU's boxed and sealed, all for good prices. There is a guy on Ebay UK who I've bought from loads of times and he has a massive Ebay shop.
  3. I would suggest re-formatting your HD and use Fdisk to setup the partitions.
  4. There is no emulator whic runs commercial games as of yet, however there is one called Icarus which is still in development and looks to be the one which will succeed over the others, there are only screenshots available and they look good. No release date has been confirmed but the developer of the succesfull 3DO emulator FreeDO has joined forces with the developer of Icarus in which will become the development a very good emulator indeed, hopefully As for DC ISO's they are easy to come by, but your best bet would be to buy a Dreamcast as they are cheap and can selfboot Backups without a mod chip
  5. True, but I was just talking within in mame, i'm not sure but I think the ones you pointed out are playable in Zinc???
  6. thats the point i was tring to get accross with my previous post, to play games like Tekken, Tekken 2, Tekken 3, Tekken Tag, Soul Edge, Ridge Racer etc etc you will need a super computer to run it at full speed and I dont think one will be around for the neer future unless someone developes proper 3D card support within mame EDIT: Oh, and theres no sound support
  7. Bin2Boot is very limited in the games it can make self-bootable, so I had a go at using the Echelon method, it turns out that the game can't be made self-bootable as it makes the image to big to fit on a standard CD-R.
  8. Bin2Boot will not allways work, its best to use the Echelon method for selfboot, I tried to use Bin2Boot for the original release of Fur Fighters but it didnt work.
  9. I doubt i'll ever have a collection to match some of those guys,
  10. I've had this rom for ages now, but wats the point its sooooooooooooooooooo slow
  11. well, you can if you have the game in bin, you will just waste a CD if you just burn a cue, lol
  12. Ive got tons of dc games including some Jap and US imports, I'll gather them together and take a snap using my trusty web cam, lol it may look like more cos the PAL cases are so big, lol
  13. I came accross this website http://www.theblastshack.com/ It's a place where various people put up pictures of their games rooms, and console collection and stuff, once their click on rooms an prepare to be blown away, If you have any pics of your collection why not post them here!
  14. Hey guys, I meant to post these pics before but didnt have a scanner, well here they are, I just thought they may interest some of you, They are of official Bleem! products which I guess where never released, The pics are taken from issue 9 of the Official UK Dreamcast Magazine: This one is an adapter which you would plug a Playstation controller into and the the Playstation memory card into: This one was the Playstation based controller which could be plugged into the Dreamcast: Sorry about the bad quality images but I took them using my webcam as I still dont have a scanner
  15. I have the tosec sets of games, utilities, demo discs etc if there is something you want I can sort it out for you
  16. I just use a bit of tape over the small sensor that thinks the disc lid is open.
  17. That is exactly what happed to my first gen playstation, it no longer works as the small clips are gone, plus the motor which spins the disc jumps as it spins, making the disc touch the actual playstation, it reads audio discs but not PSX discs, any suggestions? This happend about 5 years ago so I havnt used this playstation since then, I still have it as I dont know if it can be fixed but I got a later model but i dont like it as much cos it doesnt have the audio out ports on the back, plus to play backups you have to use the cheat disc method. I wish I could get my old one to work
  18. Well for me VGA is good even though i've only tried it on a few games but the VGA only makes 3d games look good. For some reason everytime i play a 2d game it looks pixeld(sp?) but 3d games look really good. It's up to you, but about the arcade stick, im not too sure whats good, im still looking my self. I bought the official one "agtech" and it kinda sux cux the stick base is square and not a circle for "360" motin which makes it kind of difficult for 2d fighters, i feel like getting rid of it, not the keybord is good, especially if you have or really like FPS cuz it makes it a whole lot easier. Well thats about it, tell me if you ever get a good arcade stick and tell me what it's like. Here's the Joystick Thats strange, I use the official Arcade Stick and it's got circular motion, perhaps there are different releases, as I have also heard that one batch of official Arcade sticks could flock up your Dreamcast and the saves on your VMU. In my opnion go for the Official one if you can get hold of one, and as for the Dreamcast sounds, I have noticed that 1st genaration Dreamcast's tend to have a louder disc access noise, compared to newer models, I have two 1st Gen, and 2 newer releases which I used to test this.
  19. Psygnosis and DMA for lemmings, lucas film/arts for Indiana Jones and the monkey island series, core for the Hiemdal series along with bubba n' stix and chuck rock, Bitmap brothers for Xenon II and Chaos Engine, ARGH! where do I stop.....
  20. Shareaza, nothing more, nothing less, its never failed me once
  21. Or you could go to www.gamefaqs.com and get the instructions and anything else for any platform old and new
  22. Great guide as my 1st Gen PSX no longer works and the old swap method wont work for the later versions
  23. Yeah, but its the banner from a UK website
  24. Here in the UK we have DreamKey 3.0, which let you use your own ISP, I still sometimes use it when I use my DC to go online.
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